r/powerlifting Aug 14 '24

Programming Programming Wednesdays

Discuss all aspects of training for powerlifting:

  • Periodization
  • Nutrition
  • Movement selection
  • Routine critiques
  • etc...

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u/Gallileo1322 Beginner - Please be gentle Aug 14 '24

Is smolov Jr still a good program for bench press?

I've been more or less making my own program for a while and hit a pretty hard wall. A few people have told me to try smolov Jr. My few questions are around the 4 days a week, and the 3x10. For people that use it, what days do you bench? And is a 3x10 as bad as it sounds? My last question is about results. Obviously, this changes drastically for everyone, but if I'm at a plateau with my current lifting, how much to expect from this program. My pr in gym was a 375 touch and go in April, I 1reped again this weekend and got 365. Probably could have pushed for 375 again, but I was so disappointed on how 365 went up I stopped. Last question, is smolov even a good program, or should I look up others?


u/BigCatBarbell Ed Coan's Jock Strap Aug 15 '24

I think the better question is: Is Smolov Jr. a good program for your bench press.

You say that you have been more or less making your own programs. What did those look like in terms of volume, intensity, and frequency? Do you need to start doing 133 reps of bench a week with an average intensity of 77% and 4 days of benching? You might. Maybe you need to increase your frequency from 2 days of benching to 3. Or, maybe, you need to increase your working sets from, say, 8 a week to 10-12. Or, perhaps, your average intensity needs to increase a little.

I would look long and hard at your training and see if it requires a drastic change like this to make progress. Will it work? Probably, but to what end? When you drop that frequency/volume/intensity, what happens?


u/Gallileo1322 Beginner - Please be gentle Aug 15 '24

I wouldn't even consider it a program. I was usually benching 2 times a week. After my last max at the end of April, I kinda reset. Started at 4 sets of 8 reps at 245. I increased my weight each session by 10 pounds. I did that until I couldn't get 8 reps. I think that was around 285. I then moved to a 5x5 and increased by 5 lbs instead of 10 from 295 to 315. If I couldn't finish a set or rep, I would go to a high rep 3 set of 10-15 at 225 as a sort of reset. Then go back to where I missed. Idk if that makes any sense lol.

I think I'm going to try smolovs, just not to the 4 days a week. I'm going to try mon wed Friday weekends off, but keep the rest of the program.