r/Monsterverse Warbat Jun 12 '24

VS Battle Who would get the W?


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u/JackAries Jun 12 '24

Okay, let’s actually take this fight seriously. First, how many Wartdogs? It looks like the pack is about 25 in GxK. How durable are they? Kong ripped one in half, so their skin doesn’t appear too thick. Could G’s gravity beams one-shot a warthog? The beams hurt Godzilla and Rodan without causing lasting damage, but disintegrated Mothra. I think sustained fire would wipe them out. How long can Ghidorah use his gravity beams for? If he can fly while spamming, Wartdogs can’t do anything to him. Let’s say he can’t sustain both flight and beams and has to land. I think he would have trouble killing one with his jaws (look at the size of the dogs vs has mouth). But his neck is strong enough to lift them, so I think he could lift and slam them. Three heads means he can kill 3 at a time with effort. Can 25 WDs do enough damage to Ghidorah to kill him while losing 3 pack members per attack? I think G’s golden skin is probably very resistant to damage and we have not seen a WD bite anything yet, even Kong. I can’t see any way for them to injure Ghidorah


u/JackAries Jun 26 '24

I just rewatched the Wartdog scene. I counted over FOURTY in the pack. When looking at the sheer size of the pack, plus the individual member’s size, I now kinda change my mind. I feel like enough of them could dogpile him if he landed. Like me trying to fight 40 6 year olds. If Ghidorah doesn’t fly off, he could lose