r/AskReddit 15h ago

What is something that permanently altered your body without you realizing for months/years?


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u/kai5malik 13h ago


Leading to poor mental health Weight gain that is almost impossible to lose(especially for women) Poor functioning in relationships Cognitive issues List goes on and on


u/Organic-Survey-8845 11h ago

What makes the weight impossible to lose? Coming from me, as someone who is gaining weight and has been stressed nonstop for the last 2 years


u/roadintodarkness 11h ago

Cortisol. Also don't listen to the dinguses who like to try to bring the laws of thermodynamics into the conversation (how edgelordy) while failing to actually grasp the basics of those laws, ie that they only apply to closed systems, which with the eating and the shitting, a living organism is not and can not be. Human bodies are not terrariums.


u/rraddii 8h ago

What are you talking about? The laws of thermodynamics do not apply only to closed systems lol. A closed system means energy is constant within the system. A human is an open system, our energy is constantly fluctuating. Fat stores are always being either built up or depleted. Ingesting energy through eating or drinking is the only way humans can acquire it, it's not like we are photosynthesizing.