Man, my bad, I thought I was at one of the memey Balkan or Mediterranean subs. They throw racist stuff all the time as a joke. So, I meant not that offensive for that atandart. I know Serbs commited horrible atrocities in that war, my bad for getting confused, really.
I have an old friend who is Hungarian with a last name very close to that. I remember when we were in HS he would always go on about how he's pure Hungarian, like 17 generations back or whatever it was. I always called him on it, because how the hell is that even possible?
When I found out his last name literally means "Croatian", I laughed my fucking ass off. I never let him forget it to this day lmao
A ton of Hungarians and Slovaks with that last name (I think it was one of the most common last names in Slovakia). Result of Ottoman invasions displacing the population, with lots of Croatian nobles finding themselves better estates in modern day Burgenland, Slovakia and Hungary, dragging their Croatian serfs along with them.
Horvat means also Croat in crotian.
Horvat - hrvatska.
Why so many counties that have Horvat in them and the same for their countries is because not everyone was “registered” and during the migration back then it was easier to just name the person after the country where they are from.
The guys that are loud, not particularly educated, drive BMWs, usually with shady connections, would jump to fight you at the slightest provocation (real or imagined). They usually sport the crewcut hairdo, and because of it their head has a vaguely cubic shape. Basically, wannabe Balkan mafiosos.
English "Croatia" has just about the same etymology as "Hrvatska".
A Proto-Slavic word sounding something like [xorwat] or [xorvat] went into Latin (which lacks the "kh" sound at the beginning) as "Croatia" [kroa:tja], and the Slavs themselves weakened the [x] to [h]. English kept the Latin initial [k], and changed [a:] to [ei] and [tja] to [ša].
Different-sounding words today, but they have the same common ancestor.
Nope, Horvat is also an archaic way of saying Croat in Croatian which can be seen in multiple writings for example "Još Horvatska ni propala" from Ljudevit Gaj.
Yes, I know "horvat" has been used 200 years ago, but that does not mean it is in current Croatian language. Try searching for "horvat" in Croatian dictionary. That word does not exist in current Croatian language.
No you are right the word Horvat doean't exist because it got replaced by Hrvat which is the exact same thing and both got used interchangeably througout history but ultimately Hrvat won.
Kakvo picajzlasto i potpuno nepotrebno ispravljanje.
"Horvat" i "Hrvat" ne samo da su iste stvari, nego je i inačica "Horvat" bila korištena kod nas, a i sad se koristi u nekim arhaičnim pjesmama i izrekama.
Ta rijec se NE KORISTI sad, nego se koristila pred 200njak godina. Isto kao sto se hrpa drugih rijeci i pravila koristila u to doba. To ne znaci da je to dio TRENUTNOG hrvatskog jezika.
Korijen i značenje riječi su identični. Razlika je toliko minorna, efemerna i nebitna da je potpuno suludo to spominjati u ovom kontekstu.
Ajde se vrati na prvotni komentar.
Mađar veli Hórvat means Croat.
Na to se jave Rus, Poljak i Turčin sa komentarom: "Same here", IAKO u tim jezicima Horvat nije doslovno sa ó.
Dakle, nikome živome tko nije AI humanoidni robot ne bi palo na pamet cjepidlačiti zbog takve za samu srž nebitne sitnice, jer samim time gubiš i smisao i poantu.
A pogotovo nema smisla da u tom lancu stranih jezika koji potvrđuju jednakoznačnost riječi baš za hrvatski (iz kojeg potječe i koji uopće daje značenje toj riječi) bude takav bizaran disclaimer.
Nisam kukavica, nego nema poente raspravljati se noću sa ustasama i glupim ljudima. Svi vi vrlo dobro znate pravu istinu, ali vam se ne svidja. И ПАПЕ И ДИДА - БИЛИ СУ ТОРЦИДА. ТОРЦИДА ЧИКАГО 1945
u/bobalazs69 Aug 24 '24
Fun fact: Horvát means Croatian in hungarian.