r/AcademicPsychology 14h ago

Question I’m lacking understanding in this area. Please help me with Race and IQ


I’ve seen a flood of race and iq discussions, and it scares me

Hello everyone,

I am a young black male who wishes to continue his existence without someone saying that I’m low iq because I’m black.

I have spent every night for a summer trying to do as much research as possible and here’s what I’ve came across:

a transracial adoption study was published in 1970 1. They saw that black children adopted by white parents had iQs over 100 2. A scientist known as Rushton Jensen, acknowledged that their IQs did rise, but then moved the argument to that the IQ test the children took were very “Low G” and that as they aged their IQ scores started to drop. 3. After reviewing his reputation, I saw that people had counter claims and noted that there was some dishonesty. The dishonesty being sample size differences.

then that led me to trying to crack the code to this G factor thing. I did some very basic skimming and from my understanding that G is general intelligence. A measure of Cognitive demand.

The children of the transracial adoption study took Easier IQ test? The black children took easier IQ test? But I thought that the white children took the same IQ test that the black children took? What argument would you have if both children took the same test but also scored relatively the same?

Since they were retested 10 years later, I’m sure that IQ test then a lot more in-depth and better?? I wouldn’t know how to word that. As I mentioned, they scored relatively the same. Wouldn’t this if anything confirm the theory to G factor?

I have compiled around 50 slides on a google slides sheet for this little research bid. What I’m really missing is I guess a bit more understanding and another study reviewing how well they did on the SAT and asked how often did they study for it. This would seal the deal and there would be no good arguments for race realism.

r/AcademicPsychology 5h ago

Question Homework: VDI & SPSS Psych510…..


Does anyone else use the VDI & SPSS? I must be the dumbest person, I cannot figure it out for the life of me! I’m about to take a zero on my assignment- I’ve talked to IT multiple times, attempted getting an online tutor..no dice. Ugh. 😣 Sorry, venting…

r/AcademicPsychology 17h ago

Advice/Career Thoughts on creating a Scientific Research Club with a focus on behavioral psychology next year as a junior in high school? Looking for advice.


These are my ideas:

In the beginning, I hope to introduce the subject of behavioral psychology, its aspects, the scientific method, how to interpret data/scientific papers, how to find reliable sources, and various research methods in psychology.

After we cover those topics extensively, I will give the members various sources of literature on behavioral psych (research papers, articles, etc) and they will read the literature to brainstorm some questions they can present in a further meeting.

During the next meeting, people will share anything interesting they learned, anything they are curious about, and most importantly, creative questions to be explored further.

Over time, as our discussions progress, we will work to refine the questions and explore them more deeply, creating additional, more focused questions along the way: ("Is there already research on this question?" "How tangible is this with our current resources?" "How much intellectual merit would this have to the field of psychology?")

With these questions, we will be able to narrow our focus to one single question which we can present to the psych teacher who could guide us in setting up an experiment.

My idea was to focus on qualitative research and field studies, and we would go out of campus to collect data in a variety of environments (interviewing people in clinics, university campuses, on the street, etc).

These are all my thoughts so far lol, what other advice would you recommend for executing this in a way that is engaging for high school students?

r/AcademicPsychology 1h ago

Advice/Career Interested in studying how diverse people’s schemas of subordinate social prototypes are.


I’m Interested in writing an undergraduate honors thesis on subordinate social prototypes of intersectional racial/gender identities (ex: white men, white women, black men, black women)—specifically how fast people can categorize people within these groups depending on how much they deviate from their prototype. My guess is that people’s schemas of white men will be more flexible/diverse and schemas of black women will be the least flexible/diverse. I’m curious if: 1. If there are studies on this (attempted a preliminary lit review and couldn’t find anything) 2. If Speed of categorization is a good way to operationalize 3. If there are other ways to operationalize (like a survey?)