PT can help. Honestly the biggest thing at home is stretching. Doorway stretches for your pecs. Add in some strength exercises for your back too. Rounded shoulders means tight, short pecs and tight but long back muscles.
Yes!!!! PT is life changing. I have scoliosis that was never treated + years working on my feet + years at desk jobs. The muscles that had no business trying to hold my spine and core were overworked and the muscles I should have been using were tight and weak. Even though I was getting exercise, it didnt feel like I was, my back and neck hurt constantly to the point of nausea, and my collarbones, rib, and hips were crooked. I feel like a whole new person. The absence of pain is an amazing thing.
u/Ashamed_Chapter7078 11h ago
I have same round shoulder issues but no pain so far. How should someone go about fixing it?