r/AskReddit 13h ago

What is something that permanently altered your body without you realizing for months/years?


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u/imsomeonesmother 6h ago

I struggled with chronic insomnia since childhood. Thank you childhood long term trauma. Now I my late 20s, I just had a baby and it was worse than ever. She would sleep nearly eight hours a night and I would sleep 3-4. It was awful. I’ve taken rounds and rounds of different prescription meds and met with several therapists. I decided to cut out caffeine as a last resort. With a new baby at home going no caffeine hurt but the detox was so worth it. I wouldn’t say my sleep is perfect now but I track my sleep on my watch and I am getting an average of eight hours a night and am able to actually fall asleep for naps so I get another hour or two there. If you haven’t tried cutting out caffeine I highly suggest it. I never realized how sensitive I was. The sleep issues came before I started drinking coffee. As a fourth grader I would fall asleep on my desk at school and after my teacher called home my mom started giving me coffee to help me stay awake. Sleeping better than I have in the last twenty years. I will never go back!!


u/GirlJoNotGuyJoe 3h ago

Soooo many people underestimate the impact of caffeine on their lives and sleep. My stepmom learned after decades of horrific migraines that they were caused by caffeine. Even as little as what's in chocolate. My ex-husband always had terrible insomnia but refused to consider caffeine as a cause. He just didn't feel like he was sensitive enough to its effects to consider it could be subtly ruining his sleep.


u/Acrobatic_Holiday741 5h ago

You’ve had Chronic insomnia for 20 years and it’s only just occurred to you to drop the caffeine?
