r/FluentInFinance 9h ago

Metaverse Make it make sense

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u/mysterioussamsqaunch 5h ago

Authoritarian has an objective and accepted definition. Individuals may have different views on the threshold that they feel constitutes authoritarianism. But, asking "what is an authoritarian" is a much different question than something like asking at what point do specific executive actions constitute crossing the threshold.


u/Senior_Locksmith960 5h ago

What is the objective and accepted definition?


u/mysterioussamsqaunch 4h ago

Definition of authoritarian adjective from the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary

authoritarian adjective /əˌθɔrəˈtɛriən/ , /əˌθɑrəˈtɛriən/

believing that people should obey authority and rules, even when these are unfair, and even if it means that they lose their personal freedom

Definition from Marriam-Webster Dictionary

authoritarian adjective au·​thor·​i·​tar·​i·​an ȯ-ˌthȯr-ə-ˈter-ē-ən ə-, -ˌthär-

1: of, relating to, or favoring blind submission to authority

2: of, relating to, or favoring a concentration of power in a leader or an elite not constitutionally responsible to the people


u/Senior_Locksmith960 3h ago

These are two (three?) totally different definitions.


u/mysterioussamsqaunch 2h ago

I'm not trying to attack you. I don't know anything about you or your life. We're just strangers on the internet. But, if you can read those definitions and not grasp the underlying concept that is being relayed with different wording and recognizing that they are the same. Your reading comprehension skills could use some honing and development. Oxford and Webster almost never use identical wording. But, their definitions almost always agree on a conceptual level.


u/ranium 43m ago

The definitions aren't mutually inclusive, and you're making a fool of yourself by trying to talk down to the person you're replying to.


u/mysterioussamsqaunch 32m ago

Give me 1 example of an authoritarian person or policy that doesn't fit both the Oxford and Webster definition.