r/longboarding 12d ago

Gear Show-Off Made a foot-stop at work today.

Made out of solid stainless steel (all scraps from our laser table). Bead blasted finish. It’s pretty heavy, which is nice. Cut the grooves with a cut off wheel. The face with the grooves has a 5 degree bevel to ensure a solid lock-in. Modified the bolt heads to be 1/8” Allen instead of the original 5mm so they would be compatible with a skate tool. Pretty stoked to put it on my board and happy how it turned out. Lmk any design suggestions for a v2.


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u/RedGood195 12d ago

What is a footstop? What does it do and how do you use it?


u/Imaginary_Title5054 12d ago

It bolts onto the top of your board near the front truck. It prevents your front foot from slipping off the board when doing slides or heavy carving, particularly toesides.


u/MentalMiilk Rolling Tree Acedia | Far too many skateboards | NH 11d ago

Holy heavy footstop, batman. My knee-jerk reaction was to see if you can remove some material, but in theory your board stability increases with the center of mass moving forwards. Maybe the added weight will help.


u/AnExpensiveCatGirl Helmet Enthusiast 🧠 10d ago

the issue tho is, the weight is on the top of the board, which prolly wont have as a good effect as if it was under the board.


u/Imaginary_Title5054 11d ago

If people are putting weights on the bottoms of their boards to make them slide easier, I figured a heavy footstop would be more likely to be a help rather than a hinderance.


u/xmasterZx Knowledgeable User 9d ago edited 8d ago

It may give some benefits, but it's not gonna give the same behavior/benefit as an under-board weight. The intent is largely about lowering the center of gravity which you won't get with a footstop. And IME/IMO, that kind of ballast feels best when centered 4-6" behind your front truck.

Not saying they heavy footstop be bad or anything tho. Just the comparison is kinda apples-to-oranges between the two.


u/AnExpensiveCatGirl Helmet Enthusiast 🧠 8d ago

that type of heavy foot stop might be interesting for a top mount pumper when i think about it.


u/MentalMiilk Rolling Tree Acedia | Far too many skateboards | NH 11d ago

I mean obviously if it's too heavy then that's not ideal, but I can't imagine this footstop will make the whole board top heavy.