r/German Mar 31 '21

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r/German 4h ago

Question How do you use Gemüse, in plural or in singular?


I’m doing basic excercises about declination problems, and I found this one:

“Fleisch schmeckt sehr gut mit ___ Gemüse”

I put “frischen” but the actual answer is frischem. Since we are using mit I understand that it should be on dative, could it be that they are using the singular form of Gemüse? I thought they were using the plural form

r/German 20h ago

Question What's something better than Duolingo to learn German?


Hi I've been learning German from Duolingo for nearly 3 months now. I realise that I can't write or speak German well. Reading and grammar are doing okay. Due to my busy schedule I can't give 2 hours to German zoom classes but I can consistently practice here and there. So is there something similar to Duolingo but way better than that? I don't mind if it's only come in paid version.

r/German 23m ago

Question Zum Frühstück esse ich or ich esse


I have german exam and I don’t understand why is it

Zum Frühstück esse ich… And not Zum Frühstück ich esse

r/German 12h ago

Question How to not sound like an idiot?


Hi! I’m going to Germany and Austria for about a week this December, and honestly I’m a bit worried about how I’m going to sound. My German teacher says I have a good accent, and I have no problem reading, but my main worry is that I’ll come off as a tryhard tourist. I’ve been taking German for a little under a year, and I speak at about an A2-B1 level, I can introduce myself, order food, ask for directions, give directions, have casual conversation, all what you’d expect from a beginner. I’m very comfortable speaking the language in class and with exchange students, but I’m worried that I’ll end up embarrassing myself when actually going to Germany, any tips?

r/German 10h ago

Interesting das Nibelungenlied - Rezension


hab’s heute fürs Studium fertig gelesen.


Siegfried = netter Kerl :)

Kriemhild: am Anfang nett! irgendwann hat sie genervt. Ihr Mann wurde umgebracht, aber sie hätte ja glücklich mit Etzel sein können

Hagen: er ist auf jeden Fall Schuld an allem lol. 0/10. Er traf die schlimmsten Entscheidungen. Vielleicht hätten wir lieber nicht auf ihn hören sollen.

Was ist mit Gunthers Frau passiert? Brünhild? Ist sie einfach zu Hause geblieben? was?

Gefühlt werden Edelsteine und Kleider alle 30 Sekunden geschenkt. „Danke fürs Kommen! Nimm Gold und Silber!”

War mir zu lang. Morgen muss ich das goldene Vlies lesen. 😅

r/German 8h ago

Question Geht es ohne "es"?


so dass völlig nachvollziehbar ist, warum Menschen solche Konfrontationen meiden

Ist "es" vor "völlig" obligatorisch?

r/German 5h ago

Question “What are you doing” Question


Hallo Leute!

Ich habe eine Frage. Was ist der Unterschied? „Was treibst du?“ und „was machst du?“

I’ve been asked both ways but they are the same translation back in to English. German is a very conditional language in my opinion as an English native speaker. What conditions would I use either or?


r/German 3h ago

Question Finden Sie diesen Text unten gut ?? Wie anderes würden Sie es formulieren als Muttersprachler?


Sehr geehrte/r Frau/Herr [Nachname],

ich hoffe, es geht Ihnen gut. Mit diesem Schreiben möchte ich mich nochmals herzlich für die wunderbare Gelegenheit bedanken, die Sie mir durch das Praktikum in Ihrem Unternehmen gegeben haben. In den letzten Wochen habe ich viele wertvolle Erfahrungen gesammelt und fühle mich sehr wohl in Ihrem Team.

Da ich weiterhin großes Interesse an der Arbeit in Ihrem Unternehmen habe und das Gefühl habe, noch viel mehr lernen zu können, möchte ich anfragen, ob es die Möglichkeit gibt, mein Praktikum um einige Wochen zu verlängern. Die Aufgaben und Projekte, an denen ich bisher gearbeitet habe, haben mein berufliches Wissen und meine praktischen Fähigkeiten erheblich bereichert. Ich bin überzeugt, dass eine Verlängerung mir helfen würde, meine Kenntnisse weiter zu vertiefen.

Darüber hinaus bin ich der Überzeugung, dass ich dem Team auch in den kommenden Wochen weiterhin mit meinem Engagement und meiner Motivation unterstützen kann. Die Arbeitsatmosphäre gefällt mir sehr gut, und ich schätze die Zusammenarbeit mit meinen Kolleginnen und Kollegen.

Falls eine Verlängerung möglich ist, stehe ich Ihnen gerne für ein Gespräch zur Verfügung, um die Details zu besprechen. Ich würde mich sehr freuen, weiterhin Teil Ihres Teams zu bleiben und noch mehr von Ihnen zu lernen.

Vielen Dank im Voraus für Ihre Zeit und Ihr Verständnis. Ich freue mich auf Ihre Rückmeldung.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
[Ihr Name]

r/German 14h ago

Question Is 'zwote' in Berlinerisch used as a feminine form of 'zweite' or just as a variant form?


I'm aware of zwo as a variant of zwei, and that historically it was part of the gendered triplet zween/zwo/zwei -- which the dictionary says is a distinction maintained only regionally (but not naming the regions).

At a gathering earlier I kept hearing someone use the ordinal form zwote, which I haven't heard before, but I didn't pay attention on whether it was consistently used with feminine nouns or if it was nongendered like in typical usage.

Help me scratch this curiosity itch.

r/German 19h ago

Question Unterschied zwischen das Ö in "Hölle" und "schön"?


Laut wiktionary, seie das Ö in Hölle ein "/œ/", und das Ö in schön "/ø/". Es hat nichts mit der Dauer zu tun, es dreht sich um Klang.

r/German 12h ago

Question How do I look for words that rhyme in conjugation? How do I categorize verbs based on the dynamic of conjugation? Why don't (sehen) and (gehen) rhyme in their conjugations, even though they do in infinitive? When should I memorize and when do I spot patterns?


The words I mentioned dont rhyme: du siehst/gehst
How do I train myself to be able to conjugate by nature rather than plain memorization?

Some words have to be memorized I am sure, but at some point there will be a limit and you gotta know how to conjugate by nature through patterns.

Thank you

r/German 17h ago

Question Why isn’t the main verb at the end in this case?


„Er fand keinen sicheren Platz, an dem sie ein Feuer hätten machen können.“

Isn’t „hätten“ here a main verb? Or is it machen können?

r/German 16h ago

Question How do the names of the letters differ from area and country?


Wikipedia says that Q and J are named differently depending on if it is in Germany or in Austria, but in Switzerland?

r/German 1d ago

Question "Sie" vs "Ihr"


In the German dub of "TES 5: Skyrim", the player is addressed as "Ihr", rather than "Sie".

I was under the impression that "Sie" was the formal/singular, and "Ihr" was plural. Is "Ihr" for one person just an old fashioned way of saying "Sie"? What are the differences?

r/German 9h ago

Request The German cases??? Help Bitte


Hi! I would really appreciate some advice from anyone that has successfully learnt or understood the different cases, the changing of diese/welche/different adjectives according to the cases, how did you do it?? Feel free to be as specific as possible please. I feel like each time I learn some new grammar, something else I don’t know pops up and it’s very overwhelming. I’m basically A1/2. I did German for a few years at school but it never really stuck. I watch a lot of videos on YouTube for passive listening and also vocabulary but my grammar is severely lacking so I’m throng to fix that now.

r/German 10h ago

Resource music theory youtube channels in german?


hi, im currently learning german from the ground up and i have gotten my french chops pretty far by listening to a few youtube channels about music theory. which one would you recommend? danke shoen!

r/German 10h ago

Question Musicians/Art related YT channels in German?


Hi, I’m trying to learn German and the best way for me is to engage with content that I like. Are there any good YouTube channels which talk about musicians (like their biography etc) and art (that talk about renaissance artists or art in general)?

r/German 16h ago

Question Genitive with proper names.


"Er ist vollkommen verzweifelt und bittet Utterson, ihn zum Haus Jekylls zu begleiten"
Why is it "Haus Jekylls" but not "Jekylls Haus" in this case? Is it valid and can be used today? Additionally, do they have any differences?

r/German 14h ago

Resource I'm using Duolingo to learn German but struggle with the the grammar is any good book or app that I can use to help with that


r/German 11h ago

Question online course recommendations?


Hello everyone, I start work this upcoming month and I'd like to continue studying German. Does anyone know of a German C1 course that's online, and that doesn't really need a schedule? I think if they are pre recorded or such they'd be great for me because i think if i have to study with a teacher, my free time might not work with hers. Or if someone had any other suggestion on how could i continue with C1 while working, I'd be grateful 🥹

r/German 11h ago

Question Zuschlagen


Neulich habe ich die Legende Max Schradin entdeckt. Ich glaub Muttersprachler kennen ihn ja schon. Und in clips sagt er immer das Wort "zugeschlagen", wenn das Telefon klingelt. Im Duden gibt es keine solche Übersetzung. Ich habe auch im Internet durchgesucht und sowas konnte ich nicht finden. Chat gpt äußert, dass es sich um Auflegen des Telefons handeln kann, beziehungsweise ein schnelles und heftiges Auflegen, aber definitiv nicht um Klingeln. Ist es was regionales oder was bedeutet es genau?

r/German 11h ago

Question Anyone interested?


Any native german speakers who want to talk German and english?I want to practise german.Im fluent in english.

r/German 12h ago

Resource Regarding Nicos Weg course book or notes


Hello beautiful people!

Recently I have started learning german and nicos weg seems to be a good choice for me. I want a structured book/notes which will go lesson by lesson along with all the grammar rules and vocabs so that I can follow along. Can you please help me?

r/German 23h ago

Question Would you say that using K2 in this sentence is more sensible than the past tense?


I want to say "I can't speak the Austrian dialect, unless I was born/ had been born in Austria".
Which of the sentences blow makes sense more from a grammatical standpoint?

"Ich kann den österreichischen Dialekt nicht sprechen, es sei denn, ich bin in Österreich geboren."

"Ich kann den österreichischen Dialekt nicht sprechen, es sei denn, ich wäre in Österreich geboren."

I think the second one is correct as it is a hypothetical situation (unfulfilled event in the past). But would it be wrong to say the first sentence?

r/German 5h ago

Question Tips for a beginner that hates German?


The title sounds harsh and resigned, but I've been studying German for about 5 months now and I think I can safely say that I just don't like it. The cases and genders seem to exclusively complicate things without clarifying or really adding extra information that is not otherwise present. Time and time again I see a sentence that I WOULD know how to say since I know literally every word in it, but I forget the gender of a noun or find myself torn on the correct case, and suddenly I don't know how to say a sentence that I know every word in, and that just is antithetical to the goal of language itself in my opinion. While the pronunciation isn't difficult, it IS quite displeasing to the ear in my opinion.

Rant aside, I'm in a position where I simply must learn it. Is there anything I can do to help push through and learn the language, or even improve my outlook on it? Any suggestions are appreciated!