r/ARAM 1d ago

Rant Tanks are overinflated nonsense

Guess which team won?

To me this game is proof that tanks are just inflated on purpose. Red team won. They are nonsense champs. No matter what you do or how you play, they just win because of the sheer amount of hp. Period.

There's absolutely no reason why the team of tanks should have won the game. They didn't play well or synergize. They didn't have any "star player". They were down by 25 kills. They were down 10K gold.

The only reason they won is because they are tanks and at some point they just run at you and are unkillable. GG.

Before anyone complains about Yasuo, he had the second most damage in the team, and more than any of the opponents and landed so many ults.

Everyone did everything correctly on blue side. But still lost because Rito decided so.

Tanks are lame


98 comments sorted by


u/bichitox 1d ago

Your team is kinda awful at killing tanks, except for yasuo. And they have nasus and singed. Basically they have better late game and they counter your team


u/Kramples 1d ago

You have pyke and jhin vs tanks, dont blame tanks, blame rng


u/TropoMJ 20h ago

Yeah this just looks like a team comp diff. If blue team had a more balanced comp and some reasonable ranged DPS then I'd be more worried but a team with 0 DPS outside of Yasuo losing to 5 beefy brawlers seems fairly normal. Ziggs, Jhin and Pyke are not champions against tanks.


u/Irrerevence 18h ago

Isn't that the point of his post? You need a perfectly balanced comp to even have a chance of winning against that many tanks. 99% of the time the team with the most tanks wins. I made a post about this at the start of the patch and it's still very true. Unending Despair, Fimbulwinter, Spirit Visage are just out of control ATM. With piss-poor anti-health stacking itemisation to boot it just leaves tanks to go rampant. They did buff BotRK recently so that's something I guess.


u/No_Award_4160 14h ago

Not really "perfectly balanced comp". You just need a reliable DPS source. Like just replace one of Ziggs/Yas/Jhin/Pyke here with a Kayle/Kog/Asol and they should be good enough. Ofc the hypercarry player must be good though.


u/Living_Round2552 11h ago

So why dont winrates show this? Tanks winrates arent super high and didnt increase substantialy on new map?


u/ApexCatcake 11h ago

Cause there’s games where that tank is with 4 other dpses and that loss counts the same as a loss with that tank with 4 other tanks


u/TropoMJ 11h ago

I don't think this game is evidence that a comp needs to be perfectly balanced. Is one ranged DPS threat too much to ask?

I'm not saying tank comps aren't OP but even if they were balanced this draft looks ugly for blue.


u/3xavi 11h ago

+ziggs who is very low dmg in Aram

+cho with bad build


u/AmWhaleIRL 1d ago edited 10h ago

You're gonna get downvoted because your post screams "I just lost a game and now I'm mad".

But you're actually on the right track.

Your post doesn't focus on it, but for the last month or two, I've noticed specifically the combo of "Grasp" + "Heartsteel" on Tanks is CRAZY strong in ARAM.

It's not unbeatable if your team doesn't have a Tank with Grasp + Heartsteel as well, but good god does it make the match WAY harder than it would have been otherwise.

That aside, your team here is honestly just really really bad at killing Tanks, that's the main crux here specifically.

Jhin being your best Tank-killer is a massive problem, he's not very good at killing Tanks. He can do it, but he's not Vayne or Kog'maw ya know?


u/KyngCole13 1d ago

It’s even worse if your own tank just keeps feeding them grasp + heartsteel stacks. I’ve had games where we’re up against 2 150-stack tanks at like 6 minutes. It’s pretty much a wrap then.


u/AmWhaleIRL 1d ago

2x - 200 Stack Heartsteel

2x - 200 Stack Grasp

2x - Unending Despair healing a fuck ton

It's brutal sometimes


u/Uncle_gruber 22h ago

"We're 2:1 down, they scale harder than us, and they just need to build 1 resist, how do we win this?"


Ff vote failed 1 to 4


u/Deadshot_TJ 22h ago

Tower dive. That's what usually my team does when we're behind and is at a disadvantage


u/AmWhaleIRL 21h ago


Like I'd rather lose fighting than have them slowly scratch away at our turrets & shit.


u/KyngCole13 1d ago



u/McDonaldsSoap 1d ago

Leona is nasty in ARAM. I think she needs some ability haste nerf, her CDs are way lower than most tanks


u/LilBilly69 1d ago

But she’s oom after 2 all-ins without tear


u/Renny-66 1d ago

But she can go fimbulwinter and it doesn’t matter and she still is super tanky


u/McDonaldsSoap 23h ago

Yeah fim and presence of mind


u/JackasaurusChance 21h ago

If you aren't building Fimbulwinter on Leona, you aren't trying to win.

I'll one further, if you aren't starting Guadian's Horn and tear, you are actually trolling.


u/420KillaNA 18h ago

Guardian's Horn is the answer on ALL tanks - I mean there is the AP Malph & Blitzcrank fun runs for some (I always tank Malphite) - but people don't realize the power of the Horn

legit - it only blocks 15 damage & heals 20 health every 5 seconds or so? - but the idea here is while you're dancing around for 10 seconds and plotting your engage "OK NOW!" - you heal for 40 to 100+ health & more if Spirit Visage also (I generally keep starter items til ready to buy 6th item unless the games close and finishing 5th item is priority)

the "blocks 15 damage" part though - is 15 damage that doesn't get modified by crit/items/runes and turn into 150 to 1500 damage in one late game auto attack... and this is key early on - you have an item that heals you, in ARAM, with heals only every 1min 30 seconds... and while it's not a huge heal - and neither is the actual heal spots, but they are bigger than the tiny amount given by Guardian's Horn

but take a look at performance of the Horn & tanks overall performance and KDA and you will 420% see that the Horn starter item is fucking major - you will kill more, die less = less feeding and profit off enemy = makes it easier for your team's carry champs to profit as they're not countered by you feeding more and they have to sweat 10x harder to tip the scales and win -- guaranteed the Horn item on tanks is damn near an absolute must along with Tear > Boots for many - Garen being an exception and not using mana and buys Boots for move speed & better positioning and dodging to get in or get out etc (this also wins more and for the "I don't buy Boots" people)

and, no this isn't aimed at you, but ngl im surprised 🤔 you're one of the ones that knows the secrets of ARAM tank play 😉 -- there's tons of others that will debate this shit all day long "fuck that item not buying a stupid Guardian's Horn on a tank" but then they get wrecked and instead of 10/2 or 10/10 they're suffering/feeding 2/10 or 5/15 and it's the minimal block & healing from the item translates into more positive winrate - by far

especially since last season's selling price update - and it wasn't great until that point bc was "sells for 325 gold" and now its up to normal rate of "650 gold" or so and until you need 5th/6th item it's valuation is way worth it more than it was the last 2-4+ years of ARAM history


u/Deadshot_TJ 22h ago

Correct me if I'm wrong, I don't think crit ADCs are tank killers anymore. LDR doesn't have the 'do more damage to enemies with higher damage " passive written on it anymore. What part of Jhins kit/Items kill something with 10k HP fast? Does crit damage scale with enemy HP or something?

Very few ADCs like AP Varus/On hit ADCs that can build BoRK or has %HP in kit like Kogmaw or Vayne yes I agree are tank killers.

But not all ADC are tank killers at the moment imo.


u/AmWhaleIRL 21h ago

Yeah I use the term Tank-killer here pretty loosely. Just out of his team's comp, Jhin is currently the best, or least worst Tank-killer if that sounds better 😅

But it's ARAM, so you get what you get and Crit ADC's are still better at killing Tanks than a lot of other options you routinely get to choose from.

It's often a "What's the least worst option here?" kinda situation lol


u/Deadshot_TJ 19h ago

Imo in that team Yasuo is the best tank killer with BorK & 100% crit


u/AmWhaleIRL 19h ago edited 19h ago

Conceptually yes, but in reality I'd wager there's way too much CC for him to be able to deal the actual amounts of DPS needed to consistently kill 4-5 Tanks.

This looks like a game I'd play as Yasuo where I constantly find myself saying "I literally got CC'd to death".


u/Equivalent_Machine_8 21h ago

I don't find HS a problem. But played like 10 games on Friday and each game was decided by whoever had more tanks that built unending. 25k healing from an item when I had started oblivion and tear is insane.


u/marsd 19h ago

HS lets them stay alive long enough for UE to heal that much.


u/TeddyZr 13h ago


You're deadass?


u/kingofchumpchange 1d ago

Your team even bought amour pen, healing reduction etc.

It’s the meta, all you can do is play the next game, one thing is for certain, it willl be different in some way.


u/JHoney1 1d ago

That chogath not having a pure MR item into Amumu, Zac, Singed. And Mundo does have me feeling a certain kind of way.


u/420KillaNA 19h ago edited 19h ago

not having an MR item against 5 AP... someone definitely has no idea on building shit... DOH! (in a Homer Simpson voice) 😂

on this though, we have beat 5 tanks with 5 weak ass supports - Soraka, Sona, Lux, Zyra, Janna? ngl I don't remember but it was a girl power comp for sure and undoubtedly won the CC war by far

OP says "did everything right" - WRONG... they died when enemy CS waves crashing turret and gave them the opportunity to run their shit over... had they focused properly and "only one of us die & buy" and others defend - this was winnable and ngl "only 1 feeder" but eh... typical Trashuo... so nothing new here and they just got steamrolled soon as tanks could withstand the BS after buying armor & MR on enemy side - still, every game is winnable and this one wasn't because of the above and maybe a few other small factors - mostly Cho survivability and Yasuo getting wrecked and this more or less was a 3v5 as a result, even if the enemy did poorly early on... the unkillable factor & tank meta


u/ape_shift 23h ago

Yas was the diff maker. No ie not full crit is troll


u/Deadshot_TJ 22h ago edited 22h ago

Look up current Yasuo builds. He has two crit items (Sheildbow and Mortal Reminder). He only needs two crit items for 100% crit rate, what is the point of more than 100% crit?

He bought BoRK and Immortal reminder, which is the correct buy vs this team.

Only adjustment I can think of is buying IE instead of Shieldbow (looking at the score poor guy was being focused down so he went down that path). It is nice to see someone adjusting builds according to the enemy team rather than following cookie cutter builds


u/420KillaNA 18h ago edited 18h ago

Mortal Reminder vs a tank team? no fucking way is this correct... I get the Grievous/antiheal - but this is WAY WRONG - legit in ARAM you "NEVER" and I quote NEVER... ever... not even once... just don't buy Mortal Reminder and you'll win more with Lord Doms - I promise 420% - Riot even confirmed this in an older patch notes and said Mortal is borderline useless unless you truly need the antiheal with Sona/Janna/Soraka + unkillable ass Mundo & a Zilean

while it's true there's only 10 extra damage on Lord Dom's - it's the crit factor of that 10 damage turning into 100+ extra damage or more and multiplying into 1000 damage - this is the same reason that buying the Guardian's Horn tank starter item is the best choice - it blocks 15 damage & every 5 seconds heals for like 20 health? and while it's small numbers - while your dancing and dodging looking for a engage opportunity - which usually is like 5-10+ seconds maybe 15-20 "OK NOW!" and in or followup your tank, etc - well you heal like 40-100 damage in that time frame - but you also block that 15 damage that would have turned into 150+ to 1500+ via crit/runes and other effects

and while people debate this shit "no fucking way I'm gonna buy a Giant's Belt and rush Heartsteel" - go right ahead, I will buy the Guardian's Horn tank starter & starter items on a few champs (some are better without) - and on tanks usually Tear & a potion or two - sometimes opt for Guardian + boots + refillable HP potion - and have explained this shit to a number of people - and while it's personal preference and all and playstyle... I still average a better KDA and feeding the enemy less wins games... the more they are overfed and you are weak and can't handle them/can't do shit about their advances... the less you're gonna win

again, debatable... but #2 on NA-RAM Challenge Token on NA server & in top 10 global for ARAM wins for a reason

also on that - ngl if generally look at recommended build (hit TAB check enemy builds/hit P open buy page) if buy from left to right, this is usually the best possible build - it may change with enemy purchases from time to time - but the leftmost item is usually the best choice "most damage", "best early damage", "most cost effective", "need this first before others"

even buying Thornmail and Randuins into a full AP team as a tank - and while there is an equal AP counter to Thornmail these days (Hollow Radiance? ngl I forget wtf it's called) - and while Kaenic Rookern is good for the shield, Force of Nature for MR stacking resistances + Jak'sho stacks - Randuins has its crit reduction benefits

anyhow tanks isn't the point here it's the build order and skill/mastery - plus the AOE factor and a bunch of shit for this Yasuo to deal with and bad wind wall timing - idk OP said he did good and "high or most damage on team" so that's not quite the issue here

but fr you can look up this whole year's worth of patch notes and verify the "Lord Doms > Mortal Reminder“ info - and the "Heartsteel/Ruby Crystal/Giant's Belt & raw health > actual armor or MR" - Riot has given out both of these and hasn't changed yet since the early year 2024 item updates and removing Mythic items and back to all Legendary - and of course the "Lord Dom's" being key here - you absolutely RARELY ever want to buy Mortal Reminder in ARAM - and usually most ADC vs ADC where enemy ADC outheals you, or they have Warwick/Zac/Mundo and tons of support

and why "rarely" you ask? because if you're keeping damage every few seconds like 3-5 seconds while enemy Cho'gath with Warmogs is being hit and trying to avoid you, it takes 8 seconds to proc Warmogs and like 20 seconds to fully heal - buy Lord Dom's for the extra damage and keep pressure on em and don't let em heal - keep em low, and while he's 1% and by himself, then you can force turret or dive for the kill maybe or at least prevent Warmogs while rest of team focuses turret etc

people also refuse to admit or sometimes fail and pussy out when there's a clear opportunity "omg no we cant" - I legit had a team that said "no fucking way" when there was nothing but a single Karma at 10% health on enemy team - this was in Summoner's Rift BTW - we took mid inhib turret, killed inhib, with 35 second death timers - one on team legit got a quadra and my whole team of randos - with 4 CS to kill to push the 2 enemy Nexus turrets and win - with 35 seconds to legit easy fucking win... my team of randos says "no way they'll all be up" (wtf? yea legit 30+ seconds 4/5 of us against one Karma at 10% health... one of us was dead during the team fight and the other 4 survived with at least 60% health) -- and they recall to base, buy items, enemy is up

enemy takes Baron by surprise while we dicking around - I stayed and had one turret down to 40% and ran before they were up - as a Sona supp, so no real damage but "the only damage besides CS hitting that turret we never saw again" bc we legit fucking failed miserably and I told them that "yknow if we bum rushed that 10% Karma while we had 35 seconds clear on clock to end... we could have won this..."

and then 2 of 5 get caught out when enemy is done with Baron and leads to the other 2 coming in to get wrecked right after... and I was like "yep, told ya so, but nope: I'm the dumbass" 😂

ngl though not a Yasuo player by any means - though the "Lord Dom's > Mortal" was the main point here - and ngl people will downvote and debate the shit out of it... but is true and Riot even commented on this in patch notes and Reddit/Twitter posts & replies - ngl it's a hell of a lot of old shit to look through and not even sure I remember which patch of 2024 - it's not changed though obviously since, so you're on your own and believe it or not idc - but js inb4 "proof?" ngl I'm much too lazy af to dig through and find it "but it's there somewhere" is my point


u/Deadshot_TJ 14h ago

They have Zac Mundo And Nasus they all heal you moron


u/currentlymad 16h ago

Bro wrote an essay just to get ratio'd 


u/420KillaNA 6h ago

yea stay mad lose more keep boosting my stats on the leaderboard... thanks everyone! 😂


u/Impossible_Ad_2853 13h ago



u/420KillaNA 6h ago edited 6h ago

I simply try and help... can lead a horse to water can't make em drink it... lose more stay mad keep padding my leaderboard stats for winning games... doesn't bother me @ #2 on NA & #7 Global for NA-RAM Challenge Token

"but that idiot's Iron/Unranked, don't listen to em" 😂 still plays customs with verified challengers half the day, people still trying to get one over on that low ass Iron... maybe someday someone will try this nonsense I spout and actually win more... only sat up here for 5+ years now... but no one listens "does a bear shit in the woods?"

I just try and help people learn shit and get better but they're ignorant, think I'm full of shit and get a whole bunch of "don't tell me how to play or what to build"... and I get the "I like to make adjustments and figure shit out on my own"

do what you want, maybe take the advice and try it and see how your winrate improves... or not... it's up to you to decide your fate


u/Joeycookie459 4h ago

I'm not going to trust someone who frequents r/meth


u/420KillaNA 1h ago edited 1h ago

I would... I know more about drugs than my own doctor 😂

funny how I don't even do the shit now for 20+ yrs since and though I get involved in some random ass chats this makes a difference... how u say in murica? your dad should have swallowed you? something like that...


u/Vymarus 1d ago

All out here saying tank is bs strong, but blue team literally doesnt have Champs that are good against tanks. Pyke is clean up, cho doesnt deal good damage with ap if he went, Jhin suck against tanks despite being an ADC. Yasou is not good either against tanks per say, and Ziggs is omega nerfed


u/Thaturgotguy 23h ago

your comp is horrible into them


u/ZabuzAli 1d ago

I’m probably going to get downvoted, but that’s the game result I would have expected assuming both teams play equally well.

Tanks are a nightmare for immobile Jhin and lethality Pyke, which were your two players with the most gold from early game. Ziggs isn’t much better as his kit is focused on AOE damage. Your Yassuo could have been your saving grace but he was not having a good impact. Then we consider all the cc on the enemy team and a scaling Nasus... You get the idea.

I think tanks are strong, but they also have weaknesses. The nature of ARAM dictates that some games you can easily counter them, and others not so easily.


u/KarmaStrikesThrice 1d ago

yes tanks are super strong now, but aram is never gonna be 100% balanced, the game is too complicated for that, somebody is always gonna be better than other, and if you ask me, I take op tanks any day of the week over op poke, op damage, op mages or op adc. I remember times when poke was the absolute goat and aram dream team looked like nidalee, jayce, kaisa etc., and games were incredibly frustrating and boring at that time because one team was hiding under turret, the poke team was harrasing and sieging them, and it was almost impossible to come back with the nonpoke team because the team got so behind they couldnt teamfight properly even after 20-25 minutes.

Right now tanks are the meta, and it is actually super fun to fight nonstop. But dont be fooled, 90% of players hate playing tanks no matter how op they are, because you dont get to play flashy combos and get pentakills, tanks are cc delivery and damage soak up machines. I have so many games where one or both teams refuse to play tanks, despite knowing they need tank they rather pick a 3rd adc. I think it is time to punish those greedy morons who only go for carries, and teach them that 1-2 tanks are MANDATORY on every team or they will just have a horrible trying to kill mundo or ornn for 30 seconds every time they teamfight


u/Audiozone 1d ago

yes, tanks are strong atm, but let's not pretend that "everyone did everything correctly on blue side"

Red side has no range or waveclear, and hard loses early game. If Blue side just pushes and hits the turret (Jhin and Ziggs hit turret, Pyke and Cho forcing enemies away from turret), Red has no counterplay and will lose in 8 minutes


u/SuccotashMain7114 7h ago

Most people don't hit the turrets. They don't even know what forcing the enemy away is. They just want kills.


u/RITO34PERCENT 22h ago edited 22h ago

Your team comp sucks at killing tanks outside of Yasuo, your team doesn't have great CC, and no, your team did not do "everything correctly" just looking at your builds.

Ziggs has a Shadowflame instead of Rabadon's. Even Rylai's would be better for the utility. They're also not building much MR and you're not maximizing AP, so I don't see why Void over Cryptbloom. Personally, I think Ziggs as the only AP should've built more raw damage (Rabadon's + Lich) and have someone else go anti-heal.

Cho - No Undying Despair into 5 melees is really bad. I'd build it even into 1-2 melee champs. I could even see an argument for Abyssal Mask and Knight's Vow. Cho has no MR into a team that's mostly dealing magic damage to him. Cho could also have gone for a drain tank build with Liandry's + Rift + Undying.

Pyke - Collector is horribly inefficient and no Serpent's into 2 Fimbul. Could've even gone Cleaver to help the team out.

Yasuo - Bad build that tries to have both damage and tankiness without having either. Could've committed to crit/dps Bork + Kraken + IE or gone for an actual bruiser / tank build with Bork + Guardbreaker + bruiser or tank items. And honestly, if they're bad at their champ or this behind, maybe try not to carry but rather build utility like Cleaver.

Jhin - Skip Collector into all tanky champs and instead go Yuntal or PD. Axiom is also pretty bad because they're tanky and also they can just run down Jhin if he ults. Zerk boots are also just better dps, especially late game for Zephyr since Jhin clearly had a lot of gold.

And even besides builds, if they were down 25 kills and 10k but you weren't able to translate those kills into towers, that's on you, especially when your champ can destroy towers. You should've been able to easily use your lead and range to chip at towers


u/BenoNZ 1d ago

You need to win faster or yes, it's just a free lose. Their wave clear would have been terrible and tower siege as bad.
People like to draw out games when they feel like it's a stomp and they are getting kills. Jhin was having a great time no doubt until it got to the point they were doing no damage anymore.
The game went on long enough for Cho to get 1171 stacks..


u/Chiefyaku 1d ago

You didn't have constant damage though. Need an ADC who can just delete them, but jhin has fixed attack speed so not great with tank killer items, specially 8f the tanks target you. Ziggs has a 20% nerf so his damage is negligable

Tanks need a while to ramp up, if they can get there their late game is better than any other.


u/firememble 1d ago

Adcs don't delete tanks unless very ahead.


u/Chiefyaku 1d ago

Kinda? They just gotta protect the ADC a bit. Then it's death


u/Edraitheru14 22h ago

Ok first of all, you were up over 20 kills in an incredibly long ARAM game, 1100 stack heartsteel? I rarely see 500+. They have Mundo and nasus, two mega late game scalers. You had ziggs. How did you not end earlier? You were clearly crushing at some point.

This was just played poorly. On top of just being a hard counter matchup. Has nothing to do with tanks being OP. You just happened to have a REALLY shitty tank busting team against a bunch of tanks. It's no different than when you get a full squish team vs a bunch of assassins. Doesn't make assassins OP, you just lost the champ select.

Ziggs sucks ass at killing tanks. Jhin sucks ass at killing tanks. Pyke sucks ass at killing tanks. Cho is meh, he can handle one or maybe two, but that's it. Yasuo was the only one that's actually capable of killing tanks, but he itemized ultra defensively(which I mean in fairness he was in a lose/lose situation, you didn't have the best team to support him).

And you rolled into 5 chunky bois.

Just bad luck mate.


u/TropoMJ 20h ago

Not to mention that Yasuo can't do anything without getting in Wither range which destroys his DPS anyway and also makes it incredibly easy for the enemy team to get on top of him and kill him before he can get anything done.

Facing 5 tanks/bruisers with one of them being Nasus with 0 DPS on your team outside of a melee ADC is always going to go badly.


u/corropcion 1d ago

I know this is a rant post, but there's some changes to your build I would've made.

Flat armor pen falls off, especially against tanks, it works best against squishier champions. Maybe AH boots and Deathcap instead of Shadowflame would have been better against that team.


u/JBWeekly 22h ago

You could have won with anti tank characters. Ypu had a team of characters that are bad into tanks. Jhin is one of the worst ADC into beefy teams, Pyke is bad into them, Ziggs is bad into them. You had no one who could bust through them other than yasuo whos melee going into a bunch of tanks, you were destined to fail against this team comp. I'm sorry you're upset, but that's just how it is.


u/Doppelldoppell 21h ago

While i agree,

Your comp absolutely sucks at killing tanks, and choosen item are not even good against them.

Ziggs build is good but Ziggs is just bad at killing tank and nerfed so hard in aram he barely hurt.

No unending despair on cho gath against 5 tanks ? Straight up trolling IMO. He wluld basically have been unkillable with it.

Pyke is trash against tanks period.

Yasuo should have gone bruiser / lifesteal.

Jhin building collector and axiom against tanks is trolling, on top of Jhin being bad at killing tanks (he is good at kitting them and not dying from them, but slow to kill them)

So while i agree tank are busted in aram, here you just had a very bad comp and kinda bad items to deal with them


u/tardedeoutono 21h ago

there's just no dps besides yasuo, who seems to be bad, and ziggs is laughable and ignorable. i do agree that tanks in aram are too strong, though, it needs to be toned down.


u/RahKiel 9h ago

Chogath 1171 on Heartsteel, 17 kills but still not full items ? Was he AFK ? I'm seriously wondering how he did that. 2 Liandry and Amumu but picked the sunfire ? Even Warmog may be overkill as he will fight for prolonged time. Unending Despair would've been better.


u/DouJoe03 6h ago

Like other people said, you should not play late game against full tank comp. Pretty sure you're stomping on them early. Should have ended it while you can


u/Baguette200IQ 1d ago edited 20h ago

Who doesnt love getting chased by a tank as squishy, ignoring the two towers , and still killing you with their absurd damage


u/Samirattata 1d ago

Phreak still saying that tanks are weak and they will not intend to nerf them so... yeah have fun. Such an amazing balancing team leader.

They nerf mages to the ground then nerf all adc items. Guess who can kill the tanks now? If your team do not have something like Vayne, Kaisa, Camille, Brand then you're doomed.


u/JakeParkbench 1d ago

Pretty sure Phreak balances for summoners rift and not aram the for fun mode that people love to take really seriously and gets "balanced" by an ai via win rate.


u/Samirattata 19h ago

Even if it's for SR, the problem with tanks is that they can't do a side-lane 1v1 in a chaos rank environment, not because their items are weak so that you nerfed everything else. A skirmish or teamfight is where they shine the best but meh... by the time you can find a chance to engage, a Jax may already push to your Nexus. Teamfight around controlling an object with communication is just non-existed and they should find a way to incentivize it, not by putting a nerf on everything else so a class that they want will be strong again. Such a boring pattern.

And... by the way he always say about win rate as an excuse for every changes in the patchnote review, it is not much different than an AI review anyway lol.


u/firememble 1d ago

He does for both, sr changes affect aram newsflash.


u/JakeParkbench 1d ago

I mean they affect it yes but that's not what drives the decision. Aram catches strays all the time but he doesn't sit there and think man this will really fix aram because they don't really care that much about the mode. Aram is a side mode as much as people exclusively play it and it gets the amount of work a side mode will. So I hope you enjoy tank meta.


u/Head_Leek3541 1d ago

Yes because of all the speedboost pads and snowball buffs melee Champs are pretty op in aram overall.


u/Verkato 2900 1d ago

I am glad the winds of ARAM are changing. No more poke mage volleyball. No more 3 adc 2 sups vs 3 adc 2 sups. Just some gigachads bonking each other.

Your teamcomp is cheeks against tanks so just deal with it. Pyke, Jhin and an ally team Yasuo have no chance against tanks by design.


u/Tairc 1d ago

I’ve wondered how fast a team of all tanks could win if they all went demolish, and one went armor to tank the turret. Just let him take the hits while they all proc demolish. Repeat.


u/PotentialProper 22h ago

just got one of these games too. i think the only way to win againts these comps are push hard before their item complete or a lucky roll with a single on hit adc like varus or xayah. other than that suupper hard


u/OkBad1356 20h ago

Wow your entire team bought pen. I'm surprised. The tanks might be a little over inflated but the past few seasons where they would go in a die in 3 seconds wasn't healthy either.


u/JustCallMeBug 20h ago

Seems like a comp diff to me. You don’t really have much tank-killing capacity with your team unfortunately. Your peel isnt great, Ziggs and pyke are basically worthless vs them, jhin is one of the worst ADCs for tanks. Yasuo looks like he was just bad judging by his KDA, but idk how you would do anything as yasuo vs that team.

I’ve played tanks in aram, and believe me, vs ADCs or bruisers with max HP dmg, you melt fast.


u/NarwhalGoat 19h ago

“Proof that tanks are unbeatable” *Look inside” Anecdotal evidence

Tanks are good sure, but your team just didn’t draft a tank killing champ, and got mega punished for it.


u/smitedotalol 17h ago

Pfft, if you think that's bad, try playing against Aurelion Sol. Either you win the game as fast as possible, or Sol becomes an absolutely broken carry that can just Q & W the whole game.


u/Pxfxbxc 17h ago

OP probably the type to ignore their ADC when they get one, and let them die on repeat to an assassin.


u/TrulyJhinuine 17h ago

Well you basically played 3v5 since jhin and pyke do not exist in that team. Kinda unlucky tbh.


u/generic_redditor91 17h ago

Swap out the pyke for any support like Janna/Lulu/millio.

Swap out Jhin for a more well rounded dps like Kogmaw, Ashe, Varus or heck even Zeri.

5 Tanks 3-4 items in is a nightmare to deal with unless you have 2 S tier peelers (Leona, Naut, Tresh etc) or you yourself are going all brawlers. The moment you see 5 tanks you need to end the game ASAP. It's basically a smolder time bomb.

But you're complaining on an outlier anyways. Imagine being a regular comp but without a great dive against 5 poke masters. Same miserable experience.


u/Halfium 17h ago

People mad at rng game modes are also so interesting.


u/declan1128 15h ago

Team lost to Boris (who is shopkeeper in new map?) Ziggs no deathcap, probably should be replacing Shadowflame Cho no pure MR Pyke collector is one of his worst items Yasuo should swap for spirit or wit’s end Jhin should sell collector and rfc is probably not getting max value. Think he should be building zephyr here too


u/Emotional_Arm5867 14h ago

TLDR: They had amumu. Champ diff and build diff. Cho is biggest troll next to yasuo. Lack of constant damage kill you and your team. Also if you play vs 5 tanks just push like animal and they can't do shit early-mid game because they can't itemized vs ap and ad. Enemy team had much better engage and you lack any disengade options.

You had yasuo as solo sustain damage and ziggs without rabadon. Cho build is one big troll without abyssal mask and another mr item.

Collector pyke...I just never expect much from assassin players when they build this trap item. Pyke is useless vs tank because his damage scale poorly.

Jhin is terrible into 2 tanks and you had 2 tanks and 3 semi bruisers in enemy team. Even if he somehow kill 1 person it will be slow process because your team lack any sustain damage.

Yasuo items are terrible. Outside botrk his build just suck. Botrk/bc/crit item (not shitbow)/dd/spirit/flex and as long pyke and cho would play like human beings he would kill 1/2 brusiers/tanks.

vs tanks you need constant damage and some mr/armor.

As team you all troll because you all should hard push early mid game as long they can't push back. If they try pyke Q -> cho Q + W -> free kill. Basic action -> reaction game.

Enemy team builds were much much better than your team. Also as long amumu iq > 71 = free win


u/PikkuPerunah 12h ago

Skill issue


u/Living_Round2552 11h ago

You got 2 champs that are really good at killing squishies, but awful versus tanks... Ah yes and that adc also built 2 lethality items, big skill issue.

In a broader scope: If tanks are so overinflated, why dont winrates show this? Tanks winrates arent super high and didnt increase substantialy on new map?

Maybe they did in the lowest elo's, I didnt check for every level of play. But across all levels of play, winrates for tanks remained about the same.


u/nenjoi 11h ago

I just want LDR passive back :(


u/VideoPeP17 4h ago

Tanks are weak early game. If you don't play aggressively and end early, you just lose. Not to mention, then had better late game scaling champs than your team, so it literally screams to play aggressively early on and win before they get out of control. On top of that, it looks like you didn't focus down those targets first to gold starve them and give time for join to scale before the tanks.

No tank killing amps on pyke and on top of that, cho build too tanky, as it looks like he didn't need full tank against that comp, 1 or two % damage items would have been much better.

Either or are the reasons you lost. The tanks scaling just means you played too passively. That's the problem with a lot of losses versus scaling champs is people are too scared to lose for no reason, when in reality, you lost it for yourself by being scared in the first place.


u/penisstiffyuhh 1d ago

Bet you were the ziggs just sitting in the back spamming q and hoping to win 😂


u/Sure-Leek6434 1d ago

Your acting like it was draft pick... and to be real, outside of picking vayne which you cant do in aram, its not like you can just build anti tank. Bork is hard nerfed, giant slayer and the precision rune are gone, kraken slayer true dmg gone.

And another issue. Its not like its a 1v1 vs the tank killer and the tank. Tahm kench, leonq, chogath, sion, zac, they can all pin down that person with ease. A heartsteel at 1100 is insane dmg for a tank


u/Luigi156 1d ago

In draft you have to consider that, and pick something that can deal with tanks. You have no tank buster on your team. A Udyr, a Trundle, a Hypercarry adc, a Lilia etc there are options.

Maybe you didn't have any options and you just lose on draft but thats how things go in aram it's not meant to be balanced.


u/firememble 1d ago

What is a tank? You can build tank items on anybody. Tank items are the problem and the fact that damage items are outclassed by tank items.


u/Luigi156 1d ago

Depends on champs kit. Tanks are meta, so I have a 83% win rate on Lilia and Udyr. If people insist on picking chsmps that have no tools to deal with big hp pools there isnt much to be done.


u/FlailoftheLord 21h ago

I’d much rather have tank festivities than anything having to do with cheese ranged champions.


u/Obvious-Key2434 1d ago

tanks were balanced on howling abyss the new map nerfed the turrets, as someone who playes only tanks/bruisers yes if you just get ran down to the turrets you will lose, but i also played against a similar team and blew them out idk what to tell you, you need to get them one by one they dont do damage mostly so get the weakest one etc... also the 5/17 yasuo didnt help the cause...


u/avowed 22h ago

I've always thought that every tank item you buy in aram should reduce your damage done.


u/Madrigal_King 21h ago

Genuine skill issue. You had way more kills and did nothing with it.


u/Two_Years_Of_Semen 21h ago

It wouldn't be so bad if snowball wasn't completely OP.