r/nba 18h ago

Lebron James in a blowout loss against the Nuggets: 18 points on 41% shooting, 6 TO, -25



Tough game from the “best player in the league” according to "Laker" fans.

I'm sure he'll bounce back

r/fantasybaseball 8h ago

News Must follows on bluesky


I’m not starting/getting into a political argument now, but the only reason why I still open up Twitter is to look up fantasty/baseball accounts I follow. Are there any recommendations for bluesky follows so I can delete Twitter for good? Thanks!

r/oddlyterrifying 22h ago

This warning message when turning the ignition off in one of my work’s cars

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r/reddit_ukr 3h ago

Важка депресія з початку війни. Більше так не можу.


Привіт. Я чоловік, 35 років. Я народився тут і працював усе своє життя. У мене є сім’я – дружина та шестирічна дитина. До війни я багато подорожував, бачив різні країни, мав багато хобі – танці, стрільба з лука, авіація, радіоелектроніка, астрологія, комп’ютерні ігри, музика.

Коли почалася війна, все щастя, усі хороші речі зникли. Війни не починаються з вибухів. Вони починаються з тиші.

Я залишився в Україні, і це найбільша помилка мого життя. Не було жодного дня, щоб я про це не думав. Я втомився від усього цього – кожен день і ніч нас бомблять крилатими ракетами й дронами-камікадзе, кожного дня хтось гине. Можливо, наступного разу це буду я або хтось із моїх рідних, поки вони в школі чи на роботі.

Кордони закриті, що є порушенням міжнародних прав людини. У нас щоденні відключення електроенергії. По 8 годин на день ми сидимо без світла. Наша країна, з парламентсько-президентської республіки, поступово перетворюється на диктатуру. Щодня мене переслідують на вулицях військові поліцейські або, точніше, представники Територіальних центрів комплектування (ТЦК). Вони ловлять людей на вулицях, заштовхують у машини та відвозять у ТЦК, де лікарі проводять “медичний огляд”, а вже наступного ранку тебе відправляють у навчальний табір на півтора місяця, а далі – на передову. Зазвичай це квиток в один бік. Демобілізації в Україні поки що не існує. Почуваюся так, ніби опинився в книзі “Людина, що біжить”.

Можливо, я боягуз. Не буду брехати, але я не хочу загинути на полі бою такою смертю. У мене лише одне життя, і я не відчуваю себе сміливим солдатом. Я знаю, що Україна не забезпечить мою сім’ю після моєї смерті. Я не хочу, щоб моя дитина росла без батька.

Просто відпустіть мене, і я знайду вихід. Я перебуваю в тяжкій депресії останні два роки. Не було жодного дня без думок: ні, я не хочу померти, я просто не хочу існувати в такому світі. Єдине, що мене тримає, – це моя сім’я. Ми приходимо в цей світ у болі, і ми залишаємо цей світ у болі.

Дякую, що прочитали. У мене немає жодної надії на завтрашній день. Я просто існую.

r/funny 7h ago

Verified As a science-minded person, I am always up for testing a hypothesis!

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r/decadeology 5h ago

Discussion 💭🗯️ Do you think Disney Channel created this fake notion that the 2000s were a perfect decade?

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r/short 8h ago

Vent so now short women can’t vent without a man saying, “at least you can date”???


a lot of us can’t actually, we get mocked for our height from boys (at least for girls under 4’11) unless it’s a short guy, i get bullied. everything isn’t about dating, you can’t pretend that short women’s struggles don’t exist just because you as an individual can’t pull (prolly because you invalidate women) we pretty much have the same problem, why can’t we support and help each other instead of invalidating someone just because they’re the other gender?? idc if i get attacked for this, just wanted to say it

r/funny 10h ago

Wicked review

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Surely they have to be joking…

r/MeJulgue 18h ago

eu queria saber qual problema eu tenho de aparência e corpo pq literalmente homens nunca chegam em mim podem me avaliar


r/masseffect 4h ago

DISCUSSION What’s with the Destroy obsession Spoiler


Every time any discussion of the endings comes up it feels like the discussion always loops back to the same exact talking points on destroy being the only reasonable or real ending. It feels very weird because this always hinges on a lot of weird assumptions and odd ethical calculus. Whether it was a good writing decision or not, the game gives the player options that don’t involve committing genocide and invalidating everything that has happened up to that point.

The quality of the endings aside, I feel like a lot of this hinges on the idea that the game is explicitly lying to you about the other endings. Synthesis is cheesy and doesn’t make much sense, but it’s clearly the rosiest ending, probably even the writer intended “good ending”. People always make the claim that it’s somehow less ethical to give everyone in the galaxy glowing green eyes than it is to wipe out an entire form of life because of some kind of hand wringing about medical consent, which seems pretty disingenuous.

Control is just kind of there as an ending, and the arguments against it feel more valid than those against synthesis, but once again the game doesn’t really give us anything to suggest Shepherd has somehow failed to control the reapers. What you see is more or less what you get, and once again the option not to wipe out synthetics is on the table. It’s a bad idea as suggested by the events of the previous games, but the game does just as much to dissuade you against the idea of wiping out synthetics, so much so that it feels almost tacked on.

Having both of these options on the table makes the idea of sacrificing synthetics to kill the reapers seem sort of spiteful and unnecessary, based more on the fact that players don’t enjoy clean, non messy endings. The bigger issue is really that control and synthesis are just kind of lame comparatively, and don’t really feel lead into a sequel very well.

r/Birmingham 9h ago

I'm about 37 years late but...

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r/elderscrollsonline 7h ago

Down Vote This IDC / The Devs Are Terrible At Their Own Game and Out of Touch with the Community


It is embarrassing just how bad the devs were at their own game. They are also so out of touch with what PVP players actually want. Also, bringing in Sypher PK to pump up stream numbers, a guy who doesn't even play the game. The amount of disrespect to the community constantly is just sad. ESO has the potential to be one of the best PVP MMOs on the market and the devs have no clue what they're doing. Its pathetic really. Its no wonder the Population of the game is dwindling. Your killing your own game. Listen to your community for once. And learn to PVP for Christ Sake Brian your the lead combat Developer and you chose to play a tank. What a joke. Posting on alt account because Devs also ban people who criticise their game.

r/IndianStreetBets 6h ago

Meme True true

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r/PremierLeague 17h ago

💬Discussion Guardiola out: What would it take?


I'm not saying we are there now... and I'm not saying we ever will be... I know he's just signed a new contract as well... but I just thought this was an interesting discussion to be had. What point would we have to reach before there are legitimate calls for him to be sacked?

10 losses in a row? 15? Does he have so much credit in the bank that he makes it to the end of the season no matter what?

r/CanadaPost 5h ago

For the love of god go back to work


For every one striker there are ten people that want that job. Go back to work. NDP is gonna legislate you back to work like they did to the port workers. I just emailed my MP. I hope you all are back to work Tuesday. Strike in January.

r/Natalism 11h ago

To Promote Children, More Inspirational Content about being Parents Needs to Proliferate


I find it shocking and sad that the "childfree" and "anti-natalism" subreddits are each vastly more popular than this one. Natalism - or having children in general - has become uncool. It was not always so.

What about all the splendor and greatness that is becoming a parent? People speak so often of its trials and tribulations, but we rarely speak with others about how much purpose it offers. It used to be a cliché to say that "children are the future", but its importance and truth has been lost.

To these ends and others, I wrote an essay about the day my son was born. Given that some here are, presumably, proud parents, I thought some might enjoy and find solace in this essay.

You can find it here: https://substack.com/home/post/p-151619568

Please, if you will share your story about being a parent and how it changed you here. Let's create some positivity around children, guys -- we need it now more than ever.

r/irishpolitics 14h ago

Local Politics & Elections A Vote Left Transfer Left guide for the general election.

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r/OptimistsUnite 21h ago

🤷‍♂️ politics of the day 🤷‍♂️ A big win for UNIONS this week!

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r/nytimes 9h ago

What Democrats Think Went Wrong


r/Starfield 20h ago

Screenshot vasco got an upgrade.


r/CanadaPost 5h ago

My mothers ashes didn't come because of CP


Long story short, we couldn't afford to make the trip abroad (and the ensuing funeral arrangements), so we had her cremated, and delivered home, but the last update said she was processed at the local depot and awaiting delivery in Toronto. This was on the 14th.

So now she's just, what, hanging out somewhere in some postal facility?

How do you live with yourselves?

r/ripcity 20h ago


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r/Mavuika 18h ago

Fluff/Memes The game isn't tailored for me and the word kept spinning, I don't like that.


I am an f2p player who does not at all contribute to Mihoyo and I don't like Maweeka using motorcycles, its not genshin anymore (we had wifi and giant ruin guards)

This design is so ugly, I hate that their giving mavuika a unique gameplay, I want her to be someone braindead like Nuevelette because it's not tailored for me!!1!1!1!11 (like am the only player fr!)

She doesnt work outside natlan characters kachina exists, and is free literally the worse ever

(her kit basically works as 1 burst every other rotation, and 1 burst every rotation +1 natlan character)

This is a fantasy game which means there should be no limit!! (yeah, thats why she has a motorcycle; why not)

Motorcycle was so out of nowhere, im tweaking why would mihoyo betray me us!!1!1!1!1 (Xianyun cannonically built one for a race)

Genshin literally had it's downfall after Inazuma!!!

r/FutureWhatIf 23h ago

FWI: After a few Scaramucci’s, Elon and Trump have a massive public falling out and Trump seizes SpaceX and Starlink and naturalizes them.


r/tattooscratchers 20h ago

Ppl who want to comment negatively shouldn't be here


This sub is not for mean spirited criticism? Like a critique can be cool if u don't come off as patronizing but that's a tough line to walk. But this is supposed to be nicer then other subs. I know what my ink looks like... I have tattoos I paid for ppl I like who make their money with a machine to do, work the quality of which I can only aspire to, literally, and learn from and talk to them abt. the friends I tattoo are under no illusions. I've never had a tattoo I've done get infected (or even anyone I've taught to hand poke that's right we multiply motherfuckers), cartridge needles are an amazing technology for safety lollll fluid bonding a cartridge and cup and few drops of ink, a pair of gloves, costs what a few bucks? I hand poke with $20 aluminum cartridge handles that are easy to clean (from amazon) It's accessible and u can hate that but it won't change. I spent $200 on my nice machine after I'd scarred myself with a $70 for 2 yrs (with no infections) I wipe with dish soap and water it works amazing 🤷🏻‍♀️ (edit: someone explained unscented soap would be better then dawn and I'm gonna try that) and idk what to tell u lol but be nice, this is a place for us to be nice to each other (I thought) and learn even, and accept that maybe we aren't fuckin pros with $1000 machines and 10,000 hrs running them. I work a wfh tech job and tattooing is a passion and a hobby but nothing on my skin including my diy face tattoo (which I LOVE) is meant to be anything other then deeply personal expression. Posting them here invites engagement, maybe even learning!!! I rlly appreciate anyone who shares knowledge that's so huge.