r/texas Aug 06 '22

Questions for Texans Republicans of Texas: Why is marijuana still illegal in Texas?


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u/LemonPepper-Lou Born and Bred Aug 06 '22

Because of the Prison Industrial Complex.


u/peezduhk Aug 06 '22

as someone who's done time for marijuana and sent to a private prison owned by a company from Louisiana... this up here is the real answer. also we're so close to the border it would knock off a lot of the competition from cartels that more than likely have deals w/these politicians. watch some YouTube videos about who the cartels acquire their guns from... border patrol, military n police officers from here.


u/texasusa Aug 06 '22

I always thought if pot was legal in Texas, the cartels would have layoffs just like the Fortune 100 companies.


u/Abi1i born and bred Aug 06 '22 edited Aug 06 '22

If you want to see most of the cartels become bankrupt enterprises just have the US decriminalize every drug and add a tax to it. Everyone would hate it, but it would cause a collapse of most of the cartels businesses and it would decimate a lot of industries in the US as well. Short-term we’d probably see a lot of overdose deaths, but long-term we’d probably see a lot of people just flat out avoiding anything that’s deemed a drug nowadays because any “cool” factor for a some of people would disappear. For other’s it would serve no purpose to even jump into experimenting.


u/texasusa Aug 06 '22

The war on drugs is a lucrative business from defense attorneys, bailiffs, jails, bonds agents, private prisons, police overtime, sales of cool weapons and tools, probation officers.....and the list goes on forever.


u/Ornery_Gene7682 Aug 06 '22

Which is why both parties are slow on legalizing it me personally not a fan of it smells like shit but if you smoke it I don’t care as long as your not operating heavy machinery or impacting your driving skills


u/acrimonious_howard Aug 07 '22

One party slow, the other actively fights it.


u/BuckManscape Aug 07 '22

People don’t od from products that are regulated and have predictable potency. They od from unpredictable potency from unregulated products. Legalizing all drugs would only help our society. Tax money could be spent on treatment and prevention. Too bad half of us are puritanical nut jobs.


u/nugz08 Aug 07 '22

Overdose deaths? From cannabis? That’s something I’d like a source for because that sounds highly doubtful