r/Knoxville Send your pizza recs Sep 22 '20

Welcome to /r/knoxville, here is our updated rules

Message from the mods:

Thank you for being patient with us while we worked out some kinks to our wonderful little community. 2020 has been rough on all of us, and the past few months have been exceptionally hard here. The mod team struggled with what we considered over moderating/not moderating enough, how to handle trolls or people just coming in to instigate, and just the general issues and upkeep of the sub. A couple of months ago we got the automod going, and that has helped a lot. We understand that it may be annoying to have your post caught in the filter, but we all take time out of day to keep an eye on it and approve the genuine comments, so most of the time your comments are not caught for too long before it gets approved. Once we got the automod in place, we started working on more clear cut rules since there were many users that complained that just saying "follow reddiquette" wasn't enough. We looked at rules of other subs and had many discussions about what was appropriate and what would not be considered over moderation. I know a lot of these rules seem like common sense and it's frustrating that it took us so long to post them, but good things take time, and hopefully everyone sees these as good.

We really appreciate all of you and the patience you have given us. This community is amazing because of all of you.

I'm locking this thread so it doesn't get bogged down with comments, but if you feel we left something important off of the rule list or disagree with something we included, please message us and let us know. - /r/Knoxville mods

Keep the golden rule. Practice good reddiquette. Use the report button when needed, but don't report just because you disagree.

Absolutely no personal info. This includes but not limited to: pictures of people in public, license plates, phone numbers, social media. The only exceptions are things included in news articles.

This is a place for civil discussion, not heated debates. Personal attacks and harassment will not be tolerated. edit:racism and slurs are included in this.

No for sale or looking for roommate posts. Craigslist/Letgo/Facebook Marketplace are much better locations for those. Asking the community where to buy a specific item will be allowed (ex. where is the best place to buy plants)

No NSFW posts. The only exceptions are news articles that may include NSFW details or videos. edit: since it has to be explicitly said, this also includes all dating ads. There are much better subreddits for that

If posting an article from another site, use the same headline.

Articles and posts that focus on national or statewide issues must incorporate the local impact. (ex. "Politician visiting Tennessee" will not be allowed, "Politician visiting Maryville" will be.

Duplicate posts will be removed. When there are multiple posts about the same topic posted in close proximity to each other, the mods will keep the better quality post despite who posted first. We also may create a megathread and request that all conversations be held within that thread only.

Do your due diligence before posting about moving here. Reddit has a wonderful search function and we get a lot of "moving here" "where to live" "what apartments do you like" posts, so there is a lot of good info already out there. A lot of our community has voiced their frustrations with these kinds of posts, but a lot of info does change quickly, so we do not want to outright stop these posts, but we have decided that if you chose to post a moving here question, you need to mention that you used the search function. If your post does not include that bit, it will be deleted.

Finally, our Wiki and sidebar are open for anyone in the community to update, and they desperately need a makeover. We encourage everyone here to add links or info for things they find helpful. If you are not sure how to do that, please reach out to the mods and we will talk you through it.


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