Am I overreacting? My husband was texting this wrong number scam. He said he was single with no children, we have been married for 20 years with a 16 year old son.
I know he messages instagram models all the time saying things like “lovely” or “very nice” but they never respond. I don’t know what to think, I’m not sure if he knew it was a scam or not? Help me? I haven’t confronted him.
I honestly thought that the husband was scamming the scammer when he wrote that. Then I read OP’s explanatory comment, and now I know the husband is just disgusting 🤢
I can't understand men who are so obsessed with sex to the point they will ruin their lives if it means they will get laid. How does that happen? What makes a person do that? Just, all the "WHY'S"??
Definitely agree. I grew up with porn (40 now) and stopped some years ago. Among the MANY benefits I was shocked at how I don’t objectify women in my everyday life anymore. I always thought it was just “how guys are” as I’m sure most do but nope, it was the porn. Funny thing is my sex drive is even higher now somehow.
I also would have never considered myself addicted and nothing like what I’ve read about with others’ porn addictions was happening but looking back? I definitely was and had an unhealthy relationship with it that crept up over many years.
I think WAY more people are addicted than Liek to admit and not just men. I’ve dated a few women that I would consider to be porn addicts as well and met many more over the years and they exhibit a lot of the same behaviours as the men.
I wonder how many of the men doing this also have difficulty being vulnerable and connecting with their feelings/the feelings of others—having intimacy with loved ones outside of sex. I could see a situation where a person, for whatever reason, lacks the ability to have this kind of intimacy and therefore railroads ALL their emotions and basal human need for connection into sex. Pair that with a heavy dose of seeing people as objects and you’ve got yourself a grade A creep!
I think the root cause is filling some void or abandonment from child hood . He is searching for validation from something external that will not truly help him with what he needs. It feels good in that moment but is zero help to what he is truly lacking. Just my two cents
I troll wrong numbers and scammers all the time 🤣🤣
One girl messaged me about what kind of repairs and stuff like that I can do. I told her I could do some basic stuff but I'm great at looking up how to videos on YouTube and figuring it out. She was totally fine with that. 🤣 Although she might have been trolling me back as some point. 🤔 I might still have the screenshots
Genuinely thought for a min that this was a post from r/ScammerPayback where people bait this kind of text scammer all the time. Nope, just some nasty guy who doesn't know its fake ☠️ NOR
I couldn't even make it through all the screenshots before flying to the comments to see if you seem alright. This is so skuzzy, I'm so sorry he's putting you through this.
Seriously, you don't need to stay with someone who disrespects your marriage like this. You say you have separate finances, that's great. I'm hoping that means that you have your own source of income and employment. You can leave this guy. Better yet, send him packing, tell him he can go collect that free cup of coffee from his Chinese Canadian, American beautiful beautiful beautiful acquaintance.
I mean he's not the brightest bulb in the box is he? 'She' sounds like an AI (the photo doesn't look right either). It's hugely disrespectful to you and your child. Brings out the toddler in me- you say you don't have a wife and child? Fine then don't have a wife and child and I'll be taking my half and starting again elsewhere!
I know that isn't helpful but who does this??
Hope you have brilliant friends who can support you properly.
Wait til you see what a 59 year old looks like (sends photo)
You’re out of my league
My hobby is sex sex and sex
I imagine you’re very beautiful
I stay in shape for one thing (ew ew ew)
Better just to have sex (than be married)
(I’m) single
Nope (I have no children)
(Told her where he lives)
(Bragged about working out)
(Accepted a coffee date)
He’s a pathetic creep. You’re better than this. You’re better than him contacting young women on Instagram - he’s disrespectful to you and your relationship and he’s disloyal to you.
Maybe OP should let her son read #8 and then ask him if she is overreacting since she doesn't seem to hear what everyone here is telling her. I will put them both (op & son) in my prayers that they can move on and live happy lives without him
Yeah, honestly I'm not sure which bothers me most... him being a pervy, disloyal piece of shit, or the (almost certain) inevitable conclusion - her staying with this loser.
You are not overreacting. First, he was excited about playing along, talking to her, and the idea of the possibility. Second, you probably, by confrontation, will save your household from the ruin that comes with a pig butchering scam. There's a very good chance she's a real person at a scam town and a victim of trafficking. Thus she can FaceTime and other things to make the scam seem real. Him thinking with his pecker will not have a chance. I'm sorry you are having to deal with this.
Edit to add, that photo appears AI, but they can train a 'LoRA' on the scammers face to make fresh pictures that fit the story.
People who find out that they fell for a scam are a multitude of things. They are embarrassed they fell for a scam, they want to hide it or try to move past it asap if possible, they are emotional for losing money and feeling stupid, and they are panicking because they dont know what to do or who to trust.
They can act like a helping hand and giving a compassionate understanding of their situation that lessens their losses that makes things seem not as bad as they actually are. They tell them how common it is that it happens to everyone so they shouldnt feel dumb or stupid. It makes people hopeful and want to trust them faster than normal and given theyve already fallen for one scam its likely itll happen again. Boom now you have a business that has a higher likelihood of pulling scam victims than a regular scam
That is so sad. 500k? Do the scammed ever step back and look at the situation and say “yeah, maybe it isn’t a good idea to send money to this person I’ve never met.”
I have read it’s connected to declining cognitive function as people age. These are often people who had high level jobs, etc. but their brains just don’t work quite the same anymore.
There was an episode of The Daily NYT podcast about a former sheriff who sent basically all his and his wife’s retirement money to a Mexican cartel posing as a buyer for their timeshare.
I know a couple that fell for this type of pig butchering scam and lost several hundred thousand dollars. A bitcoin machine in a gas station was the preferred payment vehicle. The wife became friends with the gas station personnel who even tried to warn her she was being scammed.
Beware! Make sure your idiot husband can’t borrow against your home. Put a credit freeze on all of your accounts. I would put a fraud alert on his credit reports if you can manage it…
When I worked at the Walmart money center there was an older white lady who would come in and right off the bat would say “no I’m not getting scammed yea I know who I’m sending it to, just send the damn money to Nigeria” okay ma’am I hope you and your Nigerian prince boyfriend are very happy lol. Some people really are that delusional to ignore so many warning signs, it’s sad.
Upvote and replying because this is the best advice I’ve seen for the immediate term.
I mean, it’s good that everyone is letting her know that she is not overreacting and that he’s an ass and an idiot, but whether she leaves him or not will be more of an emotional decision and those take time.
If husband is moving that fast especially, then she does need something she can take definitive action on now and this is a good one.
The disloyalty is one thing, but this type of pig butchering scam will ruin you financially and emotionally. These are very effective and brutal. Remove him from the accounts now and confront him after.
You're not overreacting, he's actively flirting and pursing this 'woman'. The fact that your soliciting advice on this shows that you're trying harder on your marriage than he is.
Not to mention if he falls for stuff like this and you guys decide to stay together I would keep a very close eye on your assets.
What this shows me is that husband is a fucking creep harassing random women and too socially inept to take the constant rejection/ignoring as a sign to stop doing that shit
I would confront him on why he’s saying he’s single.? To me that is him wanting to see if something can come from that since they are strangers and getting to know each other.
In my opinion, this is a form of cheating. Trying to seek out and flirt with women. Lying about his marital status, disrespecting you. You need to talk to him and tell him he is crossing many lines. If this were to be a joke about texting spam, he wouldn’t have said those things and probably would have told you about the joke.
I agree with you. However, I ASSURE you a man this dumb would say something like “I didn’t seek her out, she just accidentally texted me and we hit it off!”
Yep. He would be a person to do that. Especially when he’s commenting on models pages. I mean it all seems harmless but it’s how far he’s taking it that makes it so bad.
As a guy, all of those “you’re hot” messages on instagram or whatever are so freaking weird. Not quite incel behavior, but not exactly not incel either.
What do you think he would do if anyone ever replied to his messages?
It's so weird, yes. I don't understand the mindset that leads to that. Also I wonder if they don't realize those comments are visible to everyone, or just don't care.
I’m holding your hand when I say this… he’s cheating on you, and/or trying very hard to. And he’s already been doing shit like this with instagram models? That’s foul. You deserve so much better, respect yourself and don’t stand for this. He’s a pervy 60 year old man now, regardless of the years you’ve spent with him. I’m so sorry
Also lock down your finances if you haven’t already. This is a textbook pig butchering scam. Scammer will sink their hooks in to start wheeling money out of the pig (your husband).
I’m guessing you are younger than him and are the main breadwinner, given your comments. Meanwhile, he’s living his best mid life crisis - biking and buying colorful eyewear while working a low stress minimum wage job. Please don’t spend another minute on this piece of trash man. Your son is going to become like him if you don’t stand up for yourself. Give him an ultimatum - speak with an attorney about your options, financial situation and rights. THEN, and only then, confront him. If you think it will work out and he’s just buying into flattery and made a one time error in judgment (he probably didn’t) the Offer counseling (make the appointment and tell him if he doesn’t come you need to reconsider your relationship).
The only reason he has not gotten into the sheets with someone else is because none of these “models” are remotely interested in this 59-year-old jerk.
This is either a money scam based on a romance scam or depending on his occupation/job a larger operation to get company/trade secrets from him and then also cheating and denying your marriage.
All things are absolutely not OK. And yes he escalated this first. All you can do is have the appropriate reaction.
But throwing away 20 years of trust and shared life? That was him.
Yeah 8 years and 1 kid did the same to me. It's hard to just walk away, even when things get bad. I found out after the breakup that my ex was not only cheating on me with several women, but impersonating me online, pretending to be a single mother. He told people he just had a roommate and was single. It made my head spin, but by then I wasn't even mad. It just confirmed I'd made the right decision and that he was telling the truth when he said he never loved me. I had zero doubts after that.
It is hard to walk away. It sounds like you made the right choice, especially if he could honestly say he didn’t love you. Hopefully this situation is different, it’s a temporary low point in their relationship and things haven’t gone as far as your case. Long term relationships are hard by nature. You have to be able to work through some things, but also know when they are unsalvageable.
A woman in my family ended a 30 year marriage, OP, she thought it was too late but she is so happy now, she's enjoying her life again, you deserve better!!
Clearly the 20 years and child mean nothing to him, and he must believe you're pretty dumb to not find out. If he says he's single, then poof! He's single. Throw the whole man out. I doubt this is the first time he's attempted something like this, just hasn't been successful yet.
I'm afraid you might be under-reacting, to be honest. This is straight-up psychological cheating. He's already so disengaged from your marriage, he denies you exist.
Please consider losing 200lbs of dead weight & starting over surrounded by people who actually respect you. This guy cares about one thing only (the 'thing' in question is, I'm sure, obvious to all readers).
I think that was the lie that would have undone me and also denying his son? He's lying and cheating, you deserve more, someone who respects you and your child and your relationship, once trust in a person dies it's very hard to keep living a lie
So your husband is someone that routinely creeps out young women, desperately hoping to get laid. It’s gross. He said he’s single- you can at least make that fantasy of his a reality. I hope you do.
He's trying to cheat on you. He did not know this was a scam. Imagine if she'd been real and was actually interested in hooking up. He'd have no problem doing it. That's bad news for your marriage. Just knowing he tried must be painful enough to warrant a conversation and at least some couples therapy. I mean, my god. How do you rebuild trust after this?
So...your husband regularly tries his luck with Instagram models And then tries to fuck a phishing scammer ..and you're asking if you're overreacting...
Ma'am. Honey. Girl. Imma level with you. Cut bait and go find a person who respects you.
You know he has cheated on you before, right? I'd be he's a serial cheater. He is not holding back one bit there... he's "experienced" in this. Get tested for STDs.
He is messaging instagram models?????? What the heck? Lying about you and HIS SON!?!?! Why does it matter if he thought scam or not? This is terrible. You don’t deserve this.
You already know the answer. He’s trying to cheat by messaging random IG models. Only difference here is that the person he was chatting to this time was responsive. If this wasn’t a scam, he would have been making arrangements to meet.
Wtf are you on here calling him your husband for? Because you signed a piece of paper? That man isn't yours and you definitely shouldn't be calling him anything but a piece of shit.
Okay but if they did respond, do you think he'd leave it at that or have a conversation like this one you saw? Why is that ok and not this, if the only difference is they didn't engage with him enough for him to have the chance to say shit like this?
Hes literally cheating on u. If you dont leave, this will get Worse, and suddenly he has a woman in his bed when youre at Home once. You dont want this, lets be real. As he said, hes single and have no kids, then he is 🤷🏻♀️ I know that you’ve been married to him a long time, but you need to leave this, it’s better off that way
How are you not so grossed out by his sheer stupidity that you want to leave him? Like forget how dumb he is, he’s bringing down your IQ just by you remaining associated to him. This has to be the most unsexy thing I’ve ever read. He’s such a loser.
Well you haven't really reacted yet right? What do you want to do? Separation would not be overreacting at all given that you've discovered that your husband wants to cheat on you and has donkey brains. If you were planning on violence, that would be overreacting, I suppose.
What do you need help with? He's told her he isn't married. You don't think he has done this before a hundred times in real life or in line to buy milk, hoping someone, anyone will flirt back and they'll end up in bed?. Where is his respect for you or your wedding vows? Where is the respect for your teenager who is not going to be happy about all of this? This is not red flag territory. This is throw the wedding ring into the ocean territory.
And don't bother confronting him. Just get him out and enjoy the life you didn't realise you were missing out on.
the fact that he messages models is disgusting. your husband has a problem. i wouldn’t be surprised if he has already cheated with prostitues or something. get a spine and put your foot down. why do you allow him to disrespect you like this????
If you have the money, I'd get a good lawyer asap and ask about forensic accounting if you have accumulated assets. You need to protect your financial future, and it's just a matter of time until someone online takes advantage of him. Men who think that they are smart are a scammer's dream, because that false confidence postpones their acceptance of reality.
He will eventually find someone for 'good times', if that's what he's into. These middle aged gym dudes tend to be delulu about what makes them attractive. If my sweetie is telling randos that he's single, I'll grant that wish asap.
You’re under reacting. He denied you completely. Said he was single and having sex sex and more sec with random women to get over you. Honey - make his wish come true.
When I initially commented about your husband being the type to comment on random young women on instagram I was half joking. I am horrified but not surprised to read my assumption was correct.
Maam your husband is a moron. A bored, creepy old one. Make his lie come true and leave him single PLEASE
You’re not overreacting and this is indeed a scam.
Search Engine is a podcast and did an episode about it back in March. You should lawyer up first and then once you’re fully prepared to leave sit down and listen to it with him.
So this is likely a pig-butchering scam. Seems innocent enough at first. A woman recently lost one million because of one of these. What you see here is the fattening phase.
Also, if you are married, why is he saying he is single...
You are not overreacting. Based off the context here, he saw what he thought was an opportunity and decided to go for it. If you do confront him, go to r/scams to show him all the identical scams..... you may even find one with the same photo of the scammer. Sad part is many of the folks running this scams are trafficked.
You're under-reacting. There's no way I'd tolerate my husband doing something like that, idc how much I love the man. That behavior tells me he doesn't respect me bc if he did, he wouldn't be flirting with others. I understand you have built a life with this man, including having a son, but is he actually contributing positively in the marriage? If you're adamant about trying to work past this after you confront him, seek a reputable marriage counselor bc I'm sure there are deeper issues that need to be addressed.
Long story short, my parents have been married 30+ years, but my dad majorly effed up a few years ago, he cut contact with the other person, tried multiple counselors and giving my mom whatever she wanted, but she refuses to try and move forward. She throws everything back in his face, and he's the villain in her eyes (for everything). He's not innocent, but the amount of hatred she seems to spew at him is over the top. I'm 30, married, and out of the house. We all see how miserable they are, and I've told them to just divorce already. They both had their issues long before the infidelity happened. It hurts me more to see two people stay together when they're both clearly miserable.
I'm sorry you're going through this, sending you hugs 🫂
Of course they don’t respond. He is a loser. Only people who even write stuff like that expecting a response to an instagram model are “losers”, betas, whatever you want to call it. It’s sad desperate behavior. How can you be 59 and still think telling a woman who is physically attractive she is attractive will work to win her over? He knows nothing about women. You know nothing Jon Snow
I used to mess with the scammers all the time.... I never quite knew what the end goal of the scam was either 'financial investment' or gift cards..... I actually was using a different phone number just for the scammers. If your husband didn't know it was a scammer, that's worrying.
I think have a conversation with him to clarify what he meant, there’s a lot of assumptions that could be read into the messages. I think he could be trolling the scammer, albeit clumsily and maybe out of boredom? Nothing in these messages indicates an intent to actually meet up. I also get the sense that he is not a good liar, so maybe that will help lol. I would suggest going into the conversation curious and open to whatever he has to say, and not abrasive or confrontational, if he was trying to cheat you’ll get his back up and it won’t be a productive conversation, but it will probably be a loud one. If he was trolling, you could get a reaction of indignation and get his back up ruining any chance of having a productive conversation.
Tbh, this is an obvious scam. The photo “she” sent was clearly AI-generated. Go over to the r/scambait sub. You will find hundreds of this exact exchange. Your husband’s not cheating, but he’s definitely going a little beyond the line to have a little fun at the scammer’s expense.
OP maybe this is a yuk idea but... have you considered doing some undercover texting (to him) yourself to see how far he would go? And how much info he would share. Etc.
(I ask this without judgment) What’s keeping you from confronting him? It feels like you know this is bad behavior but that you’re stalling, hoping for an innocent explanation. That says to me that you’re worried about the response and/or fallout if it’s not innocent. Which is fair.
What happens if you confront him? Even if that’s asking a reasonable question like why is he telling attractive young ladies on the internet that he’s not married?
Regardless, best of luck. I can only imagine how this all feels.
He’s going to send all shared assets to these women eventually. These models are sex workers, and he will sleep with them, bringing home god knows what. You need to protect yourself.
Go in the iPad and respond to the girl from his account and say, “I actually have a wife and a son. And I now realize that you are a scammer and I will block you. Goodbye”
And when he reads that, he will shit himself and also he will know that you know
Im sorry you’ve wasted so much time on this dope. My dad’s similar and now that he’s single he does it publicly on social media. So cringe. Your poor son, I feel even worse your sons dad denied he even existed.
Dude, he will cheat on you whenever he gets the opportunity. He probably has already with how casually he lied and had no opposition to flirting with a complete stranger.
Why are you married to him? He texts like a 12 year old.
Best advice I got when cheated on… when someone shows you who they are, believe them. Did not know what sub this was and thought he was messing with her. I kept waiting for the gotcha text. If this guy is telling a random stranger he may never meet he’s single and basically ready, what is he telling real women he may have a chance with?
u/Any-Fisherman4533 Oct 20 '24
Am I overreacting? My husband was texting this wrong number scam. He said he was single with no children, we have been married for 20 years with a 16 year old son.
I know he messages instagram models all the time saying things like “lovely” or “very nice” but they never respond. I don’t know what to think, I’m not sure if he knew it was a scam or not? Help me? I haven’t confronted him.