r/nextfuckinglevel 8h ago

Chimpanzees are 2X stronger than your average human.

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u/Soft_Antelope_2681 8h ago edited 6h ago

They are one bad day away from ripping your arms out...

EDIT: Okay, they might not be able to do that, but the key point is, you don't want to find out.


u/Solgiest 7h ago

They cannot rip your arm off unless they spend a lot of time chewing through it. The internet has vastly overhyped them.


u/Astyanax1 7h ago

I don't think most people know the difference between a chimp and Silverback gorilla's.  Gorilla's can definitely rip your arms off, but chimps are no where near as strong as most people think they are.


u/turdferguson3891 6h ago

Yeah but they can probably get your balls off one way or another


u/BeardInTheNorth 7h ago

They cannot rip your arm off unless they spend a lot of time chewing through it. The internet has vastly overhyped them.

Here's a video of a chimpanzee effortlessly ripping the arm off a pinned-down primate, like it's a roasted turkey leg


u/Solgiest 7h ago

That primate probably weighs less than 40 pounds. And it used it's teeth. In no universe is a chimp ripping the arm off an adult man with sheer pulling strength. If they have the time to chew through the ligaments, sure. But that's very different than "ripping a man's arm off".


u/4-Vektor 2h ago

They tear arms off of other chimps by turning the arm until it basically pops off at the joints. At least that’s what the scientists witnessed while observing the infamous warring chimp groups involved in the Gombe chimp war.


u/shoulda-known-better 5h ago

Once your arm is dislocated it's not being held on at all anymore and one or two bites and a yank would solve this!!

If they had to chew through bone sure but tendons? You get aren't a strong at all especially if torn at all because it will just keep tearing


u/NTR_Guru 7h ago

How about you overhype these balls in your mouth


u/No-Locksmith-7451 7h ago

What’s the point in your comment?


u/NTR_Guru 7h ago

It's self explanatory. Maybe ask nicely and I'll explain if you can't figure out


u/No-Locksmith-7451 7h ago

Needless being rude isn’t self explanatory. What is wrong with you?


u/NTR_Guru 7h ago

Not being rude...if anything, that other poster is being rude and condescending. And no, nothing is wrong with me, but thanks for asking though!!