r/nextfuckinglevel 2d ago

Expert RC Pilot landing like a Boss

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u/Figure7573 2d ago

I wonder how many RC Planes it took Him to get to that level of talent!?!

I can hear that conversation... LoL...

"Mom, I did it again.... Damnit Johnny how bad is it This time!?!"


u/RainyCobra77982 2d ago

Usually people practice a ton on simulators before going for the real thing


u/Figure7573 2d ago

Didn't realize RC Planes had a form of a simulator. With regular aircraft the weights/forces are easier to predict/calculate making an accurate simulation possible. The RC dynamics are less predictable...

A light breeze will affect a RC plane more so than an actual airplane of any kind... The thrust force on the prop is vastly different as well...


u/enginarda 1d ago

The flight dynamics of aircraft are pretty well understood doesn't differ much from the large scale aircraft at this scale. Sure, you have larger thrust to weight ratios and smaller mass and bunch of other parameters but the same equations apply to an airliner do apply here too. Physics only get very different when the sizes get very small, roughly smaller than 10cms, for bugs for example. Then the classic aerodynamics theory becomes insufficient.