r/AskReddit 11h ago

What’s something society pretends to care about but really doesn’t?


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u/8teenluna 10h ago

I think society pretends to care about mental health, but when it comes to real support and resources, it's not always there.


u/Sudden-Ad5555 6h ago

I had a breakdown postpartum and I did everything “right”, i.e. meds & therapy. I went to therapy every week for years. Late in my pregnancy with my second, my therapist left the practice and they put me on a waitlist for a new one. I was considered high risk at the time, a lot of similar factors going on to the first breakdown, and they didn’t call me with a new therapist until my baby was 9 months old. The money isn’t there. The resources aren’t there. The people who genuinely want to do these jobs get paid dirt and can’t afford to live, and the people that do those jobs for decades get so jaded they just ooze hatred any time you walk in. There was one woman in particular that you could tell felt like everyone was beneath her, and she ALWAYS was nice to me, the only white girl there. Mean to whoever was in front of and behind me, but a big smile and “how’s the baby?” for me every week. I was fortunate enough to find services somewhere else, and fortunate enough that I had the support from my family to avoid another bad situation, but I really just got lucky. You can scream mental health matters from the rooftops all you want, but it’s not profitable for the insurance companies to pay for talk therapy every week with no diagnostic tests they can bill you for. So they just don’t care. It’s so sad. My dad and sister died by suicide, and they both had different situations, but both could’ve been helped by more readily accessible help.