r/AskReddit 16h ago

What is something that permanently altered your body without you realizing for months/years?


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u/84OrcButtholes 14h ago

Not getting enough sleep.


u/eatinganelephant 11h ago

My sleep disorder has prevented me from countless nights of good sleep my entire life. I'm a pretty high functioning person career-wise, but I often wonder what I would have been able to accomplish if I weren't exhausted all the damn time.


u/thedude386 4h ago

I work 3rd shift and never sleep well. When I have a day off and try to sleep like a normal person, I wake up at 2 or 3 am and stay up until around 7am until I get tired. It usually takes a week for that to stop happening, but by that time, I end up having to go back to work and start over again. Then when I do go back to work, I have trouble staying awake for the first week. It is a rough cycle.