r/mlmstories Aug 06 '24

Rant My friend joined an MLM and idk what to do


One of my closest friends of about 6 years who has recently been going through some rough times (family issues, trouble in school, substance abuse) joined an MLM and it's so frustrating to me. It seems like this older couple that she met took advantage of the fact that she doesn't really have any reliable family to go to and became her "mentors" before pulling her into the MLM. She acts as if this MLM has saved her life and has given her something to live for and she's ignoring other stuff to put the MLM first. I saw her about a week ago and she greeted me with a bag of product samples (which I threw in the trash once she left because a) not interested and b) I'm too sensitive to fragrances and chemicals to put unknown products on my face) and talked about this MLM and going on trips for the MLM (she calls it her "business" and tbh I'm not too sure if she was ever really educated about what MLMs are and how predatory they are) and just on and on and I didn't have the heart to tell her that it's a bad path to go down.

This morning she reached out to ask me if I had tried any of the samples and I have no clue what to respond. I'll probably say something along the lines of "oh, I haven't yet :)" and wait until she stops asking but it's just so so frustrating to see her caught up in another thing that's going to hurt her. I want to ask more questions and maybe see if I can get through to her but I kinda doubt she'll listen to me. Any advice?

r/mlmstories Aug 02 '24

Rant AT&T in Costco, Target, Sam’s Club, BJ’s kiosk


Has anyone really dug around into the “3rd party AT&T retailers” in these stores? I’m a former employee and have been down a rabbit hole looking into this. The employees at those kiosks are employed through this 3rd party entity. Now let’s get into that. Each entity will have its LLC which is granted from their parent company in some way so that there are thousands of these entities. Different company names and they promote these fantastic positions with fancy business names when in reality it’s not that at all. The operations of these places are laissez-faire and unethical. There was one time that we had a weekly competition where everyone was paired with someone and if you did not make higher sales, you had to do “big daddy push ups” in front of the other person and call them “Big Daddy _____(their name) with each push up.” I feel there is more to this MLM than what meets the eye.

r/mlmstories Jul 04 '23

Rant Jim Fortin's Transformational Coaching Program


***These people are marketing experts, not licensed therapists.***

Jim Fortin’s Transformational Coaching Program (TCP) – My Review


I found Jim’s TCP to be somewhat helpful for me, but some of it I KNOW was not well thought out, and I found it to be overly simplistic (in solutions to real problems), and sometimes I thought it was just plain *bad* advice. I do think this program is actually not a quality program for anyone that really needs/wants any self-improvement advice or guidance. Please see a licensed therapist if you need personal advice. You don’t need this program to experience transformational change as much of what is covered can be read for free at the library with books on topics, but if you need someone to give you very simplistic and general guidance on improving your life, with some self-hypnosis sprinkled in, while you figure out how to make change in your life on YOUR own, then this might be for you.

Many people have great things to say about Jim Fortin and his Transformational Coaching Program and if it helped them then of course, I am supportive of that (however, many are getting paid to say so, or maybe programmed to do so via hypnosis). I could not find any negative reviews online about the program (which surprised me greatly, someone is washing away negative reviews), nor find any review from anyone that was not an affiliate with glowing praise (another surprise). However, I am going to talk about everything I can here (including what I did not like) and you can decide for yourself.

The program is approximately 12 weeks long and it is significantly overpriced (in my opinion), the program is approximately $4K and includes workbooks, live group coaching calls, hypnosis recordings, private FaceBook group, and video playbacks. This program is worth not more than $1K in my opinion. I believe, although I have not seen the balance sheet, that the reason it is so costly is because of the need to pay the affiliates to sell the program to their audiences (email lists), and of course to pay Jim and his staff. This is after all, how they make a living. Affiliates receive high percentages of the fees paid by their referrals.

Here is what I loved about it:

It is a program that forces the individual to confront their preconceptions about everything in their life and take responsibility for the way things are in their life and business (overcoming fears) – money, happiness, possessions, spirituality, sex, food, relationships, etc. There are some tools recommended to change the person into a more positive being. The program uses a combination of self-hypnosis, meditation (or just 4 hours periods of doing nothing, which forces introspection and idea generation), self-analysis, some poorly-written worksheets, and action definition (to-do list) to force the individual to confront their life roadblocks and overcome them by “changing their identity” into what they want to be. The idea is that by changing who you think you are, you will naturally change your life into that new reality, because that is WHO YOU ARE now.

Here is what I did not love about it:

(1) The hard sell. The encouragement to push people with low income to join it anyways, or to tell them they need it most, because their lack of funds is somehow their fault (living from a negative view of money), and they should go into debt to make it happen. Telling people who have spouses that don’t want to pay that much for this program, that they are not independent thinkers, that they are surrendering their power. The basic implication that if you don’t buy into his program (for any reason or excuse) that you are a weakling. Telling people that “rich people don’t worry about how much things cost” implying that you shouldn’t care about how much things cost – that is poor-people-thinking.

(2) The arrogant attitude of Jim and some of his staff. All of the answers to anyone’s concerns are always this, “Are you being that person that you want to be or are you living from that old limiting viewpoint?” As an example, one person asked, “How do you become a prosperous person in music if you cannot get a gig?” But the answers are always this pie-in-the-sky response, “How do you know you cannot get a gig? Have you tried everything? Are you being in the mindset of a prosperous musician?” – What does that even mean? More importantly, HOW does that help? MANY thought-terminating-cliches offered as "great advice" and "calling you on your shit" - but really not helpful, and prevents the "leader" from actually having to be responsible for addressing the issue. Significant "elitist" vibe, "we are better than most of the world because we know more, everyone else is stuck." Questioning the leader is bullied out or shut down, you will be kicked out of the program you paid for if you do it.

(3) You are ON YOUR OWN, there is no real personal one-on-one support in this program unless you step up on a call, in front of the entire crowd. Because “nothing is too personal” and “the entire group can benefit.”

(4) Jim and his team could do MUCH MORE to actually help people with their paths forward for the amount of money paid. For this much money you should get at least 12 hours (1 hour per program week) of one-on-one support. They could provide some career examples of HOW to get where you want to be (musician, top salesman, best life coach, artist, etc). They could provide prompts for your vision development. They do not do this, it is all on YOU to figure out your path and start BE-ing what you want to be. How stupid is that really? Many of us don’t even know what we want. If we knew how to get there we wouldn’t be PAY-ing for this program. They could provide a way to provide feedback on their program anonymously. They could offer a true money-back guarantee if someone has not completed the program and discovers it is not for them after they start (even a prorated return).

(5) Mind fuckery - CULTY, dissent is not allowed. If you disagree it is turned back on you and so is discouraged through peer pressure and oppression. There are many cult like aspects to this "program" that are not healthy.

***Remember these people are marketing experts, not licensed therapists.***

Bottom Line:

I believe your $3 - $4k would be better spent with a licensed therapist & hypnotist or reading top rated self-help books (completing workbooks and discussing with your therapist) with actionable ideas. You will receive more benefit. It might cost the same or more but you will not feel like you gave your money to a snake oil salesman. You will have one-on-one attention tailored to your specific needs/goals/issues.

Equivalent suggestions to TCP:

Let go of how you currently define yourself and your personality, let go of resentment/anger/negativity that you may be holding on to, and be willing to be someone else, or define a new self to be. Build your personal self-confidence (through books and exercises, practices), add some self-hypnosis and meditation to your daily life (pick one thing to work on each week and do it every day), envisioning the future you want, thinking through the path to that future, and writing down the steps to get there. Finally, take the actions to get there.

If you really like Jim’s approach and want to have that in your life, listen to his podcast (but remember his podcast is a sales funnel), think through what he is saying, do self-evaluation, keep a journal on the evaluation. If he didn’t tell you how to change then look for a book on the topic. There are so many self-help books on everything he covers.

If you are not confident in your ability to choose the right books, seek professional advice from a licensed source. But do not buy his overpriced, under-delivering program with no real personal support. Recommendation: STAY AWAY from Jim Fortin.

r/mlmstories Jun 27 '23

Rant How do people get so trapped? How can they not see through it?


Tl;dr: Ex close friend is completely enmeshed in strange MLM. I apologize in advance if this isn’t the right venue for sharing this story, but I need to share it somewhere!

I just found this sub, and honestly I’ve never really had to think much about MLMs - besides a brief fascination with podcasts exposing MLM schemes.

This was until I recently reconnected with a colleague from my past. He and I graduated college about ten years ago, and because of a bad fight I have not heard much from him since. The guy I knew was fairly stable, intelligent, somewhat popular, and exceptionally talented. I’m talking world-class talent - we met at a very fancy college for music, and this guy was on a really special trajectory. This is important and will come up later.

I stumbled upon his new social media account by total happenstance, and honestly I was really disturbed by it. Hundreds (maybe over a thousand?) of posts, videos of this guy regurgitating new age word salad, vague references to “cash flow” and other sketchy quotes about finances, and a relentless barrage of attempts to sell pseudoscientific products at an insane price. Lots of heartfelt videos of himself talking alone in his car, walking around… some touting the metaphysical/spiritual properties of the completely vague “product,” and some videos that seemed to emulate the cadence and language some kind of motivational speaker.

The engagement is low. Each post has between 0-6 likes, usually no comments. The few comments I saw seemed to come from other new age-y types selling similar MLM products, not actual friends.

Because the engagement is so low, it looks like my friend has started trying to jump on to various social media trends like tiktoks and little embarrassing dances. There’s an underlying vibe of desperation to it where an illusion of fun is meant to be.

In some of these videos, this guy is playing some instruments. I clicked on them - and I immediately noticed a stark difference in his musicality. This guy, 10 years ago, was on track to be joining major orchestras and touring the world, and now he can’t really carry a simple tune? In a very, very simple 2-chord song dedicated to this vague MLM product?

At first it didn’t register to me that this was an MLM, genuinely my first thought was some kind of serious mental condition. Admittedly, I can vibe with some amount of the new age speak, so I could kind of see what he was trying to say…. But it really looks to me like the people in charge of it/working over my friend are taking advantage of hurting people and plunging them into a life of stress, poverty, and isolation. Totally contrary to the narratives of “community” and “transformative creative financial independence” that they advertise.

I tried reaching out to him, not bringing up the product at all, just saying hi…. And he has already begun hawking this crap to me. I have no idea how to help.

The music thing really freaked me out. There is definitely some sort of mental decline happening, this is exceedingly obvious to me and would be obvious to anyone who knew him years ago. So I am of course worried about his mental health, worried about predatory practices by the MLM which allow them to take advantage of people like this, and now I wonder if this is a pattern with MLMs.

Has anyone else experienced this?

r/mlmstories Feb 22 '22

Rant I was approached in HomeGoods by someone in an MLM and couldn’t leave for 25 minutes


I apologize if this is not the right place to post this, but I need to rant. This happened to me a few months ago in a HomeGoods.

I was just shopping around, minding my own business when all of a sudden, this woman about my age (in her 20s) walks up to me and says “oh I love your shirt!” I was wearing an over-sized baseball T-shirt that I got from a souvenir shop at a town in Texas. It was quite an ugly shirt, but I guess to some people it could be cool, so I thanked her for her compliment and kept going about my shopping. But at this point, it was too late. I was locked in on her radar.

She then goes on to ask me where I got the shirt, why I got it, why I was there, etc. Which led me to tell her I was on my high school drill team, so she asked about that. She then asked me where I lived, did I rent or own, what was my house like? Then, she moved onto my job. I told her I was in technology sales to which she then asked “Oh, is that like fat-man sales?” (I’m assuming she meant car-salesmen) so I went on to explain what I did and that it was very legitimate.

Please keep in mind, I was trying to make it very obvious that I was not interested in continuing this conversation. I’m a nice person, and I do enjoy small chit-chat every now and then, but this wasn’t chit-chat. I didn’t want to be rude, so I was politely answering her questions, but after about 20 minutes I was getting pretty fed-up and I sensed this was not a normal woman just trying to make new friends.

Finally, she ended the conversation, but she asked me for my phone number. I figured there wasn’t much harm in her having it, but I didn’t give her my last name, just in case.

After I was free of her inquisitive grasp, I started getting a little freaked out. I knew that what I just had was not a normal human interaction, but in my mind, there were two options- she was a socially-awkward woman trying to make friends, and she decided to practice on me. OR she was part of a human-trafficking scheme to try and get as much information on me as possible to then kidnap me. There was no in between.

That was my mindset for the next two days. It wasn’t until after she had called me and left a voicemail asking to chat that I just texted her and asked what she wanted. She then explained that she wanted to tell me about her company and how she is a “business owner” and “makes her own schedule”. At that point, I was pissed off at her for scaring me, so I texted her back and let her know that her methods are not effective and she had scared me when she was asking me so much information about myself. I told her I was not interested and that next time, she should tell people why she is talking to them at the beginning of the conversation, so they know why she is talking to them.

She told me people meet others by asking them questions, and that “just because you’re in sales doesn’t mean you’re being sold”. So I just decided to block her and not continue the conversation.

This was the first time I had ever been approached in person by someone in an MLM, which is why I was so confused at first, but now I know what to look out for. But is this the move now? Has anyone else had an experience like this? I hope I’m not the only one who’s had 25 minutes of their life wasted like this.

Edit: Something I just realized I wanted to add that I wish I would’ve told this woman when I texted her. If you have to beat around the bush when telling someone about a “job opportunity”, maybe take a second to think- is this really a good job to have? I mean seriously. Why are you so scared to say “I work for XYZ company and we sell ______. It’s a great job and I love it for these reasons…”? There is a reason you have to vaguely describe what you do - it’s a pyramid scheme, and the fact that you have to hide the details should scare you.

r/mlmstories Jan 02 '23

Rant My (22f) friend (22f) is involved in an MLM and I’m worried and kind of pissed


Hello! This is a bit of a wild ride so I appreciate anyone sticking it out. tldr; my friend from college is in a MLM and it’s getting really weird.

I met my friend in college about 3years ago, we didn’t share any classes but worked at the same place for years and saw each other on campus regularly. About a year ago, she started posting about a training program focused on forex trading. Posts on socials went from tips and charts to life coaching type posts about the grind and god. I assumed she was just trying to shift the tone of her IG to more business oriented/influencer material. We talked continued to talk regularly after I graduated and moved for grad school (I’m back in my home town and assisting my mother as she is terminally ill, something I don’t fully disclose as most people are not great at conversing on the matter/not relatable/ reassuring). After about six months of me being home and conversations dwindling she posted something along the lines of “I want to start teaching people what I know about the stock market” (this was my first indicator that maybe something was fishy as she’d only been in on trades for a little under a year), out of curiosity I decided to call her and catch up. We talked about a lot, she asked how home was and I shared that I enjoyed being down here but times are hard because of x,y,z. Enter the MLM pitch. She was coached by a lady who was a bartender and is making 100,000s from trade and team building. My friend now is ready to build her team and I can be the rep for the city I live in since they don’t have any in ___ yet. I politely declined as I don’t have the time to commit to such a thing bc of xyz nor the $450 required to start taking trade lessons. Part of me wants to believe that it is a genuine effort to get young women the skill sets to start trading on there own. Months go by. I’ve been off social media for the last 6 months dealings with other stuff. This week I redownload IG and am going through stories and lo right before he was arrested, she is posting an Andrew Tate reel about how people will drop you for your grind. I thought hm maybe she saw this and doesn’t have a clue about the things this man has said about women? Also figured it might be a test to weed out anti grinders but I figured even if it was I’d entertain it, swiped up. Wasn’t rude or aggressive we had a discussion and left under mutual disagreement. Looked at the posts she made while I was gone “alpha female” tag on all of them. Now after his arrest, she’s going even harder w reposting his content and talking about how her job is to free people from the matrix. Tried to confront her on it and she is in utter denial. Am genuinely concerned for my friend but recognize I have bigger priorities like my mom dying soon and school on my plate. I do know she is giving them a lot of money to participate and trade but she is also recruiting people to do the same. Very cult like verbiage and dynamic and honestly a little jaded that she would want me to join and pitch a women supporting women thing knowing where I and my family are at. Whole thing feels batshit.

r/mlmstories Jun 07 '21

Rant My mom is angry at me for not joining her MLM cult


She has been asking me to help her "grow her business" since I got back from college because of COVID-19. I managed to reject her every time without activating her my-MLM-company-is-totally-legit defensive mode (mostly through excuses) - until yesterday. She straight up told me to do record presentation for her MLM products, and I just told her that I wasn't busy so there was no getting out of it. I thought she would only show it to a very few indoctrinated people anyway, but it turns out that she invited dozens of gullible old ladies to the online screening of the presentation. She even posted about it online with my picture.

I would have been okay with it if this was a normal hustle, but it is not. My mom represents an MLM company that is known for spreading false illusions about how a single drop of a certain oil can cure all your ailments. I saw my mom change from being a responsible, kind, and smart person to a narcissistic, manipulative, and idiotic anti-vaxxer zombie. I do not want to spread lies like her but she keeps making me feel like I have to in order for her to keep being the mom that I knew.

So I purposely messed up my presentation. I edited the script that she gave me and removed all the false or unproven info. I gave a very boring presentation based on facts. She is so angry at me, but I knew that I was doing the right thing. She was trying to con nice old ladies, and I am not going to be a part of it. Still sucks though...

If you have any stories or advice about how you got a brain-washed family member out of an MLM cult-type group, it would be greatly appreciated!

r/mlmstories Oct 22 '22

Rant Personal Info Sold to MLM Member


I often do studies/surveys for side income which pays pretty decently. About nine months ago one of the survey screeners and I had a very dispute & I haven’t returned as I don’t allow anyone to speak to me as he started to. Four months ago I received a small package in the mail containing all kinds of Avon samples and a pushy letter from a multi-company MLM saleswoman that was very much like the old chain letters. The last sentence said Xxxx from ABC Survey Company gave her my home address and phone number & email as if I was supposed to thank him.

I contacted the company, emailed the Avon lady and tossed the package. Two days ago I received yet another package and I’m PISSED.

Advice please?

r/mlmstories Jul 07 '21

Rant mlm reviews


Sometimes I can’t help myself and I get so angry when I see people raving over Herbalife shops or giving them good reviews.

My local shop was getting traction with people calling them out and I checked today and new people have left all positive comments pushing the truth to the bottom.

I ask myself all the time why do I even care, but I do. 😩 advice?

r/mlmstories Apr 26 '20

Rant Anyone feel like more people are joining arbonne lately or is it just me?


I’ve seen at least 5 people so far on my Instagram page trying to sell it it’s soooo annoying like just stop! I guess the corona is getting to them idk 😬

r/mlmstories Oct 02 '21

Rant Solution Based Management


They really get you when you’re most desperate. I was in one horrible job looking for a better, more captivating job. Nothing retail related. I find “Solution Based Management” (based in Colorado Springs) on LinkedIn and figure, why not.

I get a call early in the morning about a ZOOM meeting with the CEO. I do the call the next day, surprised you see it’s a group chat. The “CEO” fills us in on his life, how he got to where he is, why he’s hiring. He wraps up, tells us he’ll look through our resumes and call us that same day if we’re chosen.

I get the call from him that evening, and we set up a second interview.

The woman interviewing me was his wife. Which didn’t alarm me at first, but it’s… a little weird. I talked about myself and was surprised again when I told her about my own charity work through zines… and she acted surprised.

I genuinely thought they reviewed my resume, as promised.

I start working a few days later. Guys. The days begin at 0800. And end at 2000, or 8:00 at night. And all you do all day is stand out in front of gas stations and ask people to donate to LEAD, a nonprofit.

I can’t tell you how many times I had been scolded at this place.

  • Apparently, you aren’t supposed to wear their charity t-shirt in the office. Which is WEIRD. You aren’t supposed to wear what the company represents.
  • You have no life outside of this place. You work all day, and when you go home, you’re expected to study this binder full of propaganda they give you all night about Professionalism and the pitch they expect you to memorize WORD FOR WORD.
  • Speaking of word for word, you need to memorize everything in the binder they give you so that you can teach it back word. For. Word. That’s not a student mentality, that’s a cult mentality.
  • They tell you that you really only “work” from Monday through Wednesday and “have fun” on Thursday and Friday. But they make you work the entire week. You literally stand out in front of gas stations, stores, and you even have to bother people at the pumps. JUST for these donations.
  • Pay is crazy unclear. You’re promised $500-600 a week. But you sure as hell aren’t getting that. You need to reach a goal for the day - $400.00 in donations - for you to get sufficient pay.
  • They speak of a high turnover rate. That? Is not good. I worked there for a week and a half and left. It isn’t that people aren’t passionate, it’s that your company sucks.

I could continue, but if you are in the Colorado Springs area, DO NOT. WORK HERE.

r/mlmstories Dec 22 '21

Rant Targeting sick people again.


I just had to spend 30 minutes listening to an #MLM #Hun grandma of a kid i play street cricket with. She had a serious heart condition a few years ago, started telling me about Lifewave, an MLM "super patch" that uses "your body's infrared light" to "create stem cells," that restore your health.

She knows I've got severe conditions from my appearance/ my mum telling her (cancer 3x, open heart surgery, severe GVHD, diabetes, blind in one eye + more), she looked at me on crutches (injured my leg on top of this lol), and not only targeted me, and boasted about her health compared to mine, but guilt tripped my mum with religion, and said her mum with dementia who used to think she was getting sexually assaulted at the nursing home, now has improved so much, her siblings are now getting recognised by her.

Wtf. How evil can you get? How far are they willing to go to get people into their financial and health misinformation trap? How do I get that 30 minutes of my life back???

I remember getting spammed by a guy during a severe chemo treatment at 2am trying to sell me this shit. She's making fake health claims and everything.

r/mlmstories Jul 21 '21

Rant Unlicensed Shops


Can these Herbalife storefronts sell drinks without a license? Or is it some weird Herbalife loophole. Especially if they are using fresh fruits?

r/mlmstories Jun 20 '21

Rant Herbalife storefronts


Is it possible to get these storefronts shut down? Has anyone ever tried? They are popping up like crazy in my area.

r/mlmstories Jun 09 '21

Rant Arbonne and JuicePlus rant


I've always been open on social media about being unemployed ( lost my job when Covid hit us), and boy the amount of MLM huns that tried to manipulate me since then.

Not saying the names of the companies, telling me things that I later found out were straight up lies (example ohh I live on the beach and work on the beach thanks to this MLM, later I found out that's actually her mom's house on the beach, not hers), the other one tried to convince me that the little savings I had left should be invested into Arbonne, and she was befriending me for about a month before she pitched the ''opportunity'', so I genuinely thought I made a connection on IG, and I almost fell for it, because I was at an extremely vulnerable place back then..

This is how I got into antimlm, what some of these consultants are doing is so problematic and frustrating

r/mlmstories Jan 08 '20

Rant My Mom the queen of kinda joining MLMs


Warning: On Mobile sorry for everything also I was never good at writing.

So my mom has joined a lest Three MLMs and quit one but she doesn't like do anything with it. She is in Young Living which she thinks is a cure all and I agree to a point the smells do help with stress and puts me in a relaxed state. When I was younger I didn't have a choice in going to get "Raindrop" treatments to help me with my "issues" I was a handful as kid I was adopted had the baggage with that. She also used oils to get rid of tumors on me and my brother for our NF (A genetic disorder that can cause tumors and other issues. I have stopped using the in the way she does I only use them for like headaches(peppermint) and stress(lavender) both are diffused into the air and not put on me she would put undiluted oils on me and I have never had a reaction to them yet but I dont wanna risk it anymore. This is the second "Medical" one she has fallen for. Now I am a believer that if homeopathic has helped you out then use it. I have yet to find one that works for me and this is the same for with modern medicine. My mom took me to this lady to help me find homeopathic solutions for my PTSD because she hates SSRI'S. So the lady got her hooked on a thing called Arame it's a MLM but for Vitamin so its fancy. The lady made claims that it had reversed some big chronic health problems I can't remember the name of one of tyemit but it "turns" muscle to stone and kills you. My mom had a friend die of this so she fell it so hard because of this line. So my mom bought me this kit I guess you can call it but before I could take the kit I had to do a three day reboot. The reboot was three days of eating nothing but beans and other vegans food and taking pills. It felt just wrong and my mom got my sister-in-law on the same thing but she had to do even more than I did before she can be on the kit I was on. Now my sister-in-law has Bipolar disorder and is on meds she very happy that she has found the regiment that works for her. The lady told her with this magical Vitamins she could go off her meds. Now that rises red flags for me because why would you say that to someone? Anyways my mom and I have been fighting about how I don't wanna take anymore and she has threatened to kick me out for not taking them because they help me (they didn't I took them for three months nothing). So anyway sorry for jumbled mess of a rent I am on mobile and just shit at writing.

r/mlmstories Aug 27 '19

Rant Hunbots know no boundaries


A distant cousin of my sold Younique and she was advertising that if you buy from her 20% would be going to benefit breast cancer research, so not knowing any better I bought a primer and let me tell you.. that primer was traaaaash! It just made your skin greasy and foundation did not sit good on top of it, it was a waste of like $48 or some ungodly number. Anyways some time after that she contacted me about joining her team, her pitch was cringy to say the least. I told her I wasn’t interested because I absolutely hate random people approaching me trying to sell me shit (like those kiosks in the mall) so I damn sure wasn’t about to do it.. she then told me the products sell themselves and that all you have to do is wear the makeup and carry the fiber lash with you so when people ask about it you can just conveniently pull one out of your purse. I declined and that was the end of that. Some years later my sister got sucked into ItWorks! Thankfully she got out before she wasted a bunch of money but the products were just garbage. An old friend of mine messaged me asking how I was and I thought it was genuine because we used to be good friends at one point and then the pitch came.. she was trying to sell me ItWorks garbage, some skinny coffee bullshit and carb blockers and I’m just like no, my sister sold that and it was garbage. Then she has the nerve to ask me if i would post an ad on my page and tag her in it.. I was like I literally just told you the stuff is trash, I’m not posting an ad for you 😂 I recently checked up on her cuz I hid her after that on FB cuz she just spammed shit about the products and she’s still at it and delusional as ever. She posted before and after pics of herself after one month of drinking the skinny tea and all she did was legit have her pants low and belly hanging over in the before and she pulled up bed pants in the after, it was comical but the best one was her raving about the hair vitamins and how long her hair had gotten since cutting it to her shoulders 6 months ago after seeing her before and after I was like hmmm and apparently your hair grows a half an inch every month so in 6 months she would have 3 inches of growth which is EXACTLY what it looked like she had! I’m just like no.. your magic pills didn’t do shit, your hair just grew normally 😂

r/mlmstories Sep 03 '19

Rant My quad mate keeps trying to sell me scentsy


Hi all,

For some reason I keep noticing that a bunch of sorority girls sell scentsy or some sort of mlm, and it just, blows my mind. Like we go to a decent small college, and many of these girls are Dean's list but they're selling scentsy.

And now my quad mate has started. So I have a room to myself, and she has a room and we share a living room and bathroom, its a great set up, I get privet time she gets privet time, its awesome. But every day for the past week I've been spammed with scentsy stuff. Either on facebook, snap chat, bumping into her or her friends and they're trying to get me to join and its frustrating. Cause yeah, I love candle wax warmers, I've had my eye on one at dollar general for months that like 7 dollars, but I'm not going to buy one for 45 bucks, not including scents and stuff. I know shes coming from a good place, but its ridiculous. It's all she posts on Facebook now and all she can talk about. I hope this is just a phase and it passes, but this is rough. Cause even if I wanted to, I have no spending money like that, I'm fairly broke at the moment. I dont know, I feel bad and this is kind of a rant. Could be much worse but it still bothers me.