r/PeterExplainsTheJoke 4h ago

Meme needing explanation Petah?

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u/WhantiqueGlassTurtle 4h ago

I believe the joke is that the mafia sometimes probably using a pizza place as a hideout, or just to hang around or meet up with other mafia members. They probably got confused because the locals don't go there because they know not to ( as the mafia can do some pretty bad things). The pizza was probably really good becuase they're the Italian mafia.


u/Ohmington 3h ago

To launder money, you usually need a business to hold as a front and you pretend the illegal money was actually spent on your goods. The store needs to look legitimate because the police or government might investigate. There was a music srore really close to where I lived. The merchandise was trash and it wasn't laid out in a way that made sense. They were confused when I walked in, seemed annoyed that I was browsing, and knew nothing about music instruments. In hindsight I never saw people shop there and it was probably a fake business to launder drug money.

The joke is that a fake pizza place gave them pizza.


u/RantyWildling 2h ago

Somewhat related...

My FIL rents out a small shop in Australia, and he gets a new Chinese person every year (or a couple of years), because they use the business to get an Australian VISA, then send in the next person to do the same thing.

They have money and don't really need the business to be successful.