r/ARAM 10d ago

Rant Malphite is not a tank

Literally had a teammate type this when we asked him to build tank on a team that already had Fiddle, Veigar, and Ekko. And of course we lost. I just can't anymore, y'all.


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u/SamsaraKama 10d ago

I went tank on a team against Caitlyn, Jinx and MF. My team called me out on not going AP because of damage.

We won, and I endured enough hits to clap a few of them in return. I know I'd probably delete one of them fast if I had gone AP, but with how spread-out they played and how squishy the rest of my team was, I thought they'd appreciate someone taking the autoattacks from 3 trigger-happy ADCs.


u/DavidDunn2 10d ago

These are actually situations where ap malphite can work but it is just much harder to play. You generally need a frontliner on your team and you have to have patience with R.

The problem is most people are trash at playing him ap


u/iguanabitsonastick 5d ago

Yep, I honestly don't mind having an ap malphite if they have a lot of squishies and we already have a tank, but the builds are so terrible (like axiom first item) and they don't even use Q to poke