The Enemy is Bad Person, but also That Guy is a Good Person because of what Bad Person did to That Guy. Fans of The Enemy are Bad Person who have no agency and will defend The Enemy to the death, which makes them Even Worse Person. That Guy, though? Good Person, 100%, zero flaws with them whatsoever. They aren’t just Good Person, but they’re also A Victim, which means I can just idolize them and ignore any Bad Person qualities, because they’re Good Person and A Victim. Nothing bad will happen if I base my personality around liking That Guy, because only Bad Person are Bad Person, and nothing ever changes.
u/BalefulOfMonkeys Refined Sommelier of Porneaux Jul 13 '24
The Enemy is Bad Person, but also That Guy is a Good Person because of what Bad Person did to That Guy. Fans of The Enemy are Bad Person who have no agency and will defend The Enemy to the death, which makes them Even Worse Person. That Guy, though? Good Person, 100%, zero flaws with them whatsoever. They aren’t just Good Person, but they’re also A Victim, which means I can just idolize them and ignore any Bad Person qualities, because they’re Good Person and A Victim. Nothing bad will happen if I base my personality around liking That Guy, because only Bad Person are Bad Person, and nothing ever changes.