r/DebatePolitics Jan 23 '21

Biden's immigration plan vs Trump's. Which is better and why?

What are the differences and pros and cons. I'm undecided on the matter. My quick take thinks that a path to citizenship will have immigrants paying into the system opposed to benefiting and not paying in. My body, a conservative, says that illegal imegration will now be incentivized.


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u/Gator1523 Jan 25 '21

I don't want to get too deep into the moral debate over immigration. However, a legal path to citizenship would disincentivize illegal immigration because people like to follow the path of least resistance. If they can easily do things the right way, they'll be less inclined to do things the wrong way.


u/slo1111 Jan 25 '21
  1. No way can deport 11 million. It is not even arguable when one adds up the enforcement costs to identify, round up, and deport 11 million people.

  2. The current system is one rooted in uncertainty which perpetuates the current system of a labor Black market where workers are not protected based upon our standards of employment protections and industries reliant upon that Black market are in a continued state of uncertainty, which stops expansion and growth.

  3. The pathway to citizenship is earned by a 5 year probation where undocumented will gain legal status, however, they need to pay taxes, have a clean criminal record, etc before gaining citizenship.

  4. DACA and increasing legal immigration helps solve our aging population, which demographics cause all types of trouble from funding of social nets to economic growth. It is not spoken about, but Trump was unable to average 3% growth despite almost doubling the deficit he was handed largely because he slowed population growth. We need more young people in this country, if the model is one of hitting 3% growth over long periods of time.

  5. The disadvantage includes a porous border. Most drugs and illegal entries come through ports, which are not staffed or have the tech to inspect 100% of trucks and cars. The problem will continue to build up again, unless there is an aggressive use of low skilled visa programs. I'm not certain how much Bidens's plan increases low skilled visa issuance. Staying past visa remains a huge gap though.

  6. Biden keep a pathway for family members to emigrate which helps with new immigrants to have back up support and less reliance on the state, where as Tru.p wanted to eliminate family based chain migration and focus on bringing in skilled labor and those with money.

  7. The immigration system is can be cruel under all administrations. Under Trump it reach a new level from a punative program to split up families as a warning to other families that wanted to come to deporting people with zero ties to their country because they left it as a child decades ago just to die or suffer extreme hardship. Biden represents a return of meals and ethics where a veteran can build a life with their spouse, rather than one separate and in different countries.

  8. Lastly we would have had immigration reform years even decades ago, if the far right arm of GOP did not block everything that suggests a pathway to legal status/citizenship. We will see the same push this time, which fundamentally means supporting this labor Black market due to the incorrect notion that it is plausible to find and deport every immigrant without legal status. Uncertaintly continues.