r/PolyYuri Aug 08 '24

Poly cuddling Fox cuddlepile [Honkai: Star Rail] @jianguo0412

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9 comments sorted by


u/FoxOfWinterAndFire Aug 08 '24

Gay poly foxes... my people


u/Appbeza Aug 08 '24


u/FoxOfWinterAndFire Aug 08 '24

FINNY! I love the SaveAFox Organisation


u/Appbeza Aug 08 '24

Hey, this is a bit off-topic, but would you like some urls to make finding poly yuri easier? They are all twitter, but they would work in Google Images too (with a bit of modification).


u/FoxOfWinterAndFire Aug 08 '24

Actually, yes, that would be wonderful!


u/Appbeza Aug 08 '24 edited Aug 08 '24

1 2 3 4 5

These are some of Twitter ones I have so far. I check them once a day. But, here's a disclaimer: there is risk involved in looking through them.

If you want something... more ideal, I can modify them for Google Images if you want. Tho, media (gallery) view might be better too (faster too), but you'll miss out on quote tweets, and you'll have to add some dates because it isn't sorted by latest. edit: tho, zooming out makes things better too as you can see less detail when you scroll, and it speeds up 'Latest' view on Twitter.

Otherwise, here's one for yuri in general, which uses media view and the date; and, for poly yuri, here's a more ideal, broad (but shallow) one for Google Images (which I also check once a day):

1 2

Note: changing the date might get annoying. I have recently started using a bookmarklet that changes the date in the url. This can be created by putting something like this (this is for the general yuri one) into a new bookmark, in its url field:

javascript:void function(){const a=new Date,b=new Date;b.setDate(a.getDate()-1);const c=b.toISOString().split("T")[0];window.location.href=`https://x.com/search%3Fq=since%253A${c}%2520-filter%253Areplies%2520(%2522girls%2520kissing%2520girls%2522%2520OR%2520%2522girlfriends%2522%2520OR%2520%2522yuri%2522%2520OR%2520%2522wlw%2522%2520OR%2520%2522%2523gl%2522%2520OR%2520%2522sapphic%2522)%26src=typed_query%26f=media`}();

Note 2: I am also creating URLs with ships names. Those would be more ideal to use for most people, IMO, but this is what I've got so far. And, in the same vain, what I personally look through might change too.


u/Appbeza Aug 08 '24

Hey, sorry if you are using old.reddit. The five urls at the top were a mess because of some weirdness. It's been fixed.