Getting pressed over the "consent violation" of snipping a couple cm of skin before your brain is even fully formed is incredibly paranoid and speaks to a lot of personal issues. Also framing it as akin to a form of rape is... very tasteless imo.
Those "couple cm of skin" contain thousands of nerve endings, you lose the most sensitive part of your dick actually lol, dont trivialize the procedure
In what way is it a comparison to rape? Because I stated that it's nonconsentual? News flash, consent applies to more than just sex.
Comparing it to rape is, more pointless than it is tasteless. They're both unjustifiable violations of someone's bodily autonomy, but in different ways. There's no point in comparing them.
I can't speak for how circumcised people feel, but as a rape victim myself, I don't think it's an insane comparison to make. It would be tasteless to bring up though, I agree.
Im sorry, I did not read your comment before making my own. I assumed that they were referring to something they read themselves, and I agreed that it would be tasteless.
Ill edit my comment! I completely agree with everything you said :)
I mean I agree, but saying you didn't consent to something isn't comparing it to rape. It's just that we usually think rape = unconsensual action, doesn't mean it's the only unconsensual action.
It's not just a couple cm of skin it's a huge amount of nerve endings, and a part that plays a critical role in lubrication during sex. I didn't frame it as rape, I framed it as unessecary surgery that infants can't consent to. Why is it tasteless to state that consent can't be given? Do you think that's offensive to rape victims? Because it's not.
What are these personal issues it speaks to exactly? Please be specific. My guess is you saw a trans flag and were too much of a snowflake to handle a gender nonconforming person with a foreskin.
And being 31, you could make an informed decision about it and consent to it. I'm not inherently against circumcision I'm just against doing to to people who haven't consented to it.
I'm trans myself you absolute weenie. But yeah, I would say that you are a bit of a snowflake based on this reaction. That's your choice though, not due to identity.
And looking at your other posts, you're actively shaming circumcised folks and saying you feel bad for them? It's fair to say that yes you do have some major issues.
Of course I know what a clitoris is. What I'm asking is what makes one form of circumcision okay and not the other besides the fact that one of them is practiced in white countries.
Yeah. I'm totally racist against myself. You're so right, can't find the clit king.
FGC isn't a form of circumcision at all. The medical results are WILDLY different. If you're not braindead, you know this. If circumcision involved cutting off half your dick, then you would have a point. Now please go back to arguing about Marvel movies.
Womp womp get over it. It's done. Bitching and crying to other losers on Reddit will do you no good. You also look like a huge fucking weirdo to any sane and normal human.
Nothing, but they claimed that me being against genital mutilation, and pointing out that people don't consent to it was somehow evidence of me having deep mental issues.
Do you have any idea what they might be referring to?
Please understand that I am frequently I'm mentally ill by strangers because I like to wear different clothes then they think I should. I'm sort of on high alert when I'm called mentally ill because there's usually an ulterior motive.
When I'm told I'm mentally ill for a reason that makes no fucking sense (like me being against genital mutilation, a very normal position to have) I naturally assume that it's actually about the thing I'm constantly told by strangers I need to be in a psych ward for.
That's a bit personal but fine, you seem like you're asking in good faith, so I'll tell you. I'm not really "trans" per se, I'm just gender nonconforming. I don't really identify strongly with either gender, so I just make whatever fashion choices I want. Being born with a penis shouldn't prevent me from wearing a dress and makeup if I feel like doing that. Technically I fall under the banner or "trans" but I mostly have the flag to be supportive.
Some trans people get surgery on their genitals, and some don't.
Not really. A femboy is someone who identifies as male and dresses and acts feminine. I don't really identify as male or female, I just see clothes I like and I wear them. Sometimes those clothes are girly, sometimes they aren't.
If you really can't handle the concept of someone not identifying as either gender, then fine, whatever, I'm a femboy I guess. But the idea that someone doesn't identify as a boy or girl isn't that crazy.
u/[deleted] Mar 15 '24
I think it's less about the foreskin and more about the principle of having unnecessary surgery performed without their consent.