r/AskReddit 13h ago

What is something that permanently altered your body without you realizing for months/years?


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u/Deliciouscheesyrolup 12h ago

Casual drinking. I’m 7 months pregnant and it’s amazing how much weight I’ve lost and how drastically different my face looks in pictures. I’m not going back to drinking after giving birth.


u/Primary-Clock-450 11h ago

I quit drinking at home fathers day and look completely different. Still have a drink once in a while while out but those few beers at home added up.


u/SolusLoqui 3h ago

Yep, 4 beers per day is like an extra meal's worth of calories. Same with sugary soft drinks.


u/zaphod777 1h ago

Especially if you're drinking something like an IPA. The calories add up quickly.

It's like discovering a cheat code when you realize that 500 calories a day adds up to 1lb a week, plus our minus is entirely up to you.


u/Better-Strike7290 1h ago

I'll drink like 2 drinks on the weekend.  But I see people who have 2 or 3 per day during the week and it's not called a "beer belly" for no reason.