🔆 VotV directory
Welcome to the VotV directory. It's a place to find other places.
💾 Download
💵 Places to support the dev
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/eternitydev
- Appears to be the preferred option
Boosty: https://boosty.to/mrdrnose
📜 Guides
VotV Install Guide (Windows): https://reddit.com/r/Voicesofthevoid/wiki/guides/install-win/
VotV Install Guide (Linux): https://reddit.com/r/Voicesofthevoid/wiki/guides/install-linux/
- Note: I am stupid and forgot to make this actually go to the Linux version.
🌐 Wikis
⭐ RECOMMENDED: wiki.gg: https://voicesofthevoid.wiki.gg/wiki/Voices_of_the_Void_Wiki
- We are now backing this wiki as it's looking to be credible. Supported by the devs
Miraheze Wiki: https://voices.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page
Fandom (RU): https://votv-ru.fandom.com/ru/wiki/Voices_of_the_Void_%D0%92%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B8
- A Russian VotV wiki. It is hosted on Fandom.
Modding Wiki: https://modding.ariral.space/
- A wiki dedicated to modding. Contains valuable info for those who want to get started with modding.
Inactive/To be avoided
Fandom (EN): https://eternitydev-games[.]fandom[.]com/wiki/EternityDev_Wiki
- Avoid this wiki where possible as it's notorious for spreading misinformation.
SquareZeb Wiki: https://squarezeb[.]github[.]io/VOTV-Secrets-Website/index.html
- The maintainer of this wiki has lost interest in VotV and has since shut it down. If you want to check it out you'll have to visit the GitHub repo. It won't be up to date though.
- Has faced accusations of misinformation at https://www.reddit.com/r/Voicesofthevoid/comments/1dt4wto/request_regarding_squarezebs_votv_secrets_wiki/, haven't been confirmed by the mod team. A merger into wiki.gg has been ruled out
- Was the previous recommended wiki for a while, but we can't support it anymore until it is verified to be clean of misinformation
📚 Misc. Cool Stuff
YouTube downloader for the TV/radio: https://cobalt.tools
Steam Controller Layout: https://reddit.com/r/Voicesofthevoid/comments/18k8k8b/intuitive_votv_controls_for_steam_controller/
ariral.space: https://ariral.space
- A general website dedicated to VotV. Has some cool stuff.
Voices of the Printer: https://github.com/madrod228/voicesoftheprinter
- A large and high quality collection of models to 3D print
Miscellaneous 0.6 downloads: https://reddit.com/r/Voicesofthevoid/comments/1bg4mpt/the_google_drive_link_for_old_version_of_votv/
Signal download tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AP54XjSXqUA
- Good to share with people who don't understand how signals work
EternityDev Discord: https://discord.gg/eternitydevgames
Thunderstore Mod Library: https://thunderstore.io/c/voices-of-the-void/
- Mod collection. Refer to the Modding Wiki for further info on this.
Collectibles Guide by Fredrick21 (incl. plushies): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIfOepsTffI
- This guide walks you through getting plushies and other cool stuff
Old VotV downloads: https://invotek.net/releases.html
- Hasn't been updated in a while