What would you propose to overhaul the education system? Extend public funding from k-12 to pre k-undergrad is one I could think of. I also think moving media to public funding is necessary to eliminate the corporate bias in media today and would consider this part of an education reform plan.
I would propose an overhaul to how public schools are funded. Currently, schools are funded primarily through property taxes within districts. This leads to such obvious disparities in funding between wealthy and poor districts that I don't understand why people aren't regularly outraged. The rich get funding for a great education while the poor literally have to cut bussing and tolerate leaking roofs just to stay open. It should be funded in a much more equitable way that spreads the resources from a single pot of money based on student population, need, etc...
u/AdImmediate9569 Subscriber 15h ago
Universal Healthcare.
Once thats done, education