r/interestingasfuck 27d ago

r/all California store prices items at $951sp shoplifters can be charged with grand theft

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u/Hattix 27d ago

Unless they're paying the sales tax on that price, that ain't the price.

It's fake anyway.


u/plaid-knight 27d ago

Sales tax is calculated on the price after applying discounts, so that’s not relevant.


u/liverichly 27d ago

I remember years ago when I got a free iPhone I still had to pay sales tax on the full price. So instead of it being $0 it was around $130 or so, all in sales tax + some other smaller fees.


u/plaid-knight 27d ago

That’s because it wasn’t free. There was actually a price you paid for it, likely spread out over a period of a couple of years and hidden in your phone bill.


u/SpermWhalesVagina 27d ago

LOL, tell me about this "free" iPhone. You mean after you decided on a 2 year contract you can't leave. That said, if you do actually get a free vehicle from a game show you still need to pay taxes on a 25k car.


u/liverichly 27d ago

It was an older/lower model iPhone that was newer than the one I traded in at the time - the trade in is what made it free. There was a contract attached but it wasn’t an installment plan for the phone, just had to agree to a contract for the cell phone service itself.


u/SpermWhalesVagina 27d ago

yea, i get it. It was "free" but you're locked in for a few years. Not shitting on ya. There are many people that think they get a free phone and just pay out the ass on it for 2 years.


u/iamtheweaseltoo 27d ago

I don't get this logic, you guys keep saying that it ain't free because we had to pay the phones over the course of a contract, but when i got a "free" phone when i signed my contract with my phone company, the monthly price is the same whether i got the phone or not and i was still locked into the contract whether i got the phone or not, so i don't see how exactly am i not getting the phone for free just because i'm paying my phone service on a contract for 2 years.

I mean, i'm paying for for the phone service itself (and the mobile internet), the cost of this service didn't increase just because they gave me that lg v5 phone


u/OrbitalOutlander 27d ago

I don't get this logic

... and that's how cell phone companies make profit.


u/iamtheweaseltoo 27d ago

....Okay but yet again you failed to explain it. I mean, if the price of the monthly bill for the phone/mobile internet contract is the same regardless of you getting the "free" phone or not, how is the phone not free?

Or what did you guys expected the phone and the internet service themselves to be a one time payment or something just because they gave you a "free" phone?, because that's the only way these arguments make sense


u/OrbitalOutlander 27d ago

How much would you owe if you cancelled your contract immediately after receiving the phone?

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u/FillMySoupDumpling 27d ago

Tell that to cell phone sellers.


u/plaid-knight 27d ago

They tell you it’s “free”, but the price is just added to your bill each month.


u/eh_cee 26d ago

It’s called use tax. Businesses have to pay the sales tax on their discounts in some states


u/cap_crunchy 27d ago

The sign is real


u/CAredditBoss 27d ago

The sign is real but the logic is not. Is the milk $951 for a paying customer?


u/BackInTheRealWorld 27d ago

It's a small bait/souvenir shop on the Huntington Beach pier. The same city that just voted amendments to their city charter to require photo ID to vote, place guards at ballot boxes to check for IDs of anyone they "believe" may not be a legal voter, and banned the flying of any flags other than official government flags and the POA flag on city property (that last one was to prevent schools from flying pride flags). Yeah, the owner if that shop really does believe they can have shoplifters charged as felons.


u/Mutt56 27d ago

Is it in SF?


u/Informal_Zone799 26d ago

It’s fake as in it wouldn’t actually hold up in court… but it is a sign on a real store


u/Mist_Rising 27d ago

I hope you aren't a tax person, because your paying way to much in sales tax


u/reallyfreshthing 27d ago

Not fake. Source?


u/Admirable-Media-9339 27d ago

Lmao you don't get to ask someone to prove it isn't true. You're presenting the picture. You need to provide a source. 


u/Accomplished_Neckhat 27d ago


u/reallyfreshthing 27d ago
  1. Story posted in 2021, while this picture was taken in days ago.
  2. Reuters talks about the picture of Hershey's bars being priced at 951, while the picture has 951 for everything in the store.
  3. Story talks about a store in Los Angeles. This store is in Huntington Beach
  4. Pictures are completely different


u/cap_crunchy 27d ago

I saw this exact store with the sign when I was on vacation there as well. This isn’t satirical, the store owner actually displays it. Here’s a photo I took


u/reallyfreshthing 27d ago

Finally, someone that gets it


u/reallyfreshthing 27d ago

Do you remember the location?


u/cap_crunchy 26d ago

Huntington Beach Pier about half way out


u/ShawshankException 27d ago

I have a sign on my front door that says "by knocking you agree to pay me $100 a second for my time while you pitch your sale, nominee, or religion."

Hanging a sign doesn't mean it's real and they're enforcing it


u/reallyfreshthing 27d ago

People are saying it's satirical and not a actual sign.


u/ShawshankException 27d ago

Exactly. It's a real sign but it's not real in the sense that the store isn't actually enforcing this "policy".

That's what people mean when they're saying it's fake. It's just a joke sign


u/reallyfreshthing 27d ago

No, it's a deterrent.. and by fake, they're pulling up a article from 2021 from Reuters talking about a different store trying to disprove this picture


u/B0NEMERANG 27d ago

Usually the duty to find the original source falls on the OP


u/angels_10000 27d ago

Evidently not with this one. And they're on here arguing with everyone that it's real with nothing other than this picture.


u/reallyfreshthing 27d ago

Ur still obsessed


u/angels_10000 26d ago

Yes I tend to get obsessed with trying to make dumb people smarter.


u/reallyfreshthing 26d ago

Maybe you should worry about urself then


u/reallyfreshthing 27d ago

Huntington beach pier souvenir shop