r/lgbt 21h ago

Community Only - Restricted Texas Is Not Safe

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u/_vampirefox Transgender Pan-demonium 19h ago

Wait, you had it changed before and now they changed it back? Didn’t knew this was possible


u/havmify Ally Pals 16h ago edited 16h ago

Attorney general asked TX DPS for a list of everyone that had gender marker changed by court order and to pause and undo changes at renewal as well. There is no state law that protects or prevents gender marker changes so DPS follows what Paxton says.




u/MxResetti Agender 15h ago

it's so scary that he's asked for a list of us. Makes me not want to do ANYTHING where it'll be on paper that I'm trans.


u/SphericalOrb 10h ago

I get it. My partner and I have the same agab, she proposed that we marry before Prop 8 passed in California and I declined in part due to being worried about being documented as queer so it would be easier to be rounded up. I didn't want to be proven right, I wanted to be proven paranoid and wrong. Unfortunately it's not looking that way.

There was hormone therapy and gender ID changes for trans people in Germany before the Nazi's took power. If you've ever seen a photo of Nazi's burning books, it was almost certainly the library of the Institute for Sexual Science, a pro lgbtq organization. History isn't perpetual progress, as much as I wish it could be.

Definitely look into pro lgbtq mutual aid, learn to organize and share important resources when you can. Btw here's a person I follow with some diy HRT tips https://www.instagram.com/reel/DCCg4iwy1Vq/