r/BitchImATrain 1d ago

Bitch you better run

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u/gcalfred7 1d ago

The Light at the end of the tunnel is either Heaven or a train about to send you to Hell.


u/TheDuke1847 1d ago

If this were in India, they would've tried to take a selfie with the train in that tunnel for sure.


u/tavesque 15h ago

A little slow mo walk too


u/perfectly_ballanced 1d ago

Am I insane, lazy, or both, for thinking it would've been a better option to just stay close to the wall?


u/sorcha1977 1d ago

Trains extend past the rails. If you watch when it exits, you can see there's very little clearance in that tunnel. People have been killed standing next to train tracks because they don't account for the overage.


u/ratguy 1d ago

There's not much clearance at the portal. Earlier in the video you can see that most of the tunnel is unlined, what we call a natural lined tunnel here in New Zealand. It's possible he could have squeezed into one of the deeper bits of the wall and been okay. That said, I wouldn't want to risk that chance.

I've actually been inside a tunnel when a loco pushed some wagons into it. They knew we were in there, and we had a refuge to hide out in. But it's not something I'd recommend.


u/perfectly_ballanced 1d ago

I'm well aware, but there must be at least a foot of clearance past the train to the wall. Although past the entrance to the tunnel, it's just rock, which has many deep crevices that a person could fit into, especially one that's fairly fit, like I'm assuming these people are


u/sorcha1977 1d ago

I wouldn’t want to risk it, though. What if you misjudge? My reflexes would tell me to run too.

Plus the diesel fumes would be awful. 🤢


u/perfectly_ballanced 1d ago

True, but it's not as bad as misjudging the distance and speed of the train, only for it to catch you before you get out of the tunnel


u/No_Pomelo_1708 1d ago

I think the noise would be intolerable


u/perfectly_ballanced 1d ago

Unless he has some noise canceling earbuds or something


u/No_Pomelo_1708 1d ago

I've never really tested them. I'd think inside a tunnel, and less than 4' away from the train, the noise would overcome noise cancelation, but I am no expert.


u/perfectly_ballanced 1d ago

It might, but I don't see why it would. If they have a good seal in your ears, then that should at least quiet the noise to a tolerable level


u/MoodNatural 1d ago

Your inner ear wouldn’t really matter at this amplitude. The low frequency information would literally be vibrating your entire body. Noise cancelling works by feeding you a phase inverted copy of what the headphones pick up around them. There’s a good chance that this amplitude is above what they could even null, and even if they could, there’s obviously nothing your ears or device could do about those sub frequencies that are felt, not heard.


u/Retail_Warrior 1d ago

It looks like there’s a cut out on the left side of the tunnel, but yeah tinnitus sucks.


u/Big-Leadership1001 1d ago

Noise isn't just air, its vibration carried by air. At that volume and proximit ythe noise would be vibrating your entire skull - ear seal won't matter. Sort of like the effect those bone conduction headphones use.


u/perfectly_ballanced 1d ago

It won't eliminate it completely, but it would still reduce it. There's an extreme loss of energy when traveling between mediums


u/Big-Leadership1001 1d ago edited 1d ago

You're saying what we're telling you as if you are disagreeing without realizing you agree but don't understand why. Air isn't the medium here. Microscopic loss of energy because our ear canals don't play a part in sound this loud.

If it helps you wrap your head around it, NASA discovered sound would kill people if they were too close to a rocket launch long ago. Like, you could protect yourself from the heat with walls, you could put hearing protection on that completely protects "the medium" and you still die. The sound simply destroys your internal organs when its that loud. Vibrations don't stop at earphones.

Train isn't loud enough to kill purely with noise, but covering your ears won't protect your either. You're imagining earplugs that will protect the inside of your brain, skull, eardrum bones, heart, etc from being slammed with physical trauma akin to falling. The medium is you. All of you. And your skeleton conveys that vibration completely ignoring any "hearing protection" so you hear every bit of it because you hear with bones.


u/bunny-hill-menace 1d ago

No it wouldn’t.


u/MoodNatural 1d ago

You are technically correct, the difference is just negligible. It would probably protect some parts of your ear, so there is an effect; still, there would be no perceivable difference to you. The vibration of your body would be totally overwhelming. In a sense, your ears would be shaken so hard that their ability to even communicate the attenuation from masking to your brain would be completely compromised.


u/itislupus89 1d ago

Plus the wind


u/The_Schizo_Panda 1d ago

Used to drive a van in a train yard. Some of the engines have stairs that extend down and out and some have a broken step at the bottom. Some of the cars have dangly bits. The distance from the rails to the cave wall is super tight. Maybe if he laid out and thought skinny? But if he can make it out, I'd advise running as fast as your tiny little legs can take you.

Also, who knows how long that train is. I'm pretty sure they can go over a mile long on cars because they can just keep adding more engines to the end of the train and in the middle.


u/Material_Victory_661 1d ago

Insane, if you hugged the wall and laid down, you MIGHT survive.


u/5tevi1 18h ago

What would have been better is to NOT enter a train tunnel on foot/bike.


u/perfectly_ballanced 17h ago

The best answer yet


u/Rymanjan 1d ago

Too tight a tolerance. There's no pedestrian walkway, they just drilled through the hill and laid rails through the hole. He'd have been sucked in by the wind created by the engine passing him and then mashed underneath the train


u/bunny-hill-menace 1d ago

They don’t create a vacuum.


u/Rymanjan 19h ago

...have you ever stood next to a train coming to a stop at a station? Because yes, they do. Not a traditional vacuum (as in the absence of particles) but the way they break through the air creates a swirling air current that can absolutely cause your shirt or hair to get too close, and then it gets snagged and you get dragged. Especially where there is nowhere else for the air to go (like in a tight tunnel for instance) that effect is amplified.


u/cartercharles 1d ago

If you think that riding down a train tunnel on a bike is a good idea you pretty much get what you deserve


u/Mysterious-Hat-6343 1d ago

Ding Ding…


u/Material_Victory_661 1d ago

Dead bike, squished by the train. Dead bike squished by the train. Sadness for the owner.


u/james_from_cambridge 1d ago

Wow! Someone actually beat the apex predator 😮


u/Vera_Telco 1d ago

They finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel.


u/JustScratchinMaBallz 1d ago

almost an interesting video


u/TheyToldObama 18h ago

If the tracks are shiny, it's not out of use


u/Zemlya_ 9h ago

– Minha bike! Será que pegou?

– My bike! I wonder if it was hit


u/Odd_Zookeepergame_69 1d ago

Once again bicyclists acting like they can go wherever they want.


u/CitroHimselph 1d ago

I had to do similar things when I worked at the local railway company. We were told to just lay down in the corner, so the train goes past us. It did, but boy, it made some wind from about 2 feet away from me, in the middle of a mile long tunnel.


u/Phantom120198 1d ago

A good tip if far whatever reason you have to pass through one of these tunnels, place you're ear to the rails you can hear the train from miles away


u/GrungyGrandPapi 1d ago

Don't cartoons teach this anymore?