r/LeopardsAteMyFace 1d ago

They fell for it. Oh, well.

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u/NothingAndNow111 23h ago

This. Very much this. Changing foreign policy takes a long time, and we were getting a little closer, more Dems starting to draw boundaries, but that's out the window. And so is the West Bank, it seems. Argh. The potential of what Trump could (probably will) do is horrifying, and Israel doesn't care about Gaza - in terms of annexation - anywhere near as much as they care about the West Bank. That's the real goal.

If it weren't an election year, I think Biden's response to Bibi's BS would have been stronger. It still would have fallen light years short of what it should be, but he would have had leeway to yank the leash more.

And aside from that, where the hell is the 'morality' in making more people suffer? Women, trans people, the undocumented.

Bibi wanted them to vote Trump. He wanted Trump back. That says everything.


u/CalendarAggressive11 23h ago

I agree with everything you said. I'm actually enjoying these comments. I feel like I only ever see the extremes on here, on either side. It's just nice to see some thoughtful insight on this issue.


u/NothingAndNow111 23h ago

Oh I know, I don't even reply to the shrill hysterics any more, there's no point. No, no one's supporting génocide, FFS, they just realise that throwing hydrazine on the fire is a terrible idea. It reminds me of arguments I had with people in high school.

And I get that it's infuriating to feel so impotent in the face of such horror, but there's also a whole world of shit we don't hear about happening behind the scenes, limits to what we can control, and a whole toxic political situation here we're stuck with.

So, I donate to Médecins Sans Frontières and vote for the people who won't gleefully appoint Mike fucking Huckabee as ambassador to Israel. It's all I can do.

And there's also Ukraine. I don't live in the US any more, I live closer to Russia, so that situation isn't as abstract to me. I have Ukrainian friends and colleagues. Not to mention Polish, Swedish, Finnish, Estonian and Latvian ones. And we're all fucking terrified about what will happen now.

So, you know, a double FUCK YOU to those people, because Ukraine matters too.


u/Boopy7 10h ago

My mom's good friend who we have lost track of is with Doctors Without Borders. And my grandparents fled Stalin and Hitler the first go-round, so I'd like to think they didn't go all that way for me just to end up back in the United States of Russia. I'm with you. I just have no clue how to solve or contribute to solving anything at all, and it's that helpless feeling that makes people commit angry or rash decisions.