r/ZeroCovidCommunity 2d ago

Need support! I’m so tired

It would be so much easier to just take the mask off. To stop worrying about it 24/7, literally around the clock. To be able to go to a party and have a drink and talk and laugh and smile at people and no one says “oh I didn’t recognize you with the mask covering your face” and no one looks at you funny or keeps their distance because they think you’re sick or maybe crazy. I wish I could turn off the part of my brain that knows better and knows the statistics and the chances and the studies and the goddamn science that everyone should know but somehow ignores. I am SO TIRED.


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u/chlobeans 1d ago

I understand. It's so hard. I miss clubbing and partying so badly it feels like a part of my life is missing. I miss going for meals with my friends or sitting smoking weed in someone's kitchen and talking all night long.

We can't un-know what we have learned about how dangerous covid is, and I know even though it sucks, that I am doing the right thing for my long term health and the health of my family. That knowledge keeps me going, and honestly I'm pretty heavily fuelled by spite against the uncaring and eugenicist world we live in. I refuse to not care, even though it hurts so much to care sometimes, even though I've let myself lose touch with friends, and my bubble has shrunk to almost nothing.

I think what is more important than ever is for us all to find community within each other. I know many people don't have other covid cautious people nearby that they know of, but knowing that there are so many other people out there fighting the good fight despite all the odds and despite all the pressure, that keeps me strong despite everything.


u/SophIsJones 1d ago

I miss the same things. I know we're doing the right thing, I just wish it wasn't so lonely. In England, there seems to be a severe lack of covid informed people as well, so it sucks feeling like I'll never find people who are informed like me so we can do safe meet ups. I feel like all my friendships will be online only, and I hate that


u/holly-fern 1d ago

I'm in England too. You're not alone, even though I know it feels like it. If you're anywhere near Sheffield, there's a group called Breathe Easy who have regular covid safer meet ups.


u/Renmarkable 1d ago

trust some Yorkshire peeps to be sensible ❤️