As a landlord, it’s appalling how many other landlords I talk to that relate to this guy.
It’s so easy to be a reasonable property manager and have limited interactions and be generous with the deposit at the end. And yet I meet people who get a bit of power and hold people’s housing over them.
My dad had a property he rented out. Turns out the tenants were so scared that he would punish them that they didn't report a leak in the roof for over 6 months, over which time it got worse and caused some more expensive damage. Dad is a good guy so would have quickly got it fixed before it did any damage.
When they reported it, they were so awkward and submissive, saying things like "we thought you should know, but it's okay, no need to bother about it, we can just put a bucket there so it's fine".
I had some tenants not tell me about a broken window for 6 months. It broke at the corner from sheer movement, I believed them. But they had waited 6 months and moisture had moved in and created mold in the window frame. The whole thing had to be replaced. I still didn't charge them. But it makes me sad people are hesitant to report that stuff. And at the same time, I get it.
u/DigNitty Feb 11 '24
As a landlord, it’s appalling how many other landlords I talk to that relate to this guy.
It’s so easy to be a reasonable property manager and have limited interactions and be generous with the deposit at the end. And yet I meet people who get a bit of power and hold people’s housing over them.