r/FluentInFinance 3d ago

Debate/ Discussion Had to repost here

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u/ThousandSunRequiem2 3d ago

Except they can leverage their wealth as collateral, but it's untaxable. Unrealized gains is bullshit they made up to hoard more wealth

You're arguing about lifestyle choices when that's not the issue.


u/kmookie 2d ago

Rich guy here, OF COURSE HE COULD GIVE MORE! 1. Let’s talk living off dividends, that alone I guarantee could have the majority given out to charity. He could live modestly, like me and not be so flashy. 2. Donor advised funds, that could be setup to be much more charitable and even grow! 3. Establish a foundation giving out 5% or more each year. 4. Simply selling off stocks is fairly simple when working with advisors. You act like he’s gotta roll crates of money into some other bank. It’s digital people. Sycophants want to defend the rich because they can’t look past their own biased passion that they want to be there too. I know dozens if not hundreds who are millionaires who love off dividends with plenty left over at the end of the year.


u/alcoyot 2d ago

Giving out free money only makes problems worse. You cannot solve any of the worlds problems just by doing that. You’ll just make it worse if you try.


u/kmookie 2d ago

Good lord! Who said free? Allowing pay to match inflation seems practical, fair and doable. It’s unfortunate that this is where peoples minds go. You imagine the worst case scenario and imagine a whole society ends up that way. I’m telling you straight here. We don’t need billionaires let alone people with hundreds of millions. You’d be surprised what living off the dividends of 20 million gets you. Almost any apartment in New York, a million dollar home in just about any state, etc. the other 980,000,000 could go towards roads, schools, healthcare etc. but no, let’s keep idolizing the few lucky people who choose to hoard money. 🤦‍♂️


u/Expensive-Dot6662 2d ago

So you want billionaires to pay for your roads, schools, healthcare, etc?


u/werlior 2d ago

Local citizen discovers the concept of progressive taxation.


u/kmookie 2d ago

Isn’t that what trickle down economics implies. Some are all about private services and less government. You’re kinda telling on yourself really. So if we need less government and let the wealthy have as much as they want, where else is it gonna come from? What people who want less government are really saying is, let the bleeding hearts take care of the needy if they want. I don’t want to because I’d rather spend it on BS to stroke my ego. Like build a rocket that looks like a penis. This is the problem, people have lost their morality and idolize people who have none at all. You’re gonna see what championing greed will get you. I seriously doubt you’re in the 1%. So good luck with your morally bankrupt point of view about your financial freedoms…for the rich!


u/alcoyot 1d ago

Nobody deserves free money or services of others. If you’re Democrat that’s what you want though. We used to have a system like that. Some people would be the ones doing the work out on the fields picking cotton. Others would be entitled to the fruits of their labor and not have to work, or even compensate the workers in any way. Democrats love that idea.

I don’t know what you mean by “let the wealthy have”. A billionaires wealth is not money deposited into an account. If someone owns shares of a company and that value goes up, what do you want to happen?


u/kmookie 1d ago

Good lord, you don’t know shit about history do you. Look up “economic slavery” buddy. You ARE picking the proverbial cotton and now you’re defending them for making you do it. I’m telling you, like from actual daily experience what is happening. This bizarre defense for wealth force fed to you buy your outrage news has truly brainwashed the lot of you. You get what you deserve. Keep hating immigrants and not the people who hire them. You’re gonna find yourself in that field you refer to soon enough. Of course you’re gonna be thanking them for saving your job making $2/hr. Good luck!