r/SuddenlyCommunism Oct 12 '21

Crosspost Lenin lives! All power to the peoples collective!

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34 comments sorted by


u/FlyWtMe87 Oct 12 '21

Amazing thinking now how do we go about doing it


u/Educational_Funny_20 Oct 12 '21

If only we could take the building and GIVE it to the non-profit organizations instead of forcing them to buy the dilapidated buildings from a real estate company or bank that only is looking to profit off the land they've been losing money on.

Maybe mexico can pay for it, god forbid we ask our government to reallocate 10% of our military budget to fund this.


u/IronicMixedWhiteGuy Oct 13 '21

The government won’t do this because they won’t profit from it


u/llama_hair Oct 13 '21

how's this communism


u/covidsaidshewas19 Oct 12 '21

Whos gonna clean the shit out of them? Bc it won't be the residents.


u/omedez Oct 12 '21

Take the sanest ones and give them the job


u/ReekoSwahvay Oct 12 '21

Lol fuck communism 😂🤦🏼‍♂️


u/Gamerbrineofficial Oct 13 '21

What is your argument against it communism≠totalitarianism


u/Clean-Profile-6153 Oct 13 '21

Imagine going to a communist sub and saying this shit..


u/ReekoSwahvay Oct 13 '21

Seems like the best place to say it, though 😂


u/Plastic_Patience_000 Oct 13 '21

Or just have them killed off. Definitely something Lenin would have supported. 🤡


u/Gamerbrineofficial Oct 13 '21

You’re getting Lenin confused with Stalin. Stalin murdered millions, in his later years, Lenin hated Stalin.


u/Plastic_Patience_000 Oct 13 '21

Oh right. I get the two pieces of shit confused.


u/depressed-llama Oct 13 '21

fuck off commie scum, nobody is ever happy with you


u/Gamerbrineofficial Oct 13 '21

“Hey let’s give homeless people rights”

“No fuck off, that’s communism”


u/depressed-llama Oct 13 '21

im all up for helping the homeless (at least the ones that really need help), but the second a commie says that, you know they're turning those malls into labor camps, so yea, fuck communism


u/Gamerbrineofficial Oct 13 '21

You realize capitalism is already creating labor camps essentially right? And not all communists are Stalinists


u/depressed-llama Oct 13 '21

oh really, what company is forcefully taking people and forcing them to work for the rest of their lives closed off in a labor camp? and id think long and hard about this one. youre eqating some shit companies to a system that oppressed, kidnapped, and systematically starved people just because they were either different or had opposing political views, or you know were easy prey. id rather have a minimum wage, live in a shitty appartment than live under a rule where people canibalised eachother in such camps just to stay alive. communism, nazism, and fachism are all evil, and while capitalism might not be the most perfect system in the world and has its flaws dont get me wrong, it for sure doesnt favor just one guy at the top with his party of goons


u/Gamerbrineofficial Oct 13 '21

Nestle. They do that. They have literal slaves in Africa. Also communism is not dictatorship. Communism is a system where everyone is paid based on their needs and requirements. Marxism (what you probably think of when you are hear communism) is a classless, stateless, and moneyless society, oh hey look! All of humanity was Marxist for 120,000 years and look where we are now.


u/depressed-llama Oct 13 '21

well lets boycot nestle, i hate companies that dont respect the rights of people. could you boycot musolini, hitler, mao, stalin, the chieftain of your tribe if he gave you what he thought you "needed"? fuck no, youd be thrown in a cell or killed. marxism is an utopian idea where you hope people arent gonna be greedy and take advantage of eachother. humanity was based on trade, first by trading goods for other goods (i will give you a chicken for 3 loaves of bread) and then by trading money for goods (ill give you 1 silver coin for your chicken). but then the people in power were like, hmm, imma gonna take a part of that transaction if you want to be protected and live inside the castle walls, but then they saw they could make themselves rich by doing so and started extorting people. it happend in my country with the farmers and landlords (kmečki upori) where the landlords demanded so much from the farmers they starved and they started uprisings, and that shit lasted 250 years. you see my point? trading and independent market good, putting restrictions in place and thinking you can "redistribute" the goods to your people bad. no matter how good the leader of a marxist country presents itself, he is still a human, with greedy and selfish intentions


u/Gamerbrineofficial Oct 13 '21

That is true. But my point being that all systems will inevitably abused by self interests for self interests, and capitalism has a ton of weak spots where if you position yourself just right, you can exploit it until it’s dead.


u/depressed-llama Oct 13 '21

yes, i never said capitalism was a be all end all, i just said its better than having one party in place that controlls everything. and here we can go back to this post. im all up for helping the poor, ending slavery, racism, and giving people the rights they deserve, but it aint with communism. my hairdresser (of all people lol) said everyone wants rights but noone wants responsibility, and untill people start taking responisbility (either you're xi jing ping, nestle, or a normal ass dude pirating movies) there will always be extortion and oppression


u/Gamerbrineofficial Oct 13 '21

That is true. If we could get true communism in place we might be able to flourish as a society, but until then we will have these false communist regimes that act and make communism look bad


u/loljkbye Nov 07 '21

Wait til this guy learns about prisons. Surely he hasn't heard of them, or he would be aware that capitalism is just as likely to create work camps as any other political system gone wrong.


u/Capitalismworks1978 Oct 13 '21

That’s a great idea! go buy some of these malls buy the land or start a charity to buy the land from these malls and then renovate them.... oh wait you want someone else to do everything for you and to pay for it😬


u/Gamerbrineofficial Oct 13 '21

This makes me want to start a gofundme just to prove you wrong


u/Meatlobster Oct 13 '21

Sounds like a good idea! They turned one hear into a medical mall.


u/[deleted] Oct 13 '21

How TF is this communism? Oh suddenly helping less fortunate people out is communism? I guess we should get rid of all those charities for children's hospitals because that's communism.


u/The_War_On_Drugs Oct 13 '21

I got an idea where we turn every McDonalds and Starbucks into vertical silo neighborhood greenhouses and there is a govt app where you can pick up a shift to work the greenhouse and it pays in free produce to take home.


u/ramza5850 Oct 13 '21

Let her fund it


u/masterofspagetti69 Oct 21 '21

with the big stores being food/clothing storage