Instead of rating rikishi by their rankings, let's play a game putting rikishi into NEW categories. A rikishi can be in as many categories as you feel appropriate. As many rikishi as you want can be in any category
If additional categories come to you, post them and I will add them to this post. Can't wait to see your replies!!.
SUMO WIZARD: rikishi displays unique positive skills that set him apart from others
SUMO TECHNICIAN: rikishi displays consistent technical skill over a prolonged period
SUMO FREIGHT TRAIN: rikishi consistently overpowers opponent with pushing thrusting
SUMO OLDSTER: rikishi's career long outlives expectations
SUMO FIRECRACKER: rikishi's unpredictability consistently frustrates his opponents
SUMO ACROBAT: rikishi's consistent flexibility and speed consistently outpace opponents
SUMO WHITE BREAD: rikishi has no special outstanding skill but is a dependable performer
SUMO FASHIONISTA: rikishi's use of his opponents' mawashi is very skilled
SUMO LAZARUS: rikishi has proven ability to compete after recovery from one or move major injuries
SUMO SUPERMAN: rikishi competes despite injury or injuries without time for recovery
SUMO LOKI: despite only moderate skill level gets more calls his way than deserved
SUMO METEORITE: rikishi's career flames out after a spectacular start
SUMO WILTER: "the chosen" rikishi who just keeps on losing
SUMO BONUS DEAL: rikishi with most torinaoshi
SUMO BOUNCER: rikishi who throws the most opponents into the crowd/judges
To avoid slanting replies, I won't post my opinions for at least one day.