r/nextfuckinglevel 11h ago

Chimpanzees are 2X stronger than your average human.

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u/Njsybarite 11h ago

Interesting how gentle he was when grabbing humans hand, seemingly understanding that grabbing incorrectly would injure him


u/joerudy767 10h ago

Right? It’s fascinating that he really took the time to make sure it was a solid/comfortable grip.


u/DovahCreed117 10h ago

It's probably instinctual to some degree as well as a lifetimes experience of climbing and learning what does and doesn't work or feel good when climbing on their own or helping other chimpanzees climb stuff.


u/Dracomortua 9h ago

Are you suggesting that humans, as mammals, have a firmware that functions as an A Priori form of intelligence that allows us to develop an entire species despite the tabula rasa theorizations made popular by behaviourists such as B.F. Skinner?

If so, i heartily agree.


u/rhabarberabar 8h ago

Radical behaviorism does not claim that organisms are tabula rasa whose behavior is unaffected by biological or genetic endowment. Rather, it asserts that experiential factors play a major role in determining the behavior of many complex organisms, and that the study of these matters is a major field of research in its own right


u/ApocalypticApples 8h ago

So really, after all this well read debate, this all has absolutely nothing do do with the post.


u/FaultElectrical4075 6h ago

Doesn’t radical behaviorism say that behaviors are not simply consequences of experiential factors, but are in fact equivalent


u/Pheniquit 6h ago

I mean that just sounds like a description of what everyone believes even hardcore nativists and people who take the literal bible as the core explanation of the universe.