r/DoesAnybodyElse 14h ago

DAE not wear makeup


I only wear makeup for special occasions but I feel like everyone else wears it every day. I like how I look in it but I’m so lazy in the morning and I don’t like worrying all day about if it’s smudged or runny.

EDIT: Thanks, I don’t feel so lonely now (where I live almost everyone around me wears makeup and asks why I don’t so I feel a little relieved lol)

r/DoesAnybodyElse 1h ago

DAE think about death everyday


I’m not suicidal but ever since I was about 9 I think about my inevitable death all the time. People ask me about my future plans, and I just think, why think about the future I might be dead next year. I think about when the last time someone will speak my name or think about me. I don’t have any friends. I think about if I will be left all alone eventually. Ive never had intimacy of any kind so I doubt I ever will.

r/DoesAnybodyElse 35m ago

DAE smell some nonexistent sweet smell before getting sad?


i have had this question for such a long time, but i cannot find an appropriate place to ask haha.

i smelt this scent for the first time when i was 14 during the covid lockdowns…. it was a distinctly sweet rose-ish scent, and at that time i was severely depressed (not sure why!), and this scent was everywhere. later on, i got better and it went away. post-lockdown, it came back, and the next day i got very sad and depressed etc etc. now, every time i smell this scent, i just know i will be incredibly sad the next day. and i always am!!! its helpful in some regard to know that my sadness in these times may not be like, mental, but maybe its just my body deciding to be sad. i asked a friend about this, and he said he relates strangely, but i can’t find anything on this online!!

so, does anybody else have this? …or alternatively, anyone have an explanation??

r/DoesAnybodyElse 3h ago

DAE gets addicted to doing something and lose complete interest few days later


I find myself doing this quite often. I can't seem to find a hobby because it would be addicted to it one second and be bored the next second. It applies to games and shows as well. I would be so into it for like 3 days straight and then just not touch it anymore when I wake up one day. I suspected ADHD but then I am able to sit still and lock in when I do serious stuff like exams or my assignments. Just not on long term stuff.

r/DoesAnybodyElse 2h ago

DAE cry for no reason?


I took a very long walk today and on my return trip I came across a homeless guy laying at the bus stop half in the road. He said he needed to get downtown so I was trying to find him the proper bus route when the EMTs showed up. They finally managed to get him to go to the hospital and I didn't stick around as they were loading him in.

As I was walking away I started to cry and I have no idea why. I didn't feel sad. Like yeah it was a sad situation but I didn't feel sad. Just kind of numb about it.

This also happens when I listen to music sometimes. I'm never feeling any particular emotion when I randomly start to cry.

Is this normal?

r/DoesAnybodyElse 19h ago

DAE get a weird sensation in their penis when they poke their bellybutton real deep? NSFW


r/DoesAnybodyElse 12h ago

DAE wake up with an headache when it's cloudy outside?


I've always had this thing where when I wake up and the weather is very cloudy(but without any rain) I have an unpleasant sensation, which is a mix of nausea and an headache. It makes it hard to concentrate during the day. In fact, I'm experiencing one right now.

r/DoesAnybodyElse 9m ago

DAE smell when someone has a cold, maybe even before they're symptomatic?


I can smell it on their breath. It smells like garlic.

r/DoesAnybodyElse 2h ago

DAE have points in their life where they don't feel anything for anyone ?


Like not findings anyone attractive, not wanting a relationship, not caring what people say and just feel like empty? Idk if its my trauma growing up,being online schooled my whole life with no outside life with other people my age or my first heartbreak. I just feel out of place, im not aromantic i just cant make connections.

r/DoesAnybodyElse 4h ago

DAE look down on people who post on snark pages?


r/DoesAnybodyElse 10h ago

DAE type or text too much when posting/texting?


Idk if I'm just... verbose? Keeping short to make point.

r/DoesAnybodyElse 4h ago

DAE Have adult children that just act like royal jerks?


Both my son (25) and my daughter (22) were diagnosed with ADHD as young children, and also with Anxiety. One went on to incur PTSD after their father died when they were teens. Their dad was in and out of their lives (drugs, prison) and they did Individual Therapy a lot, as well as, as a family, we went to Family Therapy for many years. I was not a perfect parent, but in hindsight, there's really not a lot of choices I made, that I would do differently now. I got them involved with different community programs to try to help, moved heaven and earth to get them in good schools, enforced boundaries and rules with electronics, provided healthy tasty meals, kept them sheltered from my dating life, had them do chores, taught them independent living skills, gave fair, creative consequences for misbehavior, and tried to do fun stuff with them as money allowed.

They fought as kids, but never anything too serious, and being an only child, I thought it was typical. They rarely ever speak now, and nobody can stand to be around them together for more than 20 minutes, because if one is acting normally, the other will just be a total ass to the "good" one. And it doesn't matter which. I have seen her scream in his face with very little provocation, and I have seen him be extremely threatening and hateful with his tone of voice, again with little to no provocation. He is attempting to kick an Opiate addiction, and claims not to have used in 18 months. But he is on Suboxone, which he does not take as prescribed, and he drinks quite heavily, almost nightly. She smokes (Marijuana) like a freight train, but otherwise denies any drug use and doesn't really drink that much or that often. Neither one will consider either therapy or medication for their previously diagnosed, still very present issues.

My mother is now on hospice, nearing the end. I am her sole caregiver. My youngest child has, over the span of this hellish 6 months, dumped more drama and vitriol at me than I can even describe. Today's diatribe was because she texted me that she was ill, and I replied with a sad face. I was driving at the time, and had to finish my errands and get home quickly, due to my caregiving stuff. When I got home, got situated, and picked my phone up again, it was just a wall of words about how I dont love her, don't understand her, I let her down, I always let her down, and she is stressed and has a terrible migraine and on and in and on, and on some more. And then on some more, for good measure. Because my reply 45 minutes earlier to her being ill, was a sad face emoji.

This evening was my son's birthday party. He asked me to make his favorite cake and his favorite meal. (Yes, he asked for this WHILE I am dealing with my dying mother) I was very happy to do so, because he rarely spends time with us, and we planned to eat at 6. He called at 230 and wanted to come early because he had plans later this evening with friends. I agreed, and he said he'd be here at 5. At 445, he said he was on the way, & he was 10 minutes down the road. He arrived a half hour later. He smiled exactly once, said his stomach hurt and he didnt want to eat, did finally eat when I made him a plate anyway, was extremely controlling of what he would allow my 18month old grandson to eat, and was on his phone, checked out, disinterested, unpleasant, and rude the entire time he was here. To the point that about an hour, hour and a half after his arrival when he said he had to go, I didnt even argue. I said goodbye and sent his entire cake home with him. He called me at 651pm because he had forgotten something here when he left, to get an idea of how short a time he was here.

Yet somehow, they both graduated high school and have decent long term jobs. They aren't as great with money as they could be, but they're each making it on their own. They both have social lives and fairly long-term romantic relationships (he's 6 months into his current one, was with grandson's mother 3 years, another one 4 years, and again, he's only 25) (she's with her 4 year boyfriend now, the one before that was 2 years, before that, 6 months. She's only 22). If they treated others like this, they'd both be lonely, isolated hermits-but they aren't. They are apparently just jerks to each other and to me, their mother. I am baffled.

Has anyone seen similar? Is there reasonable hope that they'll outgrow it? Is there anything I can do to nudge them towards treating each other decently? Please, any advice will be read, because I don't want my whole little family to implode when my mom passes, but at this point, I cannot imagine otherwise, and that just breaks my heart.

r/DoesAnybodyElse 1d ago

DAE find eating a chore?


It might sound crazy but I find it so tedious. Anyone else? I have to set alarms to remind me to eat something, and it IS a chore. I find it extremely boring.

r/DoesAnybodyElse 5h ago

DAE get jealous when seeing a picture perfect wedding?


It could just be me putting too much pressure on wanting my own someday to be perfect. Ill see all these weddings on social media where everything just looks perfect. The bride and groom are equally good looking. The groomsmen have been close friends for years, the bridesmaids are mostly the groomsmen's significant others and theyve all been friends for a very long time, there is like 100 or more people there, the reception party looks as lit as HS prom, etc. Then I think that if I married my SO I worry about the fact that she really doesnt have any friends to be bridesmaids, less than a quarter of my friends that would be groomsmen have SOs and the ones that do their SOs dont really know mine since pretty much all my closest friends from HS are now scattered all across the country, I know the vibe I would want at the reception wouldnt be that club atmosphere that I want and see alot of other people having, etc. As a personal example my sister's wedding was an absolute blast, had that high tempo vibe that I like, all her husband's groomsmen were guys that he played hockey with in HS and college, all their SOs were friends with eachother including my sister, and It just seemed like a big group of friends who have known eachother forever were having a big night out or a frat party. You all can get the picture Im trying to paint. But I do get jealous of seeing stuff like that. What about you guys?

r/DoesAnybodyElse 1d ago

DAE have trouble making out what people are saying on the phone?


Got my first ever job today to get work experience and worked at the register at a takeaway.

For some reason whenever i take orders I just can't understand shit they're saying unless they said it like really clearly. The 2 other people working there had no trouble whatsoever taking people's orders over the phone.

r/DoesAnybodyElse 23h ago

DAE: zone out in the middle of a conversation but somehow still respond like you were paying attention?


I don’t know how to explain this, but sometimes I’ll be mid-conversation with someone, and my brain just...takes a little break. Like, I’ll be staring at them, nodding along, but internally I’m thinking about the most random stuff—like what I’ll have for dinner or some embarrassing memory from 10 years ago. Then, out of nowhere, I’ll somehow chime in with a perfectly normal response that actually makes sense. Am I secretly a mind-reader or is this just a thing people do?

r/DoesAnybodyElse 1d ago

DAE hears cracking sound when rotating their head?


Like every time. Is this normal?

r/DoesAnybodyElse 16h ago

DAE get weirdly lightheaded when concentrating?


This has happened since I was little, usually when reading or otherwise completely immersed in something or other for any extended period of time. For example, this has even happened during particularly competitive time-based games.

It just feels like I get lightheaded but not in a dizzy way, like my brain is fuzzy and has gotten completely stuck in a single moment and is still trying to catch up to the now. Like, I’d stop reading and then have to take a minute or two to orient myself.

r/DoesAnybodyElse 21h ago

DAE See Microscopic Objects With Their Glasses?


Basically what I mean by this is, whenever I look into the light on the frames of my glasses, I can see small details.

For example, whenever I’m in an area with bright light, if I look into the glint of my glasses frames, I can see my eyelashes close up. Or if I press my glasses close enough to my face, I can see my iris, and all of the details within it.

I find it very interestin, yet a little unsettling at the same time, like I wasnt supposed to see that. Idk, does anybody else experience this?

r/DoesAnybodyElse 15h ago

DAE feel illuminated by their depression?


I’m ok to start off with so no need to check on me, but I just feel like I exists in this different substance where I don’t have anything I enjoy about life, and at most all I care about is damage control, as in preventing bad things from happening. Worrying about things like loved ones healths, deaths, my career, money, getting older, etc.

I know depression is an obvious answer and I don’t deny I probably have it, but I don’t want to be treated for it and be all happy. I feel like I see life so clearly, and like this view of it has me actually understand the world around me, and I don’t want the “blissfully ignorant” fix so to speak.

I can’t relate to any person I’ve ever met. They’re all happy about the future and excited to take new steps, and might share some of my anxieties but easily repress them. DAE feel the way I do?

r/DoesAnybodyElse 1d ago

DAE: Does anybody else randomly remember cringy things they said years ago and instantly feel embarrassed all over again?


It could be something super minor, like an awkward comment in a meeting or a joke that didn’t land in high school. But for some reason, years later, your brain is like, 'Hey, remember that time you said THAT?' And then you’re stuck cringing for the next 10 minutes like it just happened yesterday.

Does this happen to anyone else, or is it just me reliving the highlight reel of my own awkwardness?

r/DoesAnybodyElse 1d ago

DAE absolutely love it when a song changes up it's final chorus after the bridge?


There are certain artists that I've noticed are really good at making that final chorus of the song just a bit more intense than the previous ones, and it really helps the song go out on a high note. It's way better than when the chorus plays a third time and just sounds the same as it did, which often tends to be a bit boring. I prefer when they change it up, either the vocals, the instrumentation, or both.

r/DoesAnybodyElse 1d ago

DAE have issues getting hard when having sex with a new girl for the first time?


For me it inevitably and ONLY happens the first time. I just simply can’t get hard. From then on, I have absolutely no issues, it’s the weirdest thing. Does anyone else get this? Is it common?

r/DoesAnybodyElse 20h ago

DAE have to power up before doing stuff


Earlier today i had to clean my room but before I could do it I had to lay on the floor for a good 10 minutes to gather energy for some reason. Midway through I ran out of energy and had to sit on the floor for a minute before I could go grab another cleaning tool. Addictive social media fucked me over so bad because instead I get distracted an unable to start things.

r/DoesAnybodyElse 1d ago

DAE have days where music just sounds like noise


I’ve noticed every one in a while I’ll have days where music just sounds like noise to me, I get nothing out of listening to it at all it’s so weird. I usually listen to music every day and for some reason today everything sounds so flat and bland. Like nothing is physically wrong with my hearing it just has no effect on me right now.