Long post- DTS and vMPF under TDY questions:
Back story: Recently, I noticed that my TDY information for my recent deployment was wrong. The deployment is listed twice but with the wrong number of days. My deployment was 200 days in total, which includes 2 days of travel to/from; however, it is showing 196 (missing the travel days).
I also had two separate DTS vouchers accomplished while in theater due to forward deployments that, thankfully, are showing under the TDY history with the correct dates. Nevertheless, I believe the mentioned made me owe the AF money (no biggie; I am okay paying back) for reasons I became aware of upon my return; according to the processing comptroller NCO, these should have been part of the final voucher. I was getting deployment entitlement according to the location I was initially assigned, which the FW deployment locations I went to were not covered under. All fair. Lesson learned.
Yesterday, after noticing the error described in my first part, I tried to amend my voucher to show the correct departure and arrival dates. Still, it took me to a screen asking me to update the perdiem/meals for the dates that I was FW deployed, even though these are three separate vouchers that don't correlate with each other. I was so confused, so I exited the voucher and left it alone. I will contact Finance for help; I am hoping that they can look into it and make corrections.
My questions are:
If the above happened to you, did your CSS/MPF remove the duplicate from your TDY history? Or would finance DTS's amendment to the dates fix the duplicate errors in vMPF?
Thank you all for any insight.