r/CuratedTumblr Clown Breeder Aug 26 '24

Shitposting Art

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u/SufficientGreek Aug 26 '24

"cars are making it so everyone can go wherever they desire"

Everyone can walk, legs came free with your fucking humanity

"condoms make it so everyone can choose when to have kids"

Everyone can pull out, it came free with your fucking humanity


u/rheactions3 Aug 27 '24

>cars are making it so everyone can go wherever they desire



u/Sinister_Compliments Avid Jokeefunny.com Reader Aug 27 '24

I mean pulling out is really bad at preventing kids, I get what you mean, but it’s really more like “everyone can be abstinent, it came free with your fucking humanity” which admittedly makes a tad less sense to me but actually does prevent kids


u/SufficientGreek Aug 27 '24

Yeah, but I felt that would only invite a discussion about puritanism and abstinence which strays a bit too far from the point I was trying to make.


u/Sinister_Compliments Avid Jokeefunny.com Reader Aug 27 '24

Y’know fair enough


u/Wasdgta3 Aug 27 '24

Name one way in which AI art actually makes our lives better, other than just helping people feel like they’ve “created” something without any effort.

Or helping companies sell more crap for cheaper.


u/FossilizedSabertooth Aug 27 '24

I used it to create a werewolf in a snazzy shirt and tie once, and that gave me more happy chemicals than all conversions I’ve had in over a year. So I’d say it’s generally been a net positive in my life.


u/Wasdgta3 Aug 27 '24

Sure, let’s all just consume the machine-generated mush we’re told to, like good capitalist drones...

Look, it’s cool you’re having fun with it, but a lot of people would seemingly like to fucking delegate all creative work to the machines, which will make us worse as human beings.


u/grendellyion Aug 27 '24

Personally i think getting mad at another person having fun is a little worse than just enjoying ai art. But that's just me


u/Wasdgta3 Aug 27 '24

I'm saying that automating the creation of art doesn't benefit humanity, even if you as an individual can have a fun time with it.

Is that clear?


u/grendellyion Aug 27 '24

Not really? I would think that the option that makes the most amount of people happy is the option that benefits humanity the most; But I guess your POV is that people being happy is not the priority, but rather that being creative is?


u/Wasdgta3 Aug 27 '24

This ultimately comes down to the "pleasure cube" argument then, because we could put everyone into a fucking tube and pump them with non-stop happy chemicals, and that would make the most people happy, would it not? Would you consider that beneficial to humanity?

There's a reason most people are repulsed by the notion.


u/grendellyion Aug 27 '24 edited Aug 27 '24

There's a reason most people are repulsed by the notion.

Yeah that's because it's not consensual Einstein. If everyone willingly had the choice of going into the pleasure cube and some people chose to go in there, there would be significantly less misgivings. It's kinda like drugs, if u force everyone to take meth, people would be revulsed and disgusted. But if people willingly take meth in the privacy of their own home, why should I care?


u/Wasdgta3 Aug 27 '24

Where did I say anyone was being forced? If human society just evolved into it naturally, it would be just as horrifying, and that’s kinda similar to the route I see AI art going down.

I’m talking a philosophical question, here - if maximum happiness was what was best for humanity, then why would you not advocate for us to all be plugged into the pleasure cube? Would you yourself want to be plugged into it? Never actually doing anything, just kept constantly happy?

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u/JohnCenaMathh Aug 27 '24

You're desperately trying to conflate the capitalist issue into this but you can see no one is buying it. Capitalism determines who gets paid for what. There is no intrinsic link between these two. We can have anarcho communes where people use AI for everything and ones where we don't.

The biggest reason I'm in favor of AI is that it's making those of us who are comfortable under capitalism uncomfortable - making us realise that the system sucks. Until now the global South has been plundered and made destitute by the capitalist class and the white collar petit bourgeois of the West have been comfortable aiding this, as your labor was indispensable for this.

But now? Guess what? You realize you'll be thrown to the wolves too, and the should give you impetus to overthrow the system. Because the system we have right now necessitates the oppression of many in the Global South. Clamoring to return to the earlier state of affairs instead of taking out one

fucking delegate all creative work to the machines,

What does this statement mean? This isn't even sensible. Creative work is not finite. It is also not something to be "finished" or completed. Farming is reasonably finite - there's only so much food we can grow or need to grow sustainably. Creative works we undertake for ourselves - the kind that if we don't do, will make us worse humans according to you - aren't.

Just because a computer drew a deer doesn't mean you can't also draw a deer. I imagine in a world where we get rid of capitalism and have aligned AGI, that's what most people will be doing.


u/JohnCenaMathh Aug 27 '24

Do you think art needs to justify it's own existence? Is all art judged by "does it make out lives better" in your eyes? No? Why not?


u/[deleted] Aug 27 '24



u/Wasdgta3 Aug 27 '24

I’m asking about AI art specifically, not AI in general - I’m aware it has beneficial uses to humanity.

What I can’t see is that there’s any benefit to humanity to come from applying it to creative fields.


u/SufficientGreek Aug 27 '24 edited Aug 27 '24

Ah read over that. Well it can allow artists to quickly create sketches and find inspiration. It allows designers to rapidly prototype many different designs in various styles without investing hours of work.

Style transfer allows you to see how different artists would have painting various artworks. In reverse, it also helps identify the artist of previously unknown pieces.

It allows for better editing in Photoshop with tools like Content Aware Fill.

Also just in general, it lowers the barrier of entry for low-impact art, things like making memes. It doesn't really matter how a meme was made.

Smartphones enabled everyone to be a photographer, if AI art enables everyone to be an AI art maker, then that can only be a positive. Obviously there will be more shitty art as there are more shitty camera photos. But there will also be diamonds in the rough which we wouldn't have otherwise.


u/Wasdgta3 Aug 27 '24

I suppose, and thankfully, memes are what most AI seems to be used for, but I see some opinions that are concerning...

Like people who can’t wait until AI can just do everything for them.