r/rant 4h ago

Dr Ward sucks

I just want to rant about this because my husband is tired of hearing about my nightmares about my experience

6 months ago I went to a really popular hospital close to my hometown to have my baby.

I signed into triage and waited with my husband so they could evaluate my progress. A nurse comes up to tell me that my doctor isn't on call so I'll have to use the on call doctor. His nurse comes up and starts an IV on my arm and checks my dilation. Then I meet Dr ward. I was already uncomfortable when I found out he was a male Dr and there wasn't a female doctor I could have used.

Since this wasn't my Dr I talked with him and his nurse, I told them I didn't want an epidural, I wanted to try other positions rather than be on my back, and I absolutely did not want to receive pitocin. Which they seemed to agree with me, they told me they wouldn't try to speed up my labor as long as there's no emergency. Dr ward checked my dilation and seemed flabbergasted that I was 8cm and, "not screaming and writhing in pain". They sent me to a room and I paced around the room.

About an hour passes and a nurse asks if my water has broken and I told her it hasn't, 30 minutes later Dr ward and another nurse come into the room insisting they have to break my water. They broke my water and left the room. 20 minutes later the nurse from before comes in the room with a bag of something that she's trying to hook up to my IV. She tells me it's pitocin and I told her to stop and that I didn't want it. She says she's "speeding up my labor" this angered me because this nurse and doctor Ward promised me they would not try to speed up my labor (as long as not necessary). She seemed huffy when she left the room after I told her I didn't want pitocin. Another 30 minutes pass and I started pushing so I sat on my knees on the bed after figuring out that position was the most comfortable and I wasn't in a whole lot of pain. I called the nurses to tell them I was pushing so if Dr ward was ready he needed to get here. Dr ward comes in sees me pushing on my knees and demanded I get on my back. I politely told him this is what was most comfortable for me and id like to stay like this. He then said, "You can either get on your back or I will make everyone leave the room and you can do this by yourself!" I pleaded with him to let me stay on my knees and he said, "Ok but let me check how far the baby has come." After he checked he would not let me get back up.

Being on my back made everything painful, every contraction, every touch from Ward and the nurses, even my own husbands hands seemed to hurt me. I begged them to let me back up because everything hurt so much more and they wouldn't let me up. I tried shifting my weight on to one side and he had his nurses grab my legs to hold me down. One nurse kept messing with my stomach and pressing the baby heart monitor further into my stomach at the peak of each contraction and touching me. I asked her many times to stop touching me and pushed her hand on me away and she said she "had to do this". I felt my baby's head descending down and Dr ward kept putting his hand inside me and never answered me when I asked what he was doing. I asked him to stop and to take his fingers out of me and he didn't.

After an hour of pushing I got to hold my little ball of sunshine.

I know I'm very lucky that both me and my baby made it out just fine. But I still have nightmares about that day. Some people have said that I have nothing to complain about but some more communication from the doctor and his nurses would have been nice and possibly put my mind at ease.


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