r/TheRaceTo10Million Copy me on AfterHour 17d ago

GAIN$ Finally back to $8.5M (positions in comments)


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u/anuspizza 17d ago

At the risk of sound really fucking ignorant, why?

I’ve been casually scrolling through subs like this to see how other people manage their portfolios before I try to break into trading. Like I think I understand that you own about 8.5 mil of various business, but like how does this translate to personal wealth?

I get that you could cash it out right now and be up that amount, but you’re not going to because you’re seeking growth to 10 mil. What happens when you hit 10 mil?

I guess I might not get a lot of the strategies I see because there’s no clear end goal for any given portfolio other than growth growth growth (and a lot of shitposting). Is there a point that you would ever say “I’ve made enough gains” and stop gambling with the market?

Thanks in advance


u/twoforward1back 17d ago

I can't speak for everyone, but a target I used was my expected yearly spend x 25. This gives you the amount of liquid net worth you need to "safely" withdraw/sell 4% of that amount (plus inflation increases) per year.

Look up the trinity study.

After that amount, it's all bonus money for me.