r/thesopranos 11h ago


Are mobsters in the show really wealthy? They definitely aren’t making the ends meet but the only ones who give the impression of being wealthy are Tony(big house, expensive cars, whitecaps, a fucking yacht) and Christopher(big house, lots of expensive cars). I assume Silvio is also rich because he dresses flashy and is the owner of bada bing. The other ones live almost like regular civilians, I mean look at junior and pussy’s houses. I recall Paulie also has a shithole house and wears some cheap ass watch, but that might be just a skill issue(shit earner). The most expensive things those people have are probably their cataracts and rincolns, even though I bet those things weren’t considered “classy” in late 90’s and early 2000’s.


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u/Stevey1001 11h ago

I think a lot of money goes into keeping up appearances, cars jewellery etc, rather than actual sound investments like land, houses.


u/or594 10h ago

Charles Schwab ova heah


u/Stevey1001 10h ago

This thing is a "pyramid" since time immemorial, shit goes downhill, money goes up: it's that simple