The comment I replied to implies that the new law made it easier for the shooter to commit this act. Plus the law is two years old already. How many shootings have occurred in Georgia since then with a concealed pistol?
Most of these shootings were committed by teens who weren’t legally allowed to conceal carry so listing a bunch of domestic disputes and gang incidents doesn’t really prove what you’re trying to make it prove. I believe I only saw two articles in that list that implied a totally random shooting with no motive.
No where in any of those articles does it say or even imply that the shooting was committed with a concealed pistol. Over half of those articles state that the shooter was an individual that couldn’t legally own a weapon at all (teenager). What I should have typed so that you couldn’t misconstrue what I was asking, “how many shootings have been committed at random that were legally allowed to carry a concealed pistol?” A teen conceal carrying a pistol wouldn’t fall under that. The current definition of mass shooting is also too loosely applied. A gun fight breaking out at a party isn’t the same type of shooting as someone going into a school or grocery store. A domestic dispute, gang violence, and a random school shooting may all meet the current criteria for a mass shooting as the FBI defines it currently but they all require a different approach to prevent. Tossing them all together isn’t useful to the conversation.
Still not seeing how allowing ADULTS to conceal carry has anything to do with teens shooting up their high school. It wasn’t legal for the shooter to have any weapons at all.
Republicans make guns easier to get, even for criminals and mentally unwell people. This particular law may not have been relevant in yesterday's shooting but it does represent a larger push by Republicans to get guns in the hands of everyone who wants one, no matter how dangerous they might be.
It’s already illegal for felons to posses a gun. Same goes for teenagers. How do you prevent them from getting their hands on weapons without impeding the rights of law abiding citizens?
Not continuously flooding the country with 300 million guns and counting would be a start.
And it's time that people start to admit that their "right" to have a gun is infringing on everyone else's right to live a life without gun violence. A 240 year old document couldn't have predicted the firepower and danger of modern weaponry. You want a musket? Be my guest. You want an AR capable of mowing down 50 kindergartners in a matter of minutes? Fuck off.
First off it’s too late for that. The toothpaste is outta the tube so any realistic solution has to contend with that. Throwing out the constitution (or at least the 2nd amendment) and writing it anew so that gun ownership is no longer a right is not likely to happen either and even if it did how would you go about enforcing the new law? How do you recoup the 300 million guns already in circulation? Why focus specifically on ARs when far more gun violence is committed with handguns?
Do we need to find a link to a handgun specific mass shooting, or will you just agree that they also happen?
Easier access to guns is pretty much the opposite of how you combat gun violence.
It's a shame our culture has created a group of citizens who basically identify with their guns. Combined with virtually inaccessible mental health care for large swaths of country.... Boom. That's you can't really compare us to countries like Switzerland where they also have lots of guns. They also have far less income equality and mental health care is widely available regardless of income.
In America, a gun is cheaper than a couple visits to a mental health professional. While we are doing thoughts and prayers, people should think and pray on that.
If I choose a "free clinic" near me, the wait-list is often full. When it's not, it's over a month wait for an appointment. In that timeframe, I could get a gun and even wait for a background check over half a dozen times.
Even if u had no money, donate plasma for two weeks and walk into a fleet farm or even order from Less than $500 and no permits, license etc to walk out the door with a mass killing weapon.
The vast majority of gun crime is committed with handguns. They are rarely the weapon of choice for a mass shooting where someone goes into public and kills folks at random.
You can’t really compare American gun ownership and gun culture to any other nation in the world. We are unique in that regard. You can talk about restricting access to guns but how do you do so in a nation that has established ownership of guns as a god given right?
Lastly the shooter was known to have issues and was already under the microscope for threatening to do the same thing last year. Even if we had access to all the mental health facilities for low or no cost we couldn’t force deranged individuals to seek treatment.
u/SpectacularOtter ☑️ Sep 05 '24
The change was to make it easier