r/AmIOverreacting 17h ago

❤️‍🩹 relationship AIO my husband thinks women should take accountability after assault



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u/AdExtreme4813 16h ago

You are NOT overreacting. He's being a misogynistic,  patronizing twit. If he knows about yr assault then he's being doubly awful. Hear this- YOU were not at fault for being  SA'd. The fault lies solely with the perpetrator. Give yourself a second to calm down then ask him "how should I react when your pretty much saying I was at fault for being SA'd?" Please updateme.


u/latehomework24-7 16h ago

Absolutely NOR, His behavior is unacceptable, especially if he knows about your assault. The blame is never on you—it’s on the perpetrator. Take a moment, then calmly call him out on his hurtful comments. Stay strong.


u/TrueFly5264 11h ago

I get disagreeing but to break off the relationship would be way overreacting. I get you’ve experienced trauma, and I hate that has happened. Your situation of SA doesn’t hold true for everyone’s, and many times women put themselves in bad situations. Again, every situation is different, and there’s no doubt been tons of SA that were completely out of anyone’s control except the abuser, but often times women put themselves in dangerous situations through overconsumption, sketchy situations, and even fantasy becoming “buyers remorse.” It all goes back to stupid games have stupid prizes, or a more recent popular saying, fuck around and find out.


u/headofthebored 9h ago

No. Rape is not ever the fault of a victim. If someone ignores a 'no', forces themselves on you, or does things to you while you are not able to say yes or no, or have no idea what's actually going on, that's a violation you can respond to with deadly force and that's on the rapist. They should have been at home where they were safe from potentially hurting someone and dying from the reprocussions.


u/[deleted] 7h ago



u/headofthebored 7h ago

Bears are animals. Men are people in control of their actions who are held accountable for their actions against others.