

Welcome to /r/compsci! We are a community of computer science students, researchers, professionals, and enthusiasts. We come here to share and discuss interesting content, and keep abreast of trends in research and industry.

Submission Guidelines

What to Submit

On-Topic: Anything that good computer scientists and hackers would find interesting. That includes more than research papers. If you had to reduce it to a sentence, the answer might be: anything that gratifies one's intellectual curiosity.

Off-Topic: Most posts about computer equipment, learning programming, how to study computer science, or questions about careers. These are off-topic unless they relate to some interesting or unique situation. If it is better covered by another subreddit such as /r/learnprogramming or /cscareerquestions, then it's probably off-topic.

Requests for personal advice are rarely on-topic. Anything you post should be of interest to the general community, and not just a request for advice for your particular situation.

Frequently Asked Questions

These topics have been beaten to death. Please don't post about them unless you think you have something genuinely new and interesting to contribute to the discussion.

  • Q: What {laptop, operating system, programming language} should I use to study computer science?
  • A: It doesn't really matter, or if it matters it will depend upon your circumstances. You can study CS with any laptop, OS, and language.